1.15 Minecraft Bug List (PvP Related)


Active member
May 29, 2020
This will be a running list of 1.15 related PVP bugs.

If the player is holding the sprint key and attacks something (like a mob or other player), this will not interrupt their sprint, as it does with a double-tap sprint. However, the server assumes that this does interrupt the sprint, and the player's server state is changed accordingly. This results in a situation where the client thinks the player is sprinting and the server thinks they are not.
One effect of this is that knockback distance is reduced, since that is calculated on the server. From the player's perspective, their first hit while sprinting will cause much more knockback than all following hits, until they restart their sprint. This is counter-intuitive, since the sprint could go on for any length of time, reducing knockback for no apparent reason, whereas restarting the sprint will instantly allow the extra knockback.
Here is a video demonstration of the bug:
Any fix for this will change gameplay noticeably. Preserving the client behavior and fixing the server to stay in sync will make sprint knockback much more powerful. Changing the client to match the server means that sprinting will be interrupted when attacking, which players may consider regressive.
Some possible compromises:
  • Fix the server to match the client, but reduce the sprint knockback bonus in general, to balance it out
  • Fix the server, and add a timed cooldown between sprint knockbacks
  • Fix the server, but use other factors to reduce knockback, such as the target's velocity and sprinting state
Summary: Server treats double tapping W and the Sprint button differently which effects knockback in a weird way. For the best knockback results, reset your sprint key every time you hit someone.

One would expect particles to be generated in this situation, but they are not. Comparison of a shulker box and a real shulker shown.
Summary: The title says everything.

Put the summary of the bug you're having here
What I expected to happen was...:
that the sprinting stopped when you start sneaking/blocking with a shield
What actually happened was...:
that the Character continued to sprint while sneaking/blocking with a shield/doing both.
The sprinting (while sneaking and/or activating a shield has the following properties:
The Character moves faster while sneaking and/or blocking with a shield then when doing so without sprinting (but you are slower then walking normally).
The sprinting practicals are visible.
The FOV increases like it would do in normal sprinting.
Jumping while sprinting while blocking with a shield is faster then doing so without jumping.
Hitting a wall stops the sprint.
You can not start sprinting while sneaking and/or blocking, loading a bow/crossbow, or holding up a trident.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Sprint and continue holding the forward moving button
2. Sneak and/or block with a shield (While continuing to hold the forward button)
3. The Character now sneaks and/or blocks with a shield slightly faster!

Summary: If the sprint button is held and then you shift, you move slightly faster while shifting and you keep the sprint particles.

*Credit goes to all those who have worked on these bug trackers. Links are listed.*

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