Athios Halloween Story :)


Active member
Jul 14, 2020
The Halloween Hub Hullabaloo of Horror


JoeyMinecraft1978 has joined the game.

<JoeyMinecraft1978> hey guys whats up

<JoeyMinecraft1978> anyone down for some snd

<JoeyMinecraft1978> hello?

<JoeyMinecraft1978> come on guys, it's halloween, let's get some games

<JoeyMinecraft1978> theres five people right now we can have some fun

saPPia has joined the game

<saPPia> Greetings.

Lizardheart> Let the ritual begin.

Cobra_Command> Let the ritual begin.

<Leprechauns> Let the ritual begin.

GlitchManMax> Let the ritual begin.

<JoeyMinecraft1978> hey sappia

<JoeyMinecraft1978> whoa what was that

<JoeyMinecraft1978> sort of creepy guys

<GlitchManMax> He came from the stars,

<Cobra_Command> He gave us a home,

<Lizardheart> He gave us a family,

<JoeyMinecraft1978> lol this is funny guys

<Leprechauns> He gave us salvation,

<saPPia> And he only asked for one thing.

<JoeyMinecraft1978> can we play after this

Lizardheart> Now you can have a home,

Cobra_Command> Now you can have a family,

GlitchManMax> Now you can have salvation,

<Leprechauns> And it will only cost you one thing.

saPPia> OK guys that's enough :p

GlitchManMax> lol

GlitchManMax> that's all I have written anyway

<JoeyMinecraft1978> oh is it for a class or just for fun

GlitchManMax> it's just for personal fulfillment I guess :)

Lizardheart> hey Joey, wanna see this easter egg we found?

<Leprechauns> oh yeah, it's really cool

<JoeyMinecraft1978> sure then we can play

saPPia> Absolutely.

<JoeyMinecraft1978> whoa when did they add this

<JoeyMinecraft1978> did you get it from the end

<JoeyMinecraft1978> its so weird

<JoeyMinecraft1978> i dont feel so good

<JoeyMinecraft1978> i think im blacking out

<JoeyMinecraft1978> call my parents

<JoeyMinecraft1978> please they are

JoeyMinecraft1978 has exited the game.

<GlitchManMax> well I think I've put in enough hours of afking today guys

<Lizardheart> yeah i'll hang around though

<Cobra_Command> I gotta go to bed

<saPPia> me too

<GlitchManMax> bye

GlitchManMax has left the game.

<Leprechauns> I should eat dinner too

Cobra_Command has left the game.

saPPia has left the game.

Leprechauns has left the game.

Martoph has appeared in the game.

<Martoph> Well done.

<Martoph> I can not say how proud I am of all of you.

<Lizardheart> Thank you.

Lizardheart has left the game.

Martoph reigns.


Happy Halloween! 🎃

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