Balancing Burst


New member
Oct 7, 2020
So that Burst nerf seems utterly ineffective. Instead of nerfing it's strength, nerf it's instantly available, always max-damage shots. It has no melee counter besides a very skilled (and reckless) Ninja or Pyro (That's only in an ideally open area, if you're enclosed with the burst, you're doomed too). Here are some options:

Changes that would introduce new counters:
- Porcupine Takes minimal damage from Burst arrows
- Frozen hands (Frost) prevents all bows from being used/Burst's bow from being usable
- Burst can only fire Fully charged arrows & Melee damage resets Burst's bow pull progress. (Consider rebalancing it's explosive damage)

General balancing options:
- Burst's explosive damage scales with pullback duration
- XP Bar emptys upon shooting a shot, X amount of time before another shot does full explosive damage (Consider rebalancing it's explosive damage)

Some clarification...

This is not to say Burst shouldn't be able to handle melee-only kits, as Trooper is uber powerful and I appreciate that Burst can take it out with the right technique. However... it shouldn't be able to win every melee kit encounter. It seems that the common distaste for the kit is that there is no way to properly handle a burst with melee. There are plenty of unused Melee kits that could be made far more usable by giving it more counter options. I am not suggesting that all these changes are made, I am suggesting the addition of a burst encounter that doesn't immediately deter you from playing the game against a burst main.
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Well-known member
May 25, 2020
I think explosive damage scaling with pullback would be the best solution, if that doesn't work, XP bar cooldown would probably be the next best.

I could see kit-specific changes working, as long as they aren't just exceptions made specific to burst, since I feel like that would just overcomplicate things.

i.e. Instead of porcupine ignoring burst arrows, it could just be given blast protection. This would have a similar effect and make the change to the kit more intuitive and easy to understand.


New member
Oct 7, 2020
i.e. Instead of porcupine ignoring burst arrows, it could just be given blast protection. This would have a similar effect and make the change to the kit more intuitive and easy to understand.
I wouldn't want to undermine the strengths of Explosives and Demolition or trigger.
I've changed my post:
Porcupine ignores burst arrows > Porcupine receives minimal damage from Burst projectiles/explosive damage.

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