Game mode for Athios


New member
May 30, 2020
Hello everyone!

So since Athios is a server with a lot of potential there will be more game modes on the server at some point.
Of course we have the OG game modes from Redwarfare and Redwarfare 2.0 but I felt like posting another game mode idea to add to the server in the future.

I am sure some people have heard of Dwarves vs Zombies!
I played this game 5 years ago and shortly after that the servers that hosted this game mode died and the game has been forgotten since.
I would love to take this opportunity to describe what this game is all about and would hope for it to be revived on Athios in the near future. (and I am aware that we need a substantial playerbase first in order to add more games!)

So the game is in principal dwarves (normal players) vs Zombies (all mobs in game). Although 5 years ago there weren't as many mobs in the game as at present date but I am sure that adding a few could be interesting.

Objective of the game:
The dwarves are spawned in the close vicinity of an altar which has a certain amount of hp. The dwarves are given different kits that have individual purpose in preparing for the massive mob swarm after some amount of preparation time. The goal is for the mob swarm to reach the altar and destroy it. To help the mobs orientate themselves there is a large bedrock road leading to the base of the dwarves. Whereas the dwarves have to defend with every last breath. The dwarves can build any structure they would like to defend the altar and may also make fortifications on the bedrock road, but only to a certain distance to the spawn of the herd since spawn camping is a *****. If the Dwarves can successfully defend against the Herd for some given time the game winning Objective will be to defeat the Ender Dragon (The Herd never stops attacking). Once the Ender Dragon is defeated the game is over and the Dwarves win.

-Different mini bosses like the Wither or some custom buffed mob can be added to the game for OP rewards and to make it more fun. Would be an addition to consider imo.

The Herd:
The Herd consists of all mobs in the current game. A handful of people would spawn as mobs after the preparation time and are granted 3 spawn eggs in their inventory. Those spawn eggs are be different every respawn and give the players the ability to choose what mob they want to play as with that life. The options are endless ranging from being a skeleton to being a blaze, cave spider or even a wither skeleton. Now with the many updates Minecraft has made there are many more mobs to be added like the Pillagers or Vexes. Each mob has a different kit, which makes them unique. Some are more damage based, some more tanky and some have more utility items. The many different mobs makes playing the herd as fun as it sounds!

- Items and stats for each kit will be discussed in the future if this game mode is wanted and accepted!!!

The Dwarves:
For the Dwarves there are certain obligations in order to defend against the Herd. There are 5 different kits that can help them to successfully defend. There is the Weapon Specialist, the Armor Specialist, the Alchemist, the Baker and the Builder. Each kit has its duty and only together can one succeed. Each kit has to perform certain tasks to gain their kit specific items to either keep or also share with the rest of the Dwarves. Sharing is caring!
for example the builders are in charge of making fortifications like a castle, towers along the Bedrock road anything else one could think of. he has a book in his hotbar which he can right click to gain blocks. Those blocks are used to build anything imaginable. after using up a certain amount he can right click the book again to gain even more blocks. As a reward for building massive structures in the limited preparation time he gets bonus items which only builders can get. For example maybe a magic wand with special abilities or something in that direction.

For the rest of the kits, the ordinary items the Weapon and Armor Specialists produce are regular diamond armor at the beginning and gain a higher level for each "production" of an item. As a reward they gain "Legendary" Armor or Weapons which either can have custom enchants or just the best enchants in the game.
The Baker produces food and as a reward can gain golden apples and maybe even in some cases a notch apple (very rare).
The Alchemist brews potions and can get either a "Lucky" or "Unlucky" potion as a reward. "Lucky" potions have positive effects like strength or speed and the "Unlucky" potion has negative effects like poison or weakness.

I hope you all get the gist of this game. I personally loved it 5 years ago and am very disappointed that it vanished from servers. Would love to play it again and if there are any questions feel free to ask. I will reply as soon as possible!

PS: I would love to be part of the development if it has potential to being added :)


Active member
May 30, 2020
I have some concerns. The server already has a very small base and splitting them into two gamemodes will cause playercount issues. Secondly, developing and hosting the gamemode costs valuable time and money that are better utilized towards advertising.

And lastly, and most importantly, DvZ already is being remade by some fans. A quick google search gives you this reddit thread:
Athios is currently in no position to compete with several other fan-remakes, to put it mildly.


New member
May 30, 2020
I have some concerns. The server already has a very small base and splitting them into two gamemodes will cause playercount issues. Secondly, developing and hosting the gamemode costs valuable time and money that are better utilized towards advertising.

And lastly, and most importantly, DvZ already is being remade by some fans. A quick google search gives you this reddit thread:
Athios is currently in no position to compete with several other fan-remakes, to put it mildly.
I am fully aware of the playerbase problem and I specifically mentioned that once there is a sufficient playerbase it could be added.
There are always multiple servers with the same game mode. That is imo not an excuse not to add it to Athios. Let other peope make their version and let us make ours :D


May 31, 2020
I am fully aware of the playerbase problem and I specifically mentioned that once there is a sufficient playerbase it could be added.
There are always multiple servers with the same game mode. That is imo not an excuse not to add it to Athios. Let other peope make their version and let us make ours :D
Agreed, Athios literally launched snd while another server already had snd up lol

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