Accepted Iron Works


Jun 7, 2020
This is a remastering of a map I made for disasters back on Redwarfare so hopefully it comes with a bit of nostalgia for the older players.
Please feel free to share your opinions and suggestions regarding the map.
Also should this map be accepted please make sure Laddoss receives his mapmaker rank as he did not after our last map was accepted.

Map Name: Iron Works
Authors: tababysuper and Laddoss
Description: The workers of this shipyard have been sent home early in anticipation of a record storm approaching.

Flood Levels
Start y = 37
Stop y = 51

Powerup Locations
(Marked By Wet Sponges)
1. 0 48 -62
2. -49 43 -53
3. -71 54 -63
4. -88 43 -29
5. -71 39 -17
6. -41 39 -6
7. -15 43 -9
8. -15 48 -48
9. -10 48 -86
10. 2 42 -64
11. -86 43 -65
12. -71 45 -60
13. -50 62 -29
14. 1 57 -83


Download Link:


Oct 1, 2020
In the sixth image, is that a little forklift parked in a garage? It’s so cute! I love it!


Active member
Jun 24, 2020
This is a really cool map! I vaguely remember this one from RWF and I love the improvements you've made on it! The map you made with the invisible item frames is very intuitive, it's awesome !! So are all of the little pieces of equipment across the map

I don't have many real complaints. I think this is a solid start to a map!

My only concern is the water, and I know there was some discussion in Discord about it, but I'd like to add that the bottom of the water looks very pretty and detailed with slabs, stairs, kelp, etc. All of those "waterlogged" blocks are going to make obsidian around them every time water is lava is called. So not only will you have a large amount of fluid being changed, but the obsidian is going to be extremely laggy. On my Shipyard Showdown map, it was hard to find a good replacement for water, and eventually I redid the theme entirely to make it a sandy map. I would suggest putting a layer of two or three different glass blocks in the water, only leaving a 1 block layer of water on the surface.

I'm even concerned with the sewer part of your map, because it's almost exclusively made out of slabs on the bottom. Water is lava only detects water source blocks, so all that lava thats being made is going to turn into obsidian as well. I don't know how fast the water is lava issue is going to be addressed server-side, so for now as mapmakers we'll just have to use some creativity to get around the issue.

All in all I love it! I'm excited to see where it goes from here!



Staff Member
May 27, 2020
Hey tababy,

First off, we’ll be accepting this map into testing. It’s nice to see an old map coming back! We’ll see how gameplay pans out, but a few other things to note:

  • I agree with Espios, though we are working on improving Floor is Lava. Making the water shallower could be a workaround in the meantime.
  • Some areas of the map could use more detail/color, particularly the blank walls of buildings and the gray roads. Other areas have a ton of detail, so it’d be good to see more of that!
  • The cranes don’t look…the best. I know what it is, but the overall shape and color feels very bland and blocky. Use more blocks and bring it up to the level of the rest of the map.

Looking forward to seeing how this map plays!



Jun 7, 2020
Hey tababy,

First off, we’ll be accepting this map into testing. It’s nice to see an old map coming back! We’ll see how gameplay pans out, but a few other things to note:

  • I agree with Espios, though we are working on improving Floor is Lava. Making the water shallower could be a workaround in the meantime.
  • Some areas of the map could use more detail/color, particularly the blank walls of buildings and the gray roads. Other areas have a ton of detail, so it’d be good to see more of that!
  • The cranes don’t look…the best. I know what it is, but the overall shape and color feels very bland and blocky. Use more blocks and bring it up to the level of the rest of the map.

Looking forward to seeing how this map plays!

Appreciate the response Dave, I will definitely look at adding some stained glass to at least temporarily shallow out the water. I can definitely work on adding more color and texture to the roads and walls of the buildings. As for the cranes, I can totally see where you are coming from. When initially building them I was trying to go for something similar to the older iron works map I made for nostalgia purposes, but they do seem a bit bulky and I will definitely looks at ways I can make them seem more realistic.


Active member
Jun 24, 2020
Heya, GG on getting into testing!

I noticed that the water doesn't have a lot of ways to get out of it should you fall in. I can only count the two sewers on one end and the drydock opening with the chains. It was tough with killer bees chasing me trying to find a way out. I would make the boats climbable from the water, or make the dock accessible with ladders or something.

Awesome map!


May 25, 2020
Hey you two. Nice work. Map’s accepted!
The Floor is Lava will be fixed soon, so I’ll ask that you send a version of the map with current updates + normal levels of water. You can send it through here or DM me on Discord.

Congratulations !

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