Kit Kit: Basketball


Jul 17, 2020
Name: Basketball
Icon: 1615921457587.png
Armor: Full Leather
Gear: Wood sword Knockback II, Bow, Enchanted Leather Boots, Snowballs (basketballs), Wooden Stick (Flop Stick), Fuse
Desc: It's time to slam jam!

Barkley Slam Jam
: When you jump from a great height you will slam into the ground causing an AOE damage that increases based on how far you fell. You will not take fall damage.

Travel: You have permanent Speed I.

Shaq Dunk: Hitting an enemy while your falling will deal extra damage.

Foul: If an enemy hits you while you're AFK they will be poisoned for 5 sec.

Chest Pass: You can throw an unlimited amount of basketballs (snowballs) at your opponents that will do little damage and no knockback. Cool down of about 1 sec.

MJ Sneakers: Right clicking this item gives you jump boost V and has cooldown for 30 sec.

Ball Death Thunder: A bow that lets you shoot a large basketball that floats and slowly chases your enemies. It takes 5 seconds to charge and you can only have 2 out at a time. The damage will be significant but probably less than an RPG.

Tragic Bronson Alert: You will deal half damage for the first 10 seconds when your bomb is armed however, if your enemies bomb is armed you will deal double damage for the first 10 sec.

Flop: Right clicking this item will put you in the flop state. Getting hit while in this state will cause you to heal the same amount of damage you were hit with. If you don't get hit during this state you will get Slowness II for 5 sec. Has a cooldown of 15 sec.

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