Kit Kit - Blaster (With Visual Presentation!)


May 29, 2020
This concept is sort of a re-do of a kit I have previously suggested in the past, which also shares the same name as this kit. Just a little FYI.

Kit: Blaster

Icon Gunpowder.png


This armor set is intended to feel similar to Burst's armor, which is basically the kit's parallel. Just like Burst, its high armory comes at the expense of high HP risk.


*CROSSBOW: Quick Shot 1 Enchantment
Other Items: 2 Arrows (First Inventory Slot)
Regenerating Items: Firework Rockets

Kit Description:

"A ranged kit that operates in a similar fashion to Burst. Over time, it is given special firework rockets that can be loaded onto its crossbow while crouching. When launched, it can deal devastating damage in a large area.

However, every launched rocket inflicts considerable damage due to the extreme danger of these projectiles. Hastiness and caution is also advised; a rocket that is left loaded in the crossbow for too long will explode, inflicting massive damage to the user."

Kit Explanation

The Blaster plays a little similar to Burst, but using a more conservative method. While Burst focuses more on single-target damage output via a bombardment of explosive hits, the Blaster focuses more on splash damage, capable of crippling large groups of enemies in an area larger than Burst's explosive shots. While Burst can excel via its consistent explosive shots, the Blaster has to wait for their explosive ammo to regenerate. Compared to Burst, both kits possess defining benefits and drawbacks.

Kit Mechanics

FIREWORK ROCKETS - The user is given one firework rocket every 10 seconds, and is able to hold a maximum of 2 at once (counting the rocket that is loaded onto the crossbow). The only exception to this timer is at the start of the game; The user starts with 0 firework rockets and will take 20 seconds to receive their first firework rocket. This is to deter unfairly short games via, say, a destructive mob of Blasters annihilating the enemy team right at the start.

These firework rockets should be coded so that they only require the user to hold crouch while pulling back the crossbow to successfully load a firework rocket. They also cannot be interacted with (cannot right-click on a surface to launch them).

Here is the data of the fireworks rockets. Includes a custom item name for better indication on how to use them:



The color tag Red can be replaced with other team colors.

I believe this will (or should be intended) to deal around 8HP (4 Full Hearts) upon a direct hit, with the innate drop-off damage from firework explosions. Though this may need be altered because I was testing damage in vanilla 1.16, and it's really not the most reliable and accurate environment...
(A fully charged Power 2 bow is able to deal 5 hearts to a person in full iron... OOF)

DAMAGE INFLICTION - Whenever a firework rocket is shot from the crossbow, the user takes 4HP (2 Full Hearts) of damage. This presents the user with similar challenges to using Burst, which is health management and decisions on when to fire. The difference is that there is a choice to use these rockets, but the risk is greatly intensified.

ROCKET EXPLOSIONS - If a firework rocket is left loaded in a crossbow for more than 4 seconds (duration indicated by a draining EXP bar), it will explode onto the user, dealing the same damage as a direct rocket hit (8HP, or 4 Full Hearts of damage). Also, the user is able to take damage from their own firework rockets that have been launched, so they must be very careful not to get caught too close to their blast area. This damage stacks with the HP infliction from launching rockets too.

Another risk to keep in mind: Due to how delicate these fireworks can be, any sort of disruption can instantly explode the firework onto the user, even if there was still time left. In other words: Sustaining a hit greater than 4HP (2 Full Hearts) during this state will immediately make the rocket explode. It should also be disclaimed that these self-explosions do not harm any nearby enemies. To prevent any sort of confusion with this mechanic, this message will pop up in the user's chat to clarify what just happened:


There will be a sound cue that only the user can hear, as well as particle cues to indicate if you (or any other Blasters for that matter) currently have a firework rocket loaded.


I have made a tiny little video that basically showcases the firework's visual effects, as well a demonstration of waiting too long while the rocket is loaded onto the crossbow (Note that this is not 100% accurate; I tried my best to replicate what I've just explained).



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