Kit Kit Drifter


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Kit Icon: Lantern

Kit Description:

An offensive support kit that can disorient enemies from afar with its slow-moving, explosive spirits. Spirits drift along in a straight line until they hit a block but they can also be detonated manually. Be warned, these spirits pack a punch!

Diamond Helmet
Iron Chestplate
Leather Pants (dyed yellow)
Diamond Boots

(Armor is equal to Ninja)

Iron Sword w/ Sharp 1
Lantern (Named: "Spirit Summoner")
Redstone Torch (Named: "Detonate Spirit")

A kit with decent fighting gear that can fire a slow moving shulker bullet that moves in a straight line. It can be manually detonated but it will automatically explode if it makes contact with a block. It deals minor damage and decent knockback, and it can be used to "rocket jump"

Kit Mechanics:


By right clicking the Spirit Summoner (the lantern), a "spirit" (shulker bullet) is shot towards the direction you are facing. Unlike shulker bullets, spirits do not home towards enemies, and instead will move in a straight line until it collides with a block or it is manually detonated with the redstone torch. Only one spirit can be active at a time. If you try and release a spirit while one is already active, you will receive the message:

"You've already released a spirit!"

As stated in the description, spirits move quite slowly. I don't know the exact speed of shulker bullets but I tested it and you can avoid them by simply walking away. Once used, the Spirit Summoner goes into cooldown for 10 seconds (this cooldown is displayed by the exp bar). This cooldown will begin replenishing immediately after a spirit is released.

Upon detonation, the spirit will deal knockback and light damage to anyone within a 3 block radius of it, dealing more knockback and damage the closer they are to the center of the explosion. The explosion will deal 1.5 hearts of damage to someone in full iron armor caught in the center of the explosion, with damage fall off as enemies are further from the center of the explosion. While the damage isn't very strong, the knockback the explosion deals makes up for it.

If hit by the center, the spirit can send enemies up to ~7 blocks horizontally and ~5 blocks vertically max. However it would require great accuracy for someone to be launched that distance. If someone is within 1-2 blocks of the explosion, they will likely be launched around 4 blocks horizontally and 2 blocks vertically. Of course, kb received will depend on the angle of the explosion, these numbers are just here to give an idea of how strong the kb can be.

Spirit Jumping

The kit user is also effected by the explosion from spirits, which it can use to propel itself across the map. The same principles for knockback and damage dealt to enemies are applied when the spirit detonates on the kit user, so the closer you are to the center of the spirit, the more knockback and damage you will receive. However, the kit user will take less damage than an enemy normally would, receiving only 1 heart of damage if it is hit by the center of the explosion.

With how the kit is designed, it is possible to do a "double spirit jump" as you can preemptively release a spirit in the direction you want to go, follow it while you wait for your cooldown to replenish, detonate that spirit, then release another spirit mid air and immediately detonate it for a second boost.

Kit Objective:

This kit is meant to be a hybrid of a fighter and a support. Similarly to explosive, it can use its spirit to control the battlefield and zone enemies out, however its more offensively viable as it has decent armor and a better weapon, as well as mobility (via spirit jumping). I believe this kit offers a unique ability that will help make fights more interesting; there's no kits that use knockback to assist in fights other than longbow, which is somewhat unreliable imo.

Outside of team engagements, I believe this kit can still hold pretty well on its own. Its spirit ability is very versatile in melee combat. You could use it to disengage from a bad fight, send enemies flying up to rack up even more damage on them or boost yourself to catch up with the enemy.

I've noticed there's not much diversity in how kits fight in SnD, and I think it would be cool to change that. I like how explosive is able to fight in a unique way. Through effective use of its grenades and knockback sword it can do well in 1v1 engagements even though its gear isn't the best. I wanted to make a kit that would fight in a unique way like explosive does.

Extra Notes (More will be added if necessary):
-Spirits will create a team colored particle trail in order to prevent confusion
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