Kit Kit Leech


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Icon: Fermented Spider Eye
Desc: A deceptively tanky kit that can heal itself with its lifesteal sword and lock down enemies with its crippling dive ability.


Iron Helmet
Iron Chestplate
Iron Leggings
Leather Boots (Dyed Red, enchanted with Protection 2)

Wood Sword (Enchanted with Lifesteal 1)
Dive (Rabbit's Skin)


Gluttony (Passive)

Every time Leech hits an enemy, it heals 1/2 a heart

Leech's Dive

Similar to Sabreur, Leech can use its rabbit skin to propel itself forward.

Dive is very similar to leap in terms of trajectory, but it has a 12 second cooldown and has considerably further range than Sabreur's leap (~6 blocks more distance).

If an enemy is hit by your dive, you will "latch onto them" and the rest of your dive will be cancelled (you will stop moving in front of the first enemy you hit). You will be put into the "crawling state" (the state you are in when you are travelling through 1-block high paths), latched onto the feet of the enemy you hit, and will be stuck to them for 5 seconds. The enemy you leech onto will receive slowness 2 and poison 1 for the duration you are stuck to them. Enemies who is latched onto will take reduced knockback.

When you are leeched onto someone, you will be invulnerable to all damage, and receive Regen 2 for the time you are attached.

If you do not hit any enemies with your dive, you will be left in the "crawling state" for 3 seconds. You will also be slowed and unable to jump for that time.

Important Exceptions/Notes:
  • You can latch onto invisible enemies
  • If the person you latched onto uses an enderpearl, you unlatch when the pearl lands
  • If someone uses Rewind clock or gets warped, you will also unlatch.
  • While you are latched onto someone, you cannot use items or hit anyone
  • Latch cannot be cancelled manually.

  • Falling crates can bypass the leech's latch invulnerability because i think it would be funny to drag a leech to their death
  • Particle effects will appear around the enemy when they are being leeched (looks like blood)
  • If you latch onto a trickster, you will stay latched onto their real form, even if they use their ability while they are being leeched.


I think having more kits that can initiate fights would be cool as I don't feel that there are many kits that fulfill that role very well.

This kit is meant to be a mix of a tank and support kit. While it doesn't deal much damage, it can use its dive to either pick off enemies or lockdown an important enemy in bigger fights. I wanted the kit to be mainly based around using its ability to secure kills, so I made its gear pretty subpar.


New member
May 11, 2021
This kit has the potential to be very overpowered in games, in a 2v2 you get 2 of these things and it's basically gg as leeches can chain leech (while one is on the target the other one hits the target, and once one of them is off the other one leeches on) and there is nothing the target could do about it unless their team mate comes to save them. Even then the leaches could just run past, light the bomb and leach, then run and repeat. A 12 block dive also sounds ridiculously op. You can close the gap on any ranged kit in an instant, and the AoE coverage is enough to make invis almost useless, you can just dive at the enemy line and you're bound to hit someone and ruin their day. The only good counter I could see to this is ninja and trigger if the trigger blowing would kill you. If not trigger suddenly has another hard counter. Burst becomes obsolete, and will cent's shield block the leech? If not cent in trouble as well. You can probably get my point from this, but yea, imo the leeching needs a rework. I do really like the idea of life draining tho, it offers something fresh and rewards players for being good at the game, and at the same time the sword life drain isn't too op either.
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