Kit Kit Obsidian


Jul 17, 2020
Name: Obsidian
Icon: Obsidian Block
Armor: Netherite Helmet and Boots; Chain chestplate; Gold leggings (slightly less def. than a Trooper). Everything enchanted with blast protection IV.
Gear: Stone Sword (Explosion Sword), Fuse

Constant Fire Resistance. This kit would receive no damage from fire attacks. This includes any fire damage caused by fire aspect swords, fire arrows, and fire damage caused by breaking Barricaders blocks. This would only work for the fire tick damage and not the damage from the actual swords/arrows. Also, lava bathing.

Blast Protection Armor: The enchants for the armor makes it have a high resistance to any explosive damage. This includes Explosives RPG's and grenades, Bursts explosive arrows, and Demolitions mines.

Explosion Sword: Every time you take explosive damage, the EXP bar would fill up. The more damage the explosion does, the more the gauge fills up. When the EXP is filled at a certain amount, your sword will glow. While its glowing, you can right click your sword which would cause an explosion directly in front of you. The amount of damage would be proportional to how much your EXP bar is filled and the gauge will cap off once it is full. Once used, your gauge would completely deplete and there would be a cooldown for about ~5 sec until you can refill the gauge again (this is to prevent a chain loop in a mirror match). A full gauge explosion would deal the same amount of damage as a landmine. The gauge will also be constantly depleting so it would incentivize using the ability quickly after absorbing any explosion(s).

My original idea for this kit was for it to be an effective counter to Barricaders and Demos. In some situations, a Barricader and/or Demo would place its blocks/mines in places that would cause long stand offs. The only option would be to have a player sacrifice themselves by detonating the mines or rushing and breaking a bunch of blocks. However, because of its armor and abilities, this kit has the potential to be an effective counter to other kits and not just Demo and Barri. The way I see this kit being used is it would wait to absorb any explosions, it would reflect that damage back to the enemy. and it would finish them off with its stone sword. This would cause kits like Explosive and Burst to be more aware on who and where it's shooting at. Because of its weak weapon and slightly low armor however, this kit would not do well against any fighter kits, and would rely heavily on absorbing explosions.

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