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shout out to cutbone for suggesting dis idea for a kit idea for a kit that should be play able on Athios as an SnD kit!!!!!!!

thank you cone bone for letting me use ur iydea. i hope your Brane starts working agan soon! 1 like = 1 prayer :(
also thank yeou to @bvyans for helpig me design this kit!
Kit Sacrificer:
Gear: full rainbow armor
ok so here Here is a video demunstrating how to make rainebow armouor in v anilla minecraft verzuion 1.8.0!
warning: contains italian
rainbow armorur
knockb ack wood swrid
10 stejak
red dye(uses to cast sacrifice (s) )
sheer (can be used to uncast sacrifices)
What the kit does:
ok so basically this kit can basically use a piece of red dye to cast a sacrfce on someone. This means you will take all the daage they take and tey take no damagje. However you must B within 20 blks of thjem for this link to remain...6.6. You can also cst a sacrifice on muple pple at the same time simeltaneously.
This is why it is called sacrificer.??... it Is a sacrificer kit that Saifices its lives for otfhers
But wshat is a sacrifice?
3 : an act of givinfg up somethng edspecially for the sake of sommeone or soething els
Here are some examples of sacrifices:
In additon to this it gets 10 steaak at the sstart so that it can heal itjself while taking ddamage for its teasmmates. It also rejenerates steak sloly thro ughout the mtch so they dofn't run out.
However to make it balaned. this Kit takes much more damajge from dirct damage from emies so if you are cauht out of position you will die very fast.
However to make it balanced, this Kit also has a wood knockback one sword that it can use to keep enemies away that try and catch you out of position and kill you.
You can also use the sh6ars to stop a sacifice on soeone if you rlize they are not worth sacifjing your lfe for
Here is a pictcre of howethe mecsanic would wfrk:

This is a pretty uniqse mechfnic and i think it would bj cool two have in the game. I hope staff will conssiser this kit sugfgestion. please drsop a like co4ment and sharf if you agree!
rest in peace el ubre never foget

thank you cone bone for letting me use ur iydea. i hope your Brane starts working agan soon! 1 like = 1 prayer :(

also thank yeou to @bvyans for helpig me design this kit!
Kit Sacrificer:
Gear: full rainbow armor
ok so here Here is a video demunstrating how to make rainebow armouor in v anilla minecraft verzuion 1.8.0!
warning: contains italian
rainbow armorur
knockb ack wood swrid
10 stejak
red dye(uses to cast sacrifice (s) )
sheer (can be used to uncast sacrifices)
What the kit does:
ok so basically this kit can basically use a piece of red dye to cast a sacrfce on someone. This means you will take all the daage they take and tey take no damagje. However you must B within 20 blks of thjem for this link to remain...6.6. You can also cst a sacrifice on muple pple at the same time simeltaneously.
This is why it is called sacrificer.??... it Is a sacrificer kit that Saifices its lives for otfhers
But wshat is a sacrifice?
3 : an act of givinfg up somethng edspecially for the sake of sommeone or soething els
Here are some examples of sacrifices:
In additon to this it gets 10 steaak at the sstart so that it can heal itjself while taking ddamage for its teasmmates. It also rejenerates steak sloly thro ughout the mtch so they dofn't run out.
However to make it balaned. this Kit takes much more damajge from dirct damage from emies so if you are cauht out of position you will die very fast.
However to make it balanced, this Kit also has a wood knockback one sword that it can use to keep enemies away that try and catch you out of position and kill you.
You can also use the sh6ars to stop a sacifice on soeone if you rlize they are not worth sacifjing your lfe for
Here is a pictcre of howethe mecsanic would wfrk:

This is a pretty uniqse mechfnic and i think it would bj cool two have in the game. I hope staff will conssiser this kit sugfgestion. please drsop a like co4ment and sharf if you agree!
rest in peace el ubre never foget