Kit Kit: Sniper (Rework)


May 29, 2020
A rework of the old Sniper kit—a ranged kit that had the ability to headshot (instakilling) players if its arrows travel 100+ blocks; also had limited arrows if I remember correctly.

Here's the rework:

Kit: Sniper
Icon: Eye of Ender
Description: An agile archer that comes with a powerful bow, weak armor, and limited arrows. Its shooting accuracy and arrow speed will depend on how long it has has kept its bow drawn. In addition, it can only fire arrows if its bow is fully drawn.

- Green-Dyed Leather Cap (Projectile Prot. 1 Enchant)
- Lime-Dyed Leather Tunic (Projectile Prot. 1 Enchant)
- Green-Dyed Leather Pants (Projectile Prot. 1 Enchant)
- Chainmail Boots (Prot. 2 Enchant)

- Wooden Sword (Knockback 1 Enchant)
- Bow (Power 5 Enchant)
- 16 Arrows
- Fuse

Permanent Effects:
- Speed 1
- Night Vision


At the start of the game, the Sniper will have 16 arrows. If the player has less than 16 arrows, they will regain 1 arrow every 20 seconds. This is to prevent the Sniper from shooting shots just for arrow spam, but will also prevent them from being useless for the rest of the game if they ever deplete all of their arrows.

The main mechanic behind the Sniper. Once the player has fully drawn their bow, their EXP Bar will increase/progress to certain stages: Empty, Half-Full, and Full. The EXP Bar will start at the Empty stage and will take 1 second to progress to the other stages, with the maximum time taking 3 seconds to reach a Full EXP Bar. The stage this EXP Bar is in will determine the arrow's accuracy and speed once fired. Arrow damage is not affected by this mechanic at all.
  • Arrows that are shot while the EXP Bar is Empty will become 50% less accurate (More trajectory deviation) and travel 50% slower.
  • Arrows that are shot while the EXP Bar is Half-Full will behave like any normal arrow shot from a bow.
  • Arrows that are shot while the EXP Bar is Full will become 100% Accurate (No trajectory deviation) and will travel 100% faster.
Each time the EXP Bar progresses into the next stage, a certain sound cue will play (Including the moment the bow is fully drawn). This sound cue will be pitched higher as the EXP Bar progresses in stage.

Similar to how a crossbow works, arrows cannot be shot from the bow if it is not fully drawn. If the player attempts to do this, the message "Snipers can only shoot fully-drawn arrows!" in light red text will be sent to their chat.

On another note: the arrows shot from the Sniper’s bow should not be able to deal critical damage.

Because of the light armor the Sniper carries, they will gain a permanent Speed 1 effect. The main strength of the Sniper is to shoot from afar and taking the time to set up their shots. Because of how easy it is to ruin that (with something as simple as a Ghost ambush), the extra mobility will help them reposition faster and escape precarious scenarios. The Night Vision is there because it kinda makes sense. The Sniper heavily relies on its vision to shoot more than any other ranged kit; impairing it via poor lighting would make it significantly less powerful in practical use.
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Well-known member
May 25, 2020
This is a really cool concept, I kinda felt like sniper was a lost cause cause its original mechanics were bs but you really did a good job of revamping it.

Although I think one detail worth mentioning is that this kit probably shouldn't be able to fire critical arrows, since they deal 25 hearts vs. the usual 15 hearts of dmg dealt.


May 29, 2020
Although I think one detail worth mentioning is that this kit probably shouldn't be able to fire critical arrows, since they deal 25 hearts vs. the usual 15 hearts of dmg dealt.
Ahh yes, definitely shouldn’t be critical arrows if that’s the amount it’s dealing.

I also think it would deal less Dmg than 15 HP due to SnD’s damage calcs being very different from Vanilla (I’d expect around 10-12 HP to be a good amount). If I still overshot it, downgrading its bow Power 4 would solve that I think (Unless you’re calculating the dmg assuming with 0 armor—in which case, nevermind lol)
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Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Ahh yes, definitely shouldn’t be critical arrows if that’s the amount it’s dealing.

I also think it would deal less Dmg than 15 HP due to SnD’s damage calcs being very different from Vanilla (I’d expect around 10-12 HP to be a good amount). If I still overshot it, downgrading its bow Power 4 would solve that I think (Unless you’re calculating the dmg assuming with 0 armor—in which case, nevermind lol)
Yea I was referring to just raw damage

Also I think you caught onto it but I said the bow deals 15 hearts of damage when I meant to say it deals 15 damage (7.5 hearts) my b lol

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