Potential End-game substitutions


May 25, 2020
Now that the nuke has been removed (temporarily or indefinitely I'm not sure), it seems like we're back to poison for ending games. Some people like the poison, some people don't. The problem with poison is that it's mostly random, which can be pretty frustrating if you end up losing just because the odds weren't in your favour. In order to try and get some more ideas on the topic, I've come up with some of my own (and built upon some suggestions from other people) ideas on how to end the game and split them into two categories - Performance-based and Random-based.

Just a note though, these are all very very rough ideas. Some of the ideas are better than others, some of them are nothing more than a random idea I had. The main point of this thread is not to necessarily get these implemented, but so that people voice what kind of endgame events they enjoy and prefer. If you like one of these ideas but want to expand upon it then please do, or alternatively if you want to ruthlessly criticise one of them then be my guest.

Performance-based Endgame events:

Poison - So as it stands, poison is the current endgame event. I'm not sure whether the current poison tick is completely random or whether the damage changes depending on how close/far you are from middle or your base. All I propose is that the closer to mid you are, the less rapidly you take poison damage - the further away from the middle you are, more ticks of poison you receive. If the damage is already based on how close to middle you are on the current server, then perfect! If not, then I think this could be a nice addition. Though this would punish defenders, I feel like that should be encouraged to an extent... the most aggressive team who is attacking the enemy the most should be rewarded for it. Sometimes having random end game events is fun, but I feel like there are more entertaining ways to go down that path than poison.

Border Close - A border similar to the one seen in most UHC and SG servers, where after a set amount of time the border gradually closes into the middle. However unlike those two games listed, the border would get smaller at a constant speed until a certain point (something like 20x20 or 10x10 where it would stop closing in, creating some sort of arena). The damage wouldn't be constant though, as the deeper inside the border you are the more damage you would take. Similarly to poison, this would also punish defenders, but I feel would make for some interesting gameplay. If players from both teams are still alive a few minutes after the border has finished closing in, then I guess you'd have to have poison (or similar) in there to finish them off. Thanks to @Triggs for the concept :)

Arena showdown - After the timer is reached, all players are teleported to an arena (or a border enclosed part of the map) where they must fight it out and can only win once all of the enemies are dead. The teams would spawn on opposite sides of the arena and be encouraged to fight each other. This would be quite fair to both defenders and attackers, but would probably be unfairly beneficial to archer kits. This is a pretty basic and unoriginal way to end the game but it would solve the attacker vs defender inequality that most of the performance-based endgame events have.

Survival of the Fittest - The player with the lowest amount of health will die instantly. Every 5-10 seconds, the new player with the lowest health will also be killed instantly. This cycle would continue until there is only one team remaining. In order to make it fair for Jugs and Vampires, the health would be decided as a percentage of how much health a player has, divided by their maximum possible health. The % reading would be the same as what Wraiths and Medics see above other players. If two players have the same % of health remaining, then they have to pray to RNGesus that they're the lucky one who doesn't instantly die. This mechanic could encourage camping, but it could also encourage players to try and get involved and do damage to the other team(s) just before the countdown. This is kinda a cross between performance and random, but you'd just have to be careful of your health in later stages of the game.

Supply crate drop - This is less of an endgame event but more of a motivator for teams to stop camping and go to the middle. After a set amount of time into the game (could be 7-10 minutes in), a care package will spawn in the middle of the map. It would just be a regular crate, but the mechanic would prevent teams from camping and also give more strength to the attacking team with mid control. Thanks to @Onett for this :)

Random-based Endgame events:

Spontaneous Combustion - Pretty simple mechanic but could end up being quite fun and intense. If you've ever watched The Belko Experiment, I guess you could kind of compare the beginning of the film to this. Once the timer is reached, a completely random player will die every 10-20 seconds. There would be no way to influence who dies and you wouldn't be able to do anything to prevent it. Some people like random endgames, some don't. I'm not a huge fan of randomised victories but I think this could have potential and would be pretty fun.

Napalm Strike - A napalm spawns above every player in the game, and drops on them. Would discourage endgame camping and would hopefully get some kills, but the game would ultimately have to be ended by poison or similar if the survivors did not fight.

Meteor Shower - Fireballs come raining down from the sky and do serious damage to players when if it makes contact. Would last until there is only one team left, or if that's not possible then the remainder of survivors would have to be poisoned until one team remains.

That's all I've got, I know some aren't great but it's nice to have some variety. Instead of just having one definitive endgame event maybe it would be nice to have a mixture - i.e having three or four events that have an equal chance of happening (but not multiple at once). If you have any different ideas then, please suggest some more :)


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Personally I think the performance-based events are better more specifically, border close and supply crate drop. I think it should be a 100% chance for border and 100% chance for crate. Small chance of random events once border begins to close in as well (Of the ideas you listed I feel that only meteor shower is viable)

Border close feels like a better version of poison, it forces people to go mid without making ranged kits too overpowered. It does the same thing as arena but it gives more time for people to prepare.

Also I was thinking that supply crate would come earlier, maybe 3-5 minutes into the game. It's not a huge advantage to the attacking team but it could help end the game faster. If the other team is turtling with multiple demos and juggs the crate can help the attacking team, if both teams are still fighting at mid it becomes another objective that can help make gameplay more exciting.


Jun 9, 2020
Survival of the Fittest: a beacon beam marks the center of the map, every 6 seconds the player with lowest health is elimintated if all players have full/same health the player furthest from the center will be eliminated.

I think this stimulates exciting pvp endings similar to 4 team nuke control.


Active member
May 30, 2020
I’m pretty sure poison already depends on how far away you are from the map. Nice suggestions though.

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