Week 2: SnD Updates & Maps


May 25, 2020
Hello and welcome to the end of the second week here at AthiosMC!

Here’s a log of all the updates we’ve had throughout the week:

All Kits now have more updated descriptions
The Kit Layout menu now shows kit armor
Rotating Achievements now award fewer credits
Knockback has been improved to closely resemble that of 1.8.9
Poison Timer has been reduced to match the previous Nuke timer on 2 team maps

/vote will give you a list of websites you can vote for the server on!
Every vote will give you 7 credits. Additionally, you will receive a Free Kit Trial! This can be redeemed on any paid kit to access it for 30 minutes. You can only have one Trial at a time, so be sure to use it.

/tutorial will give you a link to a 60-second SnD tutorial. Use this to help new players get up to speed!

-Lost Wood, Stone, and Pickaxe
-Gained 10 Noteblocks

-Icon in kit menu is now an Arrow

-Now has Fire Aspect I, down from II

-Now has more consistent interactions when healing
-Heals Juggernaut slower than other kits
-Heals Burst much slower than other kits (Burst no longer has healing cooldown after shooting)

-Now operates with a healing pool. What does this mean? When you heal a player, you use up some energy! When it's out, you can't heal! Healing energy does replenish over time.


Last week, we accepted some community maps to be put into a testing phase, which was to see how well gameplay worked on them and to gain community thoughts on them as well! We have taken this feedback and have rated each map individually, separating the maps into three distinct categories:

  • Accepted
With positive community and staff feedback, we have decided to accept the map! Congratulations! The authors will be given their rewards soon!
  • Needs further testing (with changes made)
The map in its current state is definitely workable, but due to feedback received from community and staff members we believe there are some changes that need to be made to the map to enhance its gameplay. These changes are relatively small and shouldn’t be too difficult to implement. The map will be kept in the rotation for extended testing, under the assumption that the mapmaker will work with the staff team to make the necessary edits.
  • Rejected
Unfortunately, due to community and staff feedback, we do not believe that the map is viable in its current state, and its errors are more inherent to the core map design.

So, now that the criteria is out of the way, let us take a look at all the maps we had in community testing!

Busy Bazaar - Accepted

Chronofield -
While this map has a great concept, it unfortunately doesn’t have the best gameplay. Several paths are both out of the way and slower than the main path, leaving them with little point (even if they’re super cool). Additionally, the community did not enjoy playing on this map. So, unfortunately, this map will not pass the testing phase.

While the map didn’t execute the concept as well as hoped, we’d love to see the theme reattempted by the author in the future! It has a lot of potential, and the unique concept of the map is what made it stand out amongst other maps.

Crystal Cavern - Accepted

Keeps - This map has undergone some very positive changes since its original submission. However, the one recurring issue seen in gameplay is the openness of the middle leading to players spreading out and avoiding fights. The addition of more hedge walls/other obstacles to funnel players toward mid would lead to larger engagements and more exciting games.

Nevermore - Accepted

Uncle T's Family Farm -
This map has had a lot of updates to balance the team’s bases, but Green/Purple still feel better than Red/Blue. We’d like to see additional updates to the bases to balance them, or try out random team colors to mitigate this problem.

Perfect Balance - Ironically enough, it is very much not Perfectly Balanced. While blue’s side has water, allowing for both another way of ascending and a safe way of rapidly descending, red has nothing but lava. The base tops are already rather plain and flat for how often fights happen on top. The map author has not done enough to address these issues and is not planning on doing so, so this map did not pass the testing phase.

Station Stand-Up - This map played bad sorry @Martoph (don't hurt us!)

Vertigo - Accepted

has also been removed due to the mapmaker's request.

Look forward to the next wave of maps sometime in the “near” future! (Soon™)


May 29, 2020
Chronofield - While this map has a great concept, it unfortunately doesn’t have the best gameplay. Several paths are both out of the way and slower than the main path, leaving them with little point (even if they’re super cool). Additionally, the community did not enjoy playing on this map. So, unfortunately, this map will not pass the testing phase.

While the map didn’t execute the concept as well as hoped, we’d love to see the theme reattempted by the author in the future! It has a lot of potential, and the unique concept of the map is what made it stand out amongst other maps.
Wasn't too surprised actually. I noticed myself while testing that the gameplay wasn't that great.

Rest assured though: I already have another idea for this map concept. Trust me on this: it'll play miles better than this one.


Staff Member
May 25, 2020
Wasn't too surprised actually. I noticed myself while testing that the gameplay wasn't that great.

Rest assured though: I already have another idea for this map concept. Trust me on this: it'll play miles better than this one.
The talent is very obviously there, I have no doubt you'll get a map in soon :)


Jun 11, 2020
Wasn't too surprised actually. I noticed myself while testing that the gameplay wasn't that great.

Rest assured though: I already have another idea for this map concept. Trust me on this: it'll play miles better than this one.
Plz do the barriers in the same way and also do the edge in the same way. I really liked the outside bits <3

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