SnD Character Drawing Requests


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
I haven't drawn much recently partly cause of school (but mostly cause im lazy), so I think taking some requests from u guys on forums would be a good way for me to get back into it.

In a reply below, provide your ign (so I can look at your MC skin) and the SnD kit you would like to be depicted as. I will be creating original character designs based on your guys' MC skin + the kit of your choosing. If you don't want to be drawn as your minecraft skin, please provide another MC skin or character that you would like to be drawn as.

Additionally if you have a setting/scenario/pose you would like me to draw your character in, please provide that in your reply. (Don't feel restricted to making the pose/setting SnD related as well, it can be anything as long as its appropriate).

If I feel inspired I’ll also add a short backstory/character description with your drawing.

I want to use these requests as a way to help me practice doing character designs so the drawings aren't just going to be your minecraft skin in your chosen kit's armor with whatever sword or gear that kit has. Just wanted to mention that so u guys know what i mean by "original character designs".

Also, these are just meant to be sketches so don't set the bar too high lul

I think this will be pretty fun project and I hope you guys will enjoy the art B)

here's a storyline I will be using to base my designs off of:

The annual Athios tournament attracts people from all across the world to battle to the death in hopes of gaining fame, glory and riches. It's been a tradition among all of the nations in the world for many years to send their best fighters to compete in the tournament to prove themselves as the strongest, but anyone else who wants to battle to the death can also join. However, there seems to be something darker happening behind the scenes...
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Staff Member
May 25, 2020
Me thinking back to when you first started drawing :') may I request my self as either shortbow or dgod, I'll leave the rest up to your creative freedom, ty onett :)


Active member
May 25, 2020

You know which kit Onett ;))

You decide the pose but can you make the armor a bit damaged and make him look a tad bit insane.

Really cool that you are doing this :).


May 30, 2020

May I please be drawn as kit trooper, absolutely destroying zeLda in a 1v1. Thanks One T <3


Sep 22, 2020
Savthenugget as Explosive
You decided what poses and what’s going on! Makes it as funny as possible!!


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Forgot to mention this earlier but I'm going to be basing these character designs with a basic plot in mind to help guide the character designs:

The annual Athios tournament attracts people from all across the world to battle to the death in hopes of gaining fame, glory and riches. It's been a tradition among all of the nations in the world for many years to send their best fighters to compete in the tournament to prove themselves as the strongest, but anyone else who wants to battle to the death can also join. However, there seems to be something darker happening behind the scenes...

joey minecraft 23.png
joeyminecraft23 the shortbow (aka SavageSniper)

Joeyminecraft23 has been a mystery since the day he signed up for the tournament. He never spoke a word during the registration process, communicating to the tournament organizer at the front desk with a series of nods and a few hand gestures. His peculiar appearance lead to others making fun of him frequently, however to their surprise, he showed absolutely no reaction to them, or any reaction to anything at all. They eventually left him alone. The few people that tried to talk to him later were only met with blank stares, head nods and waves.

Why does he wear a dinosaur onesie around his neck like a cape? Why doesn't he show his face? Why doesn't he talk? Where did he come from? Who is Joeyminecraft23? The world may never know, but one things for sure. He's a deadly force to be reckoned with.
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May 25, 2020
This seems like fun! Count me in.

Kit Ghost

Do whatever your creative genius comes up with.


Active member
May 29, 2020
Forgot to mention this earlier but I'm going to be basing these character designs with a basic plot in mind to help guide the character designs:

The annual Athios tournament attracts people from all across the world to battle to the death in hopes of gaining fame, glory and riches. It's been a tradition among all of the nations in the world for many years to send their best fighters to compete in the tournament to prove themselves as the strongest, but anyone else who wants to battle to the death can also join. However, there seems to be something darker happening behind the scenes...

View attachment 481
Joeyminecraft23 has been a mystery since the day he signed up for the tournament. He never spoke a word during the registration process, communicating to the tournament organizer at the front desk with a series of nods and a few hand gestures. His peculiar appearance lead to others making fun of him frequently, however to their surprise, he showed absolutely no reaction to them, or any reaction to anything at all. They eventually left him alone. The few people that tried to talk to him later were only met with blank stares, head nods and waves.

Why does he wear a dinosaur onesie around his neck like a cape? Why doesn't he show his face? Why doesn't he talk? Where did he come from? Who is Joeyminecraft23? The world may never know, but one things for sure. He's a deadly force to be reckoned with.
ty kind sir
now as a follow up could you draw me as trooper acquiring @Starken's checkbook :)


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Me thinking back to when you first started drawing :') may I request my self as either shortbow or dgod, I'll leave the rest up to your creative freedom, ty onett :)
My old mouse drawings lul. Anyways I decided to incorporate both kits into the design i hope u like :)

woaxa snd character.png
Woaxa the Shortbow (and Death God)

Woaxa is a young man from the city who lived a pretty typical life. But why would someone like that even feel the need to fight in the tournament? For Woaxa, he wouldn't be able to go on living if he hadn't joined. He loves to compete, and there's no way he would turn a challenge like the Athios tournament down.

He had bought a strange necklace prior to the start of the tournament from a hooded figure who approached him from an alleyway by the stadium. To his surprise, he was the only one who could see him, despite his tall stature and large black robe. He had pulled him to the side and asked if he seeked power. After he replied with a confident yes, the figure led him deeper into the alley, and sat him down. He explained how the necklace worked as he engraved black glyphs into his hand with an ink pen. To his surprise, it was relatively painless, and the markings appeared dark and deep.

"With this, you'll be able to reap the souls of those you kill. You can do great things with that power." The dark figure brought the necklace to his eye and he could see faint outlines of people's screaming faces, phasing in and out of recognition. Frightened, he tried to run away, but he wasn't fast enough. The dark figure quickly engraved the last glyph into his hand. It was complete. To his relief, the dark figure had disappeared.

Surprisingly, it felt like nothing had happened to him, but something was off. It felt like the dark figure loomed over his mind constantly, fighting for control. He tried to take the necklace off but it felt like the more force he put into it, the heavier the necklace became.

"Well if I'm going to be killing people anyways, there's no problem with using their souls right?" Woaxa thought to himself. And he continued on his way to the stadium to register for the Athios tournament.
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Staff Member
May 25, 2020
My old mouse drawings lul. Anyways I decided to incorporate both kits into the design i hope u like :)

View attachment 489
Woaxa is a young man from the city who lived a pretty typical life. But why would someone like that even feel the need to fight in the tournament? For Woaxa, he wouldn't be able to go on living if he hadn't joined. He loves to compete, and there's no way he would turn a challenge like the Athios tournament down.

He had bought a strange necklace prior to the start of the tournament from a hooded figure who approached him from an alleyway by the stadium. To his surprise, he was the only one who could see him, despite his tall stature and large black robe. He had pulled him to the side and asked if he seeked power. After he replied with a confident yes, the figure led him deeper into the alley, and sat him down. He explained how the necklace worked as he engraved black glyphs into his hand with an ink pen. To his surprise, it was relatively painless, and the markings appeared dark and deep.

"With this, you'll be able to reap the souls of those you kill. You can do great things with that power." The dark figure brought the necklace to his eye and he could see faint outlines of people's screaming faces, phasing in and out of recognition. Frightened, he tried to run away, but he wasn't fast enough. The dark figure quickly engraved the last glyph into his hand. It was complete. To his relief, the dark figure had disappeared.

Surprisingly, it felt like nothing had happened to him, but something was off. It felt like the dark figure loomed over his mind constantly, fighting for control. He tried to take the necklace off but it felt like the more force he put into it, the heavier the necklace became.

"Well if I'm going to be killing people anyways, there's no problem with using their souls right?" Woaxa thought to himself. And he continued on his way to the stadium to register for the Athios tournament.
YOOOO this is clean onett, the poses and structure amazing. tysm :'). the lore super cool too, i miss those onett originals


May 29, 2020
Aaah good ol Onett drawings, feelin a little nostalgic.

I think at this point you’d know which kit I’d like to be drawn in now 👀 go ham with the creativity

Or alternatively: Myself channeling my inner Burstbird—a rare extinct species that once flew through the skies of Athios


Well-known member
May 25, 2020

You know which kit Onett ;))

You decide the pose but can you make the armor a bit damaged and make him look a tad bit insane.

Really cool that you are doing this :).
le boom >:) kit explosive

lex snd character.png

Lexplosion (Explosive)

A brilliant military scientist, forced to join the battle by the country that betrayed him. Worked to death, then revived so he could work more, his sanity is definitely questionable.

A brilliant scientist from many years ago. He worked for the Dutch Government to develop explosives for them after they had entered an arms race with a neighboring country. Through his innovative technology, they were able to win the war, and he is rewarded for his contributions to the country.

Lex dies a few years later, but the government finds themselves in war with another country. Their previously superior military weaponry had become outclassed, and they were losing all of their major battles. In desperation, they decided to bring Lex back to life covertly. To their surprise, the plan actually worked.

They stationed him in a far away lab in the middle of a dark forest, so no one would ever find him. He was forced to research new technology, under the surveillance of a team of guards to make sure he didn't slack off. His sanity slowly slipped away as he toiled away day after day, his body slowly rotting away too.

Again, his technology wins his country the war, but this time all of the credit is given to one of Lex's colleagues to hide the fact they brought Lex back to life. Realizing they couldn't leave him alive, they prepared to kill him, but in a cruel twist of fate, the Dutch government decided to sign him up for the Athios tournament instead.

Filled with resentment, Lex enters the battle, eager to win so he can get his revenge on those who forced him into the tournament.
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Active member
May 25, 2020
le boom >:) kit explosive

View attachment 490

Lexplosion (Explosive)

A brilliant military scientist, forced to join the battle by the country that betrayed him. Worked to death, then revived so he could work more, his sanity is definitely questionable.

A brilliant scientist from many years ago. He worked for the Dutch Government to develop explosives for them after they had entered an arms race with a neighboring country. Through his innovative technology, they were able to win the war, and he is rewarded for his contributions to the country.

Lex dies a few years later, but the government finds themselves in war with another country. Their previously superior military weaponry had become outclassed, and they were losing all of their major battles. In desperation, they decided to bring Lex back to life covertly. To their surprise, the plan actually worked.

They stationed him in a far away lab in the middle of a dark forest, so no one would ever find him. He was forced to research new technology, under the surveillance of a team of guards to make sure he didn't slack off. His sanity slowly slipped away as he toiled away day after day, his body slowly rotting away too.

Again, his technology wins his country the war, but this time all of the credit is given to one of Lex's colleagues to hide the fact they brought Lex back to life. Realizing they couldn't leave him alive, they prepared to kill him, but in a cruel twist of fate, the Dutch government decided to sign him up for the Athios tournament instead.

Filled with resentment, Lex enters the battle, eager to win so he can get his revenge on those who forced him into the tournament.



Well-known member
May 25, 2020

May I please be drawn as kit trooper, absolutely destroying zeLda in a 1v1. Thanks One T <3

elite snd character.png
Elite The Trooper

A noble warrior from the Anlin Clan of the Bonsai Forests of the East. He fights in order to bring honor to his people and enact revenge on the rival clans that hurt his people.

The Bonsai Forests are not a safe place to be. The land Elite was born into was frequently in turmoil due to constant war between clans.

Luckily for him, the Anlin clan was relatively peaceful, only attacking others in self defense. Regardless, they always had to be ready to defend themselves, or else they would be quickly overtaken.

Elite had received mandatory basic training like the other pandas in his tribe, however he wanted to take his training even further. He wanted to become a warrior. Once he was old enough, he began training with the army, spending hours everyday sparring with fellow trainees and enduring intense workouts. His training was tiresome, but he wouldn't let go of his dreams that easily. Elite pushed through, and was promoted from a trainee to a recruit.

He defended bravely against enemy attacks as a new recruit, until one day the enemy forces were too powerful for them to fight back. They suffered a humiliating defeat, and they were forced to retreat. Hundreds of their people had died and their village had been completely destroyed. On that day, he learned what it truly meant to be a warrior. He now understood what was at stake. In his feelings of helplessness, Elite determined he wanted to be more than just a warrior. He wanted to become the head of the military, and protect his clan from any and all harm. Unlike the current leader, he swore that he would never back down in the face of the enemy.

Some time passed, and gossip about a tournament in the western lands began to spread around, and it's rumored that members of the rival clans in the bonsai forests have already sent their own warriors there to fight. Eventually the gossip reached the captain of the military, who later announced that they will also be looking to send someone to compete in the tournament. People became hesitant, as they heard that in the Athios tournament, only 1 person comes out alive. Even the highest ranked people in the military were anxious.

Eager to prove himself, Elite strikes a deal with the captain. He would volunteer himself for the tournament, on the condition that if he came back alive, he would become the new captain of the Anlin military. Impressed by his boldness, the captain accepted.
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