Week 1: Discord, Maps, and Updates


May 25, 2020
Hello, and welcome to the end of the first week at Athios!

For this post, we’ll go over all the balance changes that have been made and list all the new maps that will be added to the testing phase!

But first, an important announcement: We now have a Discord! Join us! Join us. Join us.
Any updates/changelogs will be immediately posted in this Discord. We’ll be doing a bunch of other things in there as well!

You can join here using this link: https://discord.gg/ECG5HEp
Share with your friends if you'd like,

On the topic of advertising... We've been making the effort to reach out and contact several content creators. Stay tuned!

Kits and other updates:

-The kit layout is now organized to show owned kits first
-Map picker/rotation made more random
-Nukes now only spawn on 4 team maps
-/sellkit now asks you to confirm your choice and tells you the refund amount

  • Melee damage increased from 2.5 hearts to 3
  • Melee damage in water increased from 4 hearts to 5
  • Thrown trident damage decreased from 7 hearts to 5
  • Thrown trident cooldown increased from 2 to 3 seconds
  • Riptide made more consistent
    Now has Feather Falling II
Marine is meant to make choices about when and where to throw its tridents. The prior cooldown of 2 seconds barely left it vulnerable. 3 seconds can feel like an eternity at times, so we’ll be seeing how this feels to play as and against.

Sacrificial has been removed and owners refunded

Sacrificial is a controversial kit. It feels unfair or oppressive to its enemies, while the user themself lives in constant fear. If the kit was made too easy to kill, there would be no point in playing it. If the kit was made too hard to kill, it would be incredibly oppressive to fight against. It is impossible to balance to feel fair to both sides without major reworks.

Medic no longer spams “You can heal this person in x seconds” on Bursts

Wraith’s bow cooldown reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second
Wraith struggles to find a place to be a useful asset to its team. Allowing it to fire faster should let it contribute more to fights.

Burst’s bow nerfed to Power I from Power II
Burst’s bow was too oppressive due to its high direct damage and moderate splash damage. Changing it to Power I will still reward it for accuracy while not making it a better Shortbow.

Demolitions’ Landmine detonation timer reduced from 0.7 seconds to 0.4 seconds
There were multiple complaints that Demo’s landmine did not do enough damage to those who stepped on one. This change ensures that whoever so steps on one will be sure to take a major amount of damage without changing the explosion radius or increasing the damage.

Juggernaut now takes 30% less damage, down from 40%. Medics heal this kit slower and less effectively.
Jugg has had quite a few complaints. We’ll be monitoring its state post-nerf to see how this affects the kit before any further changes.

Spy now has an Enderpearl and Unbreaking I
This will allow Spy to better infiltrate and blend in with the enemy team

-Current known issues with Spy and Skinner should be resolved
-Teleporter should no longer turn players to ghosts

Known Priority Issues:
-There is a bug related to 1.15 where players may be seen in a state they are not in, such as sneaking, swimming, or sprinting. This is mostly visual, but affects Ghost as it may have sprint particles appear when it is not sprinting.
This is likely to be caused by sneaking and sprinting at the same time.


A whole bunch of maps will be added tomorrow, Friday June 12th. Consider them in the Testing phase!
While in the Testing phase, maps aren’t considered “fully accepted.” This means that the rewards will not be granted to the creators… yet.

Feedback for maps should be left as a reply to this thread. The creators can then change or update their maps based on this feedback.

New Maps - Testing Phase

Busy Bazar
, by OnettOnslaught and Lexplosion
Chronofield, by Mythless
Crystal Cavern, by Team Fenix
Four Stalk, a 4 team variant of Beanstalk
Hemispheres, an updated version of the map by Giovani and Ruttedbus62940 (+ a 4 team variant)
Keeps, by SirDodgy
Nevermore, by Dave_X and daveandnick
Uncle T's Family Farm, by Triggs9009 and Elacain
Perfect Balance, a complete revamp by WetUnderwear
Soaked Britches, a 4 team variant of Wet Britches
Station Stand-Up, by Martoph
Vertigo, by Giovani

Map Updates

[REDACTED] Laboratories
- Now has more cover at the map’s center
Beanstalk - The house interiors have been completely redone! The bomb room keeps the familiar essentials. A mechanic has climbed the Beanstalks.
Ishras - Walls have been added and the dome around the middle gem has been removed.
Rival Castles - The main stairs have been changed and an additional jump up to the bomb tower is now possible.
Apex Expanse - Removed due to higher map standards.
Courtyard - Removed due to creator's request
Floating Isles - Has been removed due to poor gameplay and unbalanced bases.

Please leave your feedback for these maps here!

Busy Bazaar, by OnettOnslaught and Lexplosion

Chronofield, by Mythless

Crystal Caverns, by Team Fenix

Four Stalk, a 4 team variant of Beanstalk

Hemispheres, an updated version of the map by Giovani and Ruttedbus62940

Keeps, by SirDodgy

Nevermore, by Dave_X and daveandnick

Uncle T's Family Farm, by Triggs9009 and Elacain

Perfect Balance, a complete revamp by WetUnderwear

Soaked Britches, a 4 team variant of Wet Britches

Station Stand-Up, by Martoph

Vertigo, by Giovani


Active member
May 30, 2020
>Sacrificial removed
Thaecrasis: Good riddance

4 team wet britches is going to be crazy. Overall, many maps and kit changes are nice.


Jun 6, 2020
Keeps pathing between bombs seems a bit long. Perhaps for certain maps we could lengthen the time it takes for a bomb to blow up. Other than that the map looks nice.

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