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  1. Woaxa

    3 Days until launch! Additions/Changes that will be featured!

    sky wood wars tho 😍😍
  2. Woaxa

    ms paint drawing requests 2: electric boogaloo

    if anything happens its probably just a strong breeze but seriously this is amazing ty for blessing me on this fine day
  3. Woaxa

    definitely cute

    definitely cute
  4. Woaxa

    ms paint drawing requests 2: electric boogaloo

    piecrymyselftosleep im your biggest fan, may i request an empty coffin and a wonderful analysis from yourself
  5. Woaxa

    Rejected Chronofield (v3.0!) - A map that changes pathways depending on the in-game time

    I took another look at the updated version, The team indicators were huge. I do believe FPS is better, no huge stutters for me and what looks like +25-30fps around the maps from V2-V3. Something I think I forgot to say in my previous msg is the ice on the underground, not a huge fan of blocks...
  6. Woaxa

    Rejected 6 SnD maps :O

    I'll only comment on Keeps and Imperial Gardens as I think they have the most potential of being an SnD map. Keeps looks like it provides fun and unique gameplay but the one way into the base being from the bridge is kinda wack, an alternate route wouldn't hurt. Also once inside the castle I...
  7. Woaxa

    Rejected Chronofield (v3.0!) - A map that changes pathways depending on the in-game time

    The concept is amazing, you're doing things that dont exist, way ahead of our time. Going through the map it is definitely easier to understand than the previous version but I cant help but feel some of the alternate routes dont really serve a purpose, the side routes at mid stand out...
  8. Woaxa

    we're just vibing

    we're just vibing
  9. Woaxa

    Kit Kit Bleeder rework

    i would not be fully against the time being lowered from 30 to 20 seconds as you did say the hearts come back empty which will add on another taxing amount of time before they can even think about going back into battle. otherwise i love this, bleeder was not very fun to play against or as so...
  10. Woaxa

    Introducing ourselves

    hi tarnum I love and hate your idea all at the same time! feels like school introductions but i will contribute. im woaxa ive been with the community a while and i play an unhealthy amount of shortbow. as for irl i dont do anything im just here to play minecraft i also like shadowstarcat
  11. Woaxa

    Kit kit jumper

    Im sorry toomuchzelda but this kit seems extremely overpowered and doesn't fit in a place like search and destroy, I my self would be disgusted and wouldn't support Athios going forward if something of this caliber was added.
  12. Woaxa

    The Rise of Athios University: Part One

    an answer to that is in block-games in frynds :)
  13. Woaxa

    The Rise of Athios University: Part One

    thank you for blessing the community with a new story :)