Search results

  1. Triggs

    Rejected Mushroom Forest

    I haven't downloaded the map, but going off the pictures, I think the outside looks really great! My only concerns would be the inside parts of the map with the textures being a little bland (an entire room of stripped logs) and the cave portion too. I'm digging the vibe and can't wait to...
  2. Triggs

    Kit Price Suggestions (BASED ON NUMBERS POG)

    Wraith accessibility changed from 3 to 7. This changes kit price value from 8 to 16. KIT_PRICE is now 150 for Wraith. As a reminder, this isn't designed to choose what kits are more or less expensive. this is based off of what data we assign each kit (which I think it's pretty fair, some stuff...
  3. Triggs

    Athios Maps (oh wow more data ooooo)

    I saw some discussion on the Discord and thought it would be more constructive here... anyways: This is a list of every two team map in rotation as of 8/8/2020 with *ROUGH* (2-3 second variance)...
  4. Triggs

    Kit Price Suggestions (BASED ON NUMBERS POG)

    It's a spreadsheet! We all love spreadsheets! WOOOO! A couple notes about the spreadsheet: TERMS: KIT_PRICE - price of kit KIT_NAME - name of kit Accessibility - Amount of players in the...
  5. Triggs

    Unpopular Balancing Ideas

    I'm curious as to what games are straight up "unwinnable"? Assuming numbers are even and skill level of all players is even, what situation makes kits really the deciding factor? Extreme situations where one team is all barricaders vs all troopers is one example of something that would be really...
  6. Triggs

    Unpopular Balancing Ideas

    The way I see SnD right now is that it's an advanced version of rock, paper, scissors with skill and strategy added in. I agree that bow classes are very powerful right now and I hope they can be tuned, but the ghost (and dwarf to a much lesser extent) removals would unbalance the spiderweb of...
  7. Triggs

    Back to School Update

    Super excited for this update! Can't wait to go shopping at Coconut Mall, explore the streets of Venice, and mindlessly dedicate my life in the sweatsho- factory that Uncle T has generously provided!
  8. Triggs

    Rejected Uncle T's Family Factory

    Uncle T is back with another addition to his agricultural empire! This time it's a bio-nuclear warehouse/sweatshop? Map Name: Uncle T's Family Factory Map Description: Where every day is "Bring Your Kid to Work" day! Map Authors: Triggs9009 and Lexplosion Some notes about the map: Spawn is...
  9. Triggs

    Crate Drop Changes (FEEDBACK PLEASE)

    That would be a healthy alternative. My suggestion is so that a crate is more a reward of skill expression rather than the reward being based on RNG. Basically, Woaxa's suggestion if RNG = GOOD, mine if RNG = BAD. (this is an over simplification of the statements)
  10. Triggs

    Crate Drop Changes (FEEDBACK PLEASE)

    It can feel bad sometimes when crates drop and what you get is based off of 100% RNG. It can either be a really bad crate or a god crate and can wildly differ. Getting a bad crate feels really bad when you should be rewarded for popping off. I've designed a potential revamp of the crate system...
  11. Triggs

    Kits and Classes (VIDEO)

    I made a video organizing every kit into one of 6 classes! Come check it out! (You may not agree with all of the kit class designations and that's ok. This is mostly designed for new players who want to find the best kit for their play style)
  12. Triggs

    I own every kit

    Threads that age interestingly:
  13. Triggs

    Four Team Map Player Requirement

    I was thinking about four team maps and the 40 player limit feels really large for the four team maps to be played, especially with our current player base numbers. I think lowering the number from 40 to 32 would be really nice, it's only 2 less people per team so the games would still feel...
  14. Triggs

    EU4 Nation vs Nation - Athios Players as Countries

    How can I buy power so that I don't die....???
  15. Triggs

    Obligatory Counting Thread

  16. Triggs

    Ghost Tutoring

    For a subscriber! sure!
  17. Triggs

    Ghost Tutoring

    I will tutor you how to play ghost for half an hour if you subscribe to my YouTube Channel. I am here for clout and clout alone. YOUTUBE
  18. Triggs

    EU4 Nation vs Nation - Athios Players as Countries

    :waiting for updates:
  19. Triggs

    Is water wet?

    I think it is.