Rejected Mushroom Forest


Active member
May 29, 2020
Map Name: Mushroom Forest
Authors: Setery, Cutbone, _SavageSniper, Colninja, Eremilion
Special Credit to Eremilion for designing all the mushrooms. Link to their post:
Map Description: A once tranquil forest has begun to corrupt.
(make sure to open the galleries)
Download Link:
*This map was made in 1.16.3*
**Nuke is not pictured, but it's at mid inside the mushroom**
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Active member
May 29, 2020
I haven't downloaded the map, but going off the pictures, I think the outside looks really great! My only concerns would be the inside parts of the map with the textures being a little bland (an entire room of stripped logs) and the cave portion too. I'm digging the vibe and can't wait to explore it in game.


Active member
May 29, 2020
I haven't downloaded the map, but going off the pictures, I think the outside looks really great! My only concerns would be the inside parts of the map with the textures being a little bland (an entire room of stripped logs) and the cave portion too. I'm digging the vibe and can't wait to explore it in game.
I can definitely understand the cave part, I spent the least amount of time there so it could probably be touched up. I tried hard with making the interior not seem bland using the stripped log, I tried more for a realistic carved out log so that you can see the layers/rings. Ty for the feedback.


May 29, 2020
The theming of the map looks pretty good! And the soul sand valley biomes really adds to the atmosphere.
I got some few things to comment on that y'all could look into:

Base - Bomb Room: I feel the block choice here seems to be way too busy; all of these textures stretched across the room together doesn't look real pleasant to the eyes. The dripping particles from the crying obsidian also might slightly contribute to some FPS lag on more low-end computers. Changing to more simple/plain blocks could do the trick. Perhaps you could make the block choices like the first floor's, with some minor differences to give that extra variety. Below is a little screenie of what I'd do with it in one area—just to give some ideas:


Gameplay-wise: The narrowness of the room combined with the entrance with all the armor stands makes for a perfect archer fest. Some kind of wall or room separate where you only enter off from the sides would be good to prevent that. The vines ladder is really awkward for both entering and exiting. Honey blocks wouldn't really be needed in this case as you really take any fall damage when landing on the Hay Bales below. Personally I'd switch to small staircases, but If you want to keep this kind of entrance then changing the vines to actual ladders would be better since players will have trouble fighting in it due to hitboxes being inside the block.

Base - Entrance Area

I see y'all went for some this hospitality service vibe, and I dig it. Though, it doesn't really feel "hospitality-like" enough, if that makes sense. Some more decoration in the lobby area like some those little tree plants to find in actual lobbies, tables, and other things like a bell to ring for customer service would spruce up the place. Gameplay-wise, no comment.

Base - Hallways

Gonna be honest: Those rooms feel a bit cheesy for certain tactics. You could use one of them to trap people in with demo landmines and a warper camping inside for instance. A suggestion here would be to remove the doors and make the entrances a little bigger.

Base - Bottom Floors

I notice a glaring gameplay issue here: When I go down the first set of stairs, I immediately thought of going down that hall with all the restrooms to enter the mines, but it's not. It's the map credits room in a dead-end. I only realized the entrance to the mines after I turned around and went all the way back from the credits room. Perhaps design the room so that the hallways are not in immediate view; making the staircases to the mines more visible; or an indicator that will make the player more likely to turn around would also really help. Or for a more significant change, you could perhaps swap the paths so that the current entrance to the mines is to the map credits room and the restroom leads to the new mines path.

Outside - Borders

The whole play area is actually a lot smaller than I thought, not to say if it's a bad thing or not though. Really like the huge log for the team base. All of it seems ok both gameplay and aesthetics. The only thing I really dislike is the borders—the mossy cobblestone wall looks very out-of-place, and the huge barrier wall can cause some issues when throwing enderpearls especially on a small map like this (Though I likely imagine the barriers are more like where you guys wanted to indicate the map borders to be and they're just placeholders—in which case ignore the last part of my comment). Maybe raise the terrain around the map so players will know that's where the border is. You could maybe get creative with it by adding some thick wall of fungal plants or something to give that further indication.


Again, really like the theming, I just think there could be some more improvements in the areas I mentioned. For most of y'all this might be your first SnD map or at least the first in a long time—just keep improving it and I'm sure you'll make it look pretty great :)
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Staff Member
May 27, 2020
Hey guys,

Prior to official map judging I wanted to pass on these thoughts about the map.

It’s a pretty unique theme, a good twist on the usual nature/forest maps and utilizes many newer blocks. That said, my immediate concern is that one of the main features of the map, the custom mushrooms, cannot properly be credited due to this:
Eremilion said:
-But, if you want to make a public project using some elements of that bundle, you must, at least, indicate my minecraft name "EREMILION" and give the link of that page and/or my PMC account link.
While having their username in the map authors is perfectly fine, we aren’t able to properly link their content. Additionally, these constitute a significant portion of the map despite not being your own creations. Please replace the mushrooms with ones of your own design or find other alternatives.

Another concern are the bases. There are multiple long, narrow hallways throughout. Additionally, on the first floor, there are a few rooms that are very big but don't offer much for gameplay, leaving them mostly as dead space. I recommend rethinking the base’s layout in terms of game flow, even if it means the building makes less “sense”.

As for the author room I have to agree with Mythless. It's a very long path for something that won't help in gameplay. I recommend making the path shorter or more obvious that it isn't a path to take for regular gameplay. In terms of aesthetics, I'll also agree with a lot of what Mythless has said. I think a cleaner/consistent palette and more small detail work would do a lot to improve the overall look.

Let me know if I can elaborate on some of these points, and I hope it helps you improve the map.



Active member
May 29, 2020
Hey guys,

Prior to official map judging I wanted to pass on these thoughts about the map.

It’s a pretty unique theme, a good twist on the usual nature/forest maps and utilizes many newer blocks. That said, my immediate concern is that one of the main features of the map, the custom mushrooms, cannot properly be credited due to this:

While having their username in the map authors is perfectly fine, we aren’t able to properly link their content. Additionally, these constitute a significant portion of the map despite not being your own creations. Please replace the mushrooms with ones of your own design or find other alternatives.

Another concern are the bases. There are multiple long, narrow hallways throughout. Additionally, on the first floor, there are a few rooms that are very big but don't offer much for gameplay, leaving them mostly as dead space. I recommend rethinking the base’s layout in terms of game flow, even if it means the building makes less “sense”.

As for the author room I have to agree with Mythless. It's a very long path for something that won't help in gameplay. I recommend making the path shorter or more obvious that it isn't a path to take for regular gameplay. In terms of aesthetics, I'll also agree with a lot of what Mythless has said. I think a cleaner/consistent palette and more small detail work would do a lot to improve the overall look.

Let me know if I can elaborate on some of these points, and I hope it helps you improve the map.

I will likely make some changes to the phsyical map itself, but I did find a good method to giving credit to the creator of the mushrooms instead of just putting a hidden sign on the map.
I've created a tellraw command that will allow you to hover over some text that has a url link when clicked.
Now I don't know how Athios handles map descriptions, but this example should suffice
Initial Text
When hovering over "credit"
When you click "credit"

/tellraw @p ["",{"text":"Map Loaded: ","color":"gold"},{"text":"Mushroom Forest","color":"yellow"},{"text":"\n"},{"text":"Authors: ","color":"gold"},{"text":"Setery, Cutbone, _SavageSniper, Colninja, Eremilion","color":"yellow"},{"text":" (credit)","italic":true,"color":"yellow","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","contents":{"text":"Click to open link","bold":true,"color":"dark_gray"}}},{"text":"\n"},{"text":"Description: ","color":"gold"},{"text":"A once tranquil forest has begun to corrupt.","color":"yellow"}]


Staff Member
May 27, 2020
Hey guys,

This is mostly a repeat of what was said above, but in its current state the map isn’t ready to be put into testing. Again, a key issue is that the majority of this map's aesthetic is being carried by work that isn’t your own. Taking inspiration from Eremilion’s builds is fine, but it needs to go beyond recoloring their mushroom structures, especially when they are a core part of the map’s theme. Creating your own mushroom designs would be an easy fix for this.

A few other points:
  • Base layouts need a rework to have less dead space and long, narrow hallways
  • Base aesthetic is inconsistent/messy
  • Author room should be simplified

I know you said you’ve got some changes planned, so we’re looking forward to seeing it!


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