Athios Maps (oh wow more data ooooo)


Active member
May 29, 2020
I saw some discussion on the Discord and thought it would be more constructive here... anyways:

This is a list of every two team map in rotation as of 8/8/2020 with *ROUGH* (2-3 second variance) bomb-to-bomb times (BTBT) and sorted into what I've decided to call "Map Types"

Most maps can be divided into multiple of the categories, but for the sake of this chart, I tried to pick the primary category that I believed each map would fall under.

  • Arena - Rectangle-like, big open spaces to run across (imagine if you're a dog and you just want to run free)
  • Route-Based - Different possible and very viable routes to get from bomb to bomb. Sometimes on these maps, large groups can pass each other without even noticing.
  • Base-Oriented - Really easy to defend the base either because of base defensibility (block placement), or general map design
  • Tiered - Multiple stages of fighting. Kind of think like Tiny little arenas in a line where teams can push forward to gain control of an area, but not reach the bomb yet.
If you don't agree with my categorization, discuss it. I might not change it in the document, but I think it's important to look at what maps we have and what GENERAL types they are because it can give new mapmakers a sense of what Athios may need in. NOTE: Just because there aren't a lot of a certain map type (i.e. Small Base-Oriented) doesn't mean there should be more of that map type.

To address what I saw in Discord: Pearls.

I think the addition of pearls with buy signs or any other types of distribution (sans crates) would be an attack on one of the fundamentals of Search and Destroy: Decision making. Large maps (especially frostbite) make you choose things that you normally wouldn't choose on smaller maps. Adding buyable enderpearls to the game would take away a lot of decision making and push SnD (what I believe to be a somewhat tactical game) towards KitPVP, but with an objective that "kinda" matters... Adding buyable pearls would make bomb clutch victories less viable (not that they're even that common) and I think that's a pretty cool way to win the game. Buyable pearls make decision making less important. Smart play should be rewarded, not taken out of the game.


Staff Member
May 27, 2020
I love me some data collection. To help with visualization, here's a chart:


Key (See Triggs' descriptions above)
  • RED - Arena
  • BLUE - Route oriented
  • YELLOW - Base oriented
  • PURPLE - Tiered

This chart also includes the new maps being added with today's update. A few interesting takeaways:
  • There is a very wide spread of bomb-to-bomb times (BTBT) across maps, and it's spread evenly
  • Most longer maps are base-focused or tiered
  • Most shorter maps are arena maps
  • Route-based maps vary widely in BTBT

I think it's also worth pointing out that BTBT isn't the only measure of map size. Nevermore and Skywood Wars are close in size, but since Nevermore uses more verticality it can feel closer (and make pearling much easier).

To also weigh in on pearls: Part of what I love about SnD is letting maps influence my kit choice. That keeps the game fresh and interesting for me. Pearls make the map not matter when you can bypass any obstacles. It would also discourage players from using support or ranged kits.

Thanks for collecting this info Triggs 😀

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