Rejected Baroque Mansions


New member
Jun 10, 2020
Map Name: Baroque Mansions
Authors: sadokist
Map Description: Two fancy mansions floating in the sky. What could go wrong?
Hopefully, you guys can understand the map based off the pictures, I would heavily suggest you check it out in-person.

Here is the map for you to check out:

To give a little background, I made this map around the time Redwarfare got sold to Mineplex, back when my ign was SadLove (yikes). I think aesthetically, I achieved what I wanted, but gameplay-wise I am not the best at ascertaining. I was a huge fan of SG9 (I think that is what it was called), or that bioshock sg map on Hivemc, and I tried to emulate that elegant baroque style. I guess if you look at some of my other images, you will see me experimenting heavily with that quartz baroque style. At first glance, it looks like an extreme chokepoint mid where it would be an archer's paradise, so that's why I added that second entrance into the structures in the center. Again, I was not good at judging gameplay, so I understand if this could still be a problem. I would appreciate some constructive criticism.

Here is the map for you to check out:

Again, I heavily suggest you check it out in person



Active member
May 29, 2020
I love the design, but I feel like anywhere I turn on the map is a long/shortbow paradise. There's a large amount of empty space and the entire left side of the mansion (sans tunnel) seems completely useless and could be used as alternate routes.

As I see it, there are 2 choke points to get into the mansion, and one choke point to get into the bomb room.


New member
Jun 10, 2020
Yeah, I think I know what I am going to do to fix this chokepoint in the center. I will vastly expand the bridge area and provide more cover so it isn't as much of an archer's paradise. Today was the first day I had logged on to 1.15, so there's probably a lot more I can do with a larger block palette


May 30, 2020
I ran around on the map for a little bit and I really like it. The only concerns I have are all of those little rooms, which I feel can turn into hiding spots for dwarfs, sacs, triggers etc... I can totally see people camping in those rooms. Other than that I love it! cool stuff.


May 25, 2020
Hey sadokist, thanks for the map submission.

A large concern about this map I have is the gameplay. The middle/main route is long and thin, with little true cover other than the trees. There are walls, but they follow straight down the path, making it actually easier for archers to hit players. Try adding walls that go against the path, rather than with it!

The mansion interiors are another part for concern. When walking inside, the entire left side is dedicated to the underground tunnel and 2 dead ends. The right side starts with a long, narrow corridor (archers love these!) and branches into two staircases up and 2 dead ends. Players new to the map only have a 50/50 chance of actually finding their bomb!

The bomb room is fine, but the mansion continues on the opposite side, with many rooms that have no purpose are essentially useless to gameplay. You'll need to drastically change the interior. Both sides of the mansion should leave up to the bomb room. The underground tunnel could instead lead to the backside of the main room of the mansion? Also, try to give each room or corridor a purpose!

The heads should be moved or put in more out of the way rooms.

We'll be rejecting this map for now, but if or when you update the map with changes based on this feedback, leave a reply letting us know and we'll take another look :)


New member
Jun 10, 2020
My god you responded so fast!

Over the past couple days I have been feverishly working to optimize the gameplay. It should be pretty good now. And in response to some of the more minor things you mentioned
-I closed off one half of the buildings so it is pretty straightforward where the bomb is. I did keep the lower rooms on one half intact, and I think that will be good for sacs.
-Removed heads (except for mine, I have one from my skin in 2016 and one from now)

Images: (I did not remove the old images)

Map Download:

Would be ecstatic if this could make it to the trial stage tomorrow, but I understand otherwise

Thank you so much


I made a few changes, aesthetic and major. This is the final version of my submission.

-Redirected underground tunnel to the main room. Now the entire left half is blocked off. There is a trap door from the ladder to the main room.
-Widened the choke-point to the bomb room

-Expanded the "secret" room on the upper floor and placed the heads there (hopefully this is fine since this is an unimportant room)
-Made various small aesthetic changes

If you are concerned that the bomb room is too choked up since it only has 1 entrance, then the easy solution is I can open up the left half on each mansion and add stairs that lead to the bomb room, just like on the right half.

Map download:
Last edited:


May 25, 2020
We appreciate the efforts of the author to address the initial concerns of the map, however we do not believe this map meets current gameplay standards. The main pathway is rather plain and could use more horizontal walls to allow players to cover from archers. The interior of the mansion is quite a bit lackluster, and blocking off access to half the mansion with invisible barricade blocks can be confusing to players. The interior could use a complete redesign, basically. As an example, think of the old Beanstalk interior compared to the new interior.
While these changes are certainly possible, it would require a large rework of the map, so we will be rejecting it for now. Should you choose to rework it, you’re free to respond with any updates.

Thank you for the map submission.

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