Day One: Launch and Updates


May 25, 2020
Hey everyone!

Thanks for joining us for our first day! It was...quite a bit larger than expected 😅

We appreciate you bearing with us through our lag and bugs, and we’re continuing to improve as we go. We know one issue in particular has been credits earned/kit cost. We’re working on re-tuning the credit economy to make the game even more fun and rewarding. We are very aware of the time it takes to accumulate credits and are working on solutions. As of right now, games have a 3/5 credit award for losses/wins respectively, and scrolling achievements will award credits instead of points. We are still looking into other changes we can make.

Kit Updates
  • Berserker. Berserker once again has 2 steak to balance out their lower armor.
  • Medic. Medic now does not get absorption hearts from its golden apples. This is because medics can be surprisingly hard to kill for how important they are!
  • Barricader. Barricader blocks now only damage players in a line of sight.
  • Warper. Warper can no longer warp through teammates. Additionally, whenever it uses a teleporter, the blocks before using that teleporter will be set as invalid spots. This should prevent unexpected warps and warps that leave players trapped in certain map spots.
  • Burst. Burst has been suffering from choosing between living and using its core ability. To make it more fun to use, users can now be healed by Medics 10 seconds after not shooting any arrows.
  • New Kits! While we want to perfect what we currently have, look forward to new kits in the not too distant future!
These changes may not immediately be reflected ingame, but will be added in the next few days!
We currently working on resolving the issues with Spy, Skinner, and Teleporter. Thank you for your bug reports!

Map Updates
  • Map Rotation. Map selection is random to give each map a chance at being played, and the same map won’t be played twice in a row. There were several instances of maps being played repeatedly, but this issue has been fixed and you’ll be seeing more maps!.
  • Four-Team Maps. Lost Kingdoms is the only 4-team map currently, however it was removed due to a bug which caused the Nuke to fall out of the map. This has been resolved and the map added back in. We are also looking to add other 4-team maps. Bigger Wet Britches, maybe coming to a server near you...
  • Map Cycling. Maps will be cycled in and out of rotation periodically to keep the rotation fresh. Expect some new maps coming in for the next update!
  • Map Submissions. Expect responses soon! We’ll be trying out a testing phase for new maps as well, where the community can leave feedback on a dedicated thread.

Other Notes
  • Player Lag. Lag was mainly due to the amount of players, which was more than we expected! We had 84 players at the peak and 207 unique players! We are working on implementing 60 player max games, since lag only seems to appear when player count is over 60.
  • Arrow Lag. The above lag fix should also fix issues with crossbows, bows, and tridents that were occurring during the player peaks.
  • Nuke Timer. The Nuke has been adjusted to spawn at 7 minutes, rather than 5. This should allow ample time for the game to happen before the anti-camp mechanic kicks in.
  • Selling Kits. For those experiencing regrets in life, or are victim to impulsive purchases, fear not. The /sellkit command has returned, allowing you to sell a kit you’ve bought for a large portion of the buying price, which will be affected by how long you’ve had the kit.
  • Bug Reports. We want to stress that staff are not the people to be DM’d about bugs, and that bugs you find should be reported to the bug reports section immediately! Don’t worry about recording video, sometimes screenshots are enough (though do use video if you can).

We’ve got a lot more planned, and this is just the start! Thanks for sticking around and believing in us :)
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Jun 5, 2020
For new kits, what type of kits are you looking to add to next? Ranged? Melee? Tank like, Utility, another healing class?

Or better yet, just add back in Morph


May 25, 2020
For new kits, what type of kits are you looking to add to next? Ranged? Melee? Tank like, Utility, another healing class?

Or better yet, just add back in Morph
Not really looking for anything specific right now, but I'm seeing a lot of interesting ideas on the Kit Ideas section personally


Active member
May 30, 2020
Isn’t there any other fix to lag besides capping the player count? 100-player games are really fun, and we definitely had them lag-free in previous iteratations of the gamemode. Plus, some kits such as berserker and vampire aren’t really worth it unless the headcount is 100.

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