Thanks for the submission, Carson!
First off, well done on changing the towers to be original. That being said, they still require improvements. The interiors, which includes the bomb room and stairs leading up, are rather cramped, which would make any larger team fights a pain.
The map is very wide and open, which becomes a problem due to the map’s relative size. Teams will tend to scatter aimlessly because of this. Having choke points or paths in the ground could help with this issue.
The map is also very flat, other than structures, mounds of terrain, and the mountain barrier, the latter two of which have obvious world edit spheres in places. This leads to the map feeling like multiple pieces attached onto a flat surface, rather than a single creation. What you could do to help address this is to smooth the ground between terrain and the flat ground. If you need examples, take a look at the terrain of Apex Expanse or China’s Heavens.
We’ll be rejecting this map for now, but it has potential! If or when you update the map to address this feedback, leave a reply letting us know.