Kit Flower Power


Jun 13, 2020
Kit Name: Flower Power

Icon: White Tulip

Description: Through the power of flowers, this kit can adapt to any situation!

Details: By default, the kit will have a white tulip (coded as a stone sword with sharpness one) as a weapon, along with three other flowers, which can individually do nothing; however, when placed in the offhand slot they empower the tulip and modify the armour. With no offhand equipped, the armour will be:

White Dyed Leather Helmet (Protection I)

Iron Chest

Iron Leggings

White Dyed Leather Boots (Protection I)

The first flower is an orange tulip (wood sword), which will enchant the tulip so that its attacks apply fire aspect one. The armour will change to orange dyed leather helmet and boots enchanted with fire protection and the chest and legs will swap to gold.

The second flower is a nether rose (wood sword); this will make the tulip apply weakness one for four seconds with successive attacks reapplying the debuff. The armour of this form is the weakest being: black leather helmet and boots, enchanted with projectile protection, and brown dyed leather chest and legs.

The final flower is a blue orchid (stone sword), applying slowness to the target for ten seconds, with successive attacks reapplying the debuff. This form’s armour will have grey dyed helmet and boots, enchanted with protection and projectile protection one, as well as chain chest and legs.

Disclaimer: I really don't know much regarding the numbers behind a lot of the stuff; the equipment given is loosely based on the equipment of the current kits in the game. I have also tried to keep the equipment it has fairly modest as a result of the different status effects the kit has available to use.


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Hell yeah, I've been waiting eons for a flower-themed kit. Flower gang.

I like the idea of a kit that can do several different things, though not at the same time and without being overpowered. It might need some buffing in the armor, but I don't really know anything about game balance so I cannot give advice.

Anyway, this kit has my full support.


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
I think you should add a cooldown to swapping flowers. People can just quickly cycle through and put all the debuffs on you which is pretty broken imo. I think 5 seconds is reasonable. It would force the kit user to think about which flower is the most important for the scenario instead of letting them just use everything with no penalty.

I think using the flowers as weapons would also be confusing. It would make more sense for the kit to have an item it can use to cycle through the types of flowers. It would allow you to still choose any flower you want by only beginning the cool down once you stay on a certain flower for a bit.

Other than that this kit seems pretty balanced, since its armor is pretty bad in its other forms and it has to be within melee range to use its status effects.


Jun 13, 2020
I think you should add a cooldown to swapping flowers. People can just quickly cycle through and put all the debuffs on you which is pretty broken imo. I think 5 seconds is reasonable. It would force the kit user to think about which flower is the most important for the scenario instead of letting them just use everything with no penalty.
I feel that would compromise the fluidity of gameplay for the player hence hindering the enjoyability of the playing kit, I would prefer to consider other options of nerfing the kit if that proves to be problematic such as:
  • Weakening the status effects
  • Weakening the sword strength
  • Weakening the armour

I think using the flowers as weapons would also be confusing. It would make more sense for the kit to have an item it can use to cycle through the types of flowers. It would allow you to still choose any flower you want by only beginning the cool down once you stay on a certain flower for a bit.
I agree that having the flower as the weapon might be confusing; however, I think that the method you suggested would be frustrating to use; I believe a better alternative would giving the player the corresponding sword in the main hand whilst having the remaining flowers in the players hotbar.

Thanks for the feedback too! 🙂


Jul 17, 2020
Hm, I like it. I do think maybe weakening the sword strength could be worth looking at but other than that I mean, I don't see much problems with it. I also like your given method where having the corresponding sword with the other flowers in the hot bar. It's unique so I think it could definitely work.

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