Hub Fishing Suggestion


Active member
May 29, 2020
Introducing a new way to spend time in the hub through....


Why introduce fishing?

This is a great way to spend time in the hub while waiting for SnD games to fill. There will be a leveling system and reward system for dedicated fishers. Athios fishing will be vastly different from vanilla fishing.
Vanilla Fishing Table:

-These rewards wouldn't make too much sense for being in the hub

Custom Fishing Table:
-The loot table is entirely different here. You may have noticed all the dyes; they're used for coloring your leather armor that you get as a reward from reaching lvl 1 fishing. The luck potion is a reward and will temporarily boost your luck when it comes to fishing. Different dyes provide more or less xp than the other, and junk items provide the least amount of xp. This loot table is likely to change/expand based on what Athois decides to put in it and could change based on fishing level. Fishing levels are also exponential, so you won't be reaching lvl 10 in a few hours.

Fishing Level Rewards (1-5)
-Rewards: Basic armor sets, a few skulls, music discs, and obviously better fishing rods

Fishing Level Rewards (6-10)
-Rewards: Rare armor sets, amazing rods, and cool rewards for hitting level 10

Finally a special reward is unlocked for hitting level 10. You will receive a fishing emoji next to your name which will be visible throughout the entire server.

Note: all cosmetics like armor and the fishing emote are all toggleable

Community Suggestions

-Non-permanent rewards over leveling system
-Fishing stat log (either gui or command output)


Please leave feedback and/or additional suggestions and I will summarize it on this post. I will leave my opinion of the community suggestions as replies.
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May 25, 2020
I really liked the idea of a fishing activity in hub, so I'm glad to see it's been consolidated in a suggestion post.
For me personally, I'm of the opinion it shouldn't be too complex or "serious." I like the idea of being able to fish up armor to wear around the hub or get music discs (this is a really fun idea where I can see the hub just having a jukebox for players to put the discs into) but I feel like none of the loot should be permanent, ie it's gone after you leave the hub/log out.

I think it'd be a great way to sort of pass time in the hub while taking a break or waiting for more SnD players, but that's sort of all I'd want it to be. Any more than that and it starts to feel like a special minigame with its own goals instead of a little activity, and it would probably require a lot more time & effort in its coding, which is time away from SnD (I don't code nor do I know of any plugins like this so I don't know if my opinion has any weight here 😅 ).
XP and leveling feels like its adding a level of complexity that I'm not sure is needed, but I'd agree on loot/fish having rarer variations. Maybe you can have a log that records all the rare loot /fish you fish up either as a book item when you enter the fishing area or a stat command?

I might be more of a "less is more" person & I understand other people may feel differently, but fishing in the hub is generally a cool idea I'm in favor of as an alternative to just afking, doing parkour, or running around aimlessly👍


Active member
May 29, 2020
I really liked the idea of a fishing activity in hub, so I'm glad to see it's been consolidated in a suggestion post.
For me personally, I'm of the opinion it shouldn't be too complex or "serious." I like the idea of being able to fish up armor to wear around the hub or get music discs (this is a really fun idea where I can see the hub just having a jukebox for players to put the discs into) but I feel like none of the loot should be permanent, ie it's gone after you leave the hub/log out.

I think it'd be a great way to sort of pass time in the hub while taking a break or waiting for more SnD players, but that's sort of all I'd want it to be. Any more than that and it starts to feel like a special minigame with its own goals instead of a little activity, and it would probably require a lot more time & effort in its coding, which is time away from SnD (I don't code nor do I know of any plugins like this so I don't know if my opinion has any weight here 😅 ).
XP and leveling feels like its adding a level of complexity that I'm not sure is needed, but I'd agree on loot/fish having rarer variations. Maybe you can have a log that records all the rare loot /fish you fish up either as a book item when you enter the fishing area or a stat command?

I might be more of a "less is more" person & I understand other people may feel differently, but fishing in the hub is generally a cool idea I'm in favor of as an alternative to just afking, doing parkour, or running around aimlessly👍
I'll update the original thread and summarize your suggestion.

I personally don't think the rewards are too great to incentivize fishing over SnD, but that's just my opinion. Since this idea isn't vanilla, it definitely would take some programming time away from SnD, so there is that.

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