Accepted Jurassic park!


May 13, 2021
name: Jurassic Park
authors: MinerBat
description: scientist go to the old jurassic park to research dinosaurs. but they discover there are more dangerous things on the island...
does this video serve the purpose pictures would have?
flood start/end: 38-53
start location: -25 44 -16 where the emerald block is (remove the block) in front of the research truck
power ups (marked in sponge):
-73 55 -26 on the tower of the raptor cage
-54 42 -61 in front of the visitor centre
-74 41 -50 in the kitchen under the raptor
-72 59 -61 on the roof
-38 51 -69 in the monorail
-48 47 3 in the laboratory
-61 49 6 in the embryo room
-21 45 -24 in the research truck
-15 58 -8 on the gate
8 48 0 on the t-rex back
1 63 -65 on the dome
-9 49 -64 in the dome
-28 45 -56 on the small dino
-1 47 -39 next to the toilet
-43 42 -46 on the crossing of the paths


download 2:

download 3:
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Active member
Jun 24, 2020
This seems like a really fun map to play on! I love the dinosaur lol that's awesome

There might be just a tad too many tall grass blocks/ferns, and that might mess with fighting husks or zombies, but other than that I think this will be a solid candidate for testing! Good luck!


May 13, 2021
This seems like a really fun map to play on! I love the dinosaur lol that's awesome

There might be just a tad too many tall grass blocks/ferns, and that might mess with fighting husks or zombies, but other than that I think this will be a solid candidate for testing! Good luck!
did you even fight husks? fighting them doesnt help, you get the plague anyway
and also,
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May 25, 2020
Hi MinerBat. Great work with the map! It looks fantastic! I love all the details that are well, everywhere.
The video's fine, though I personally prefer pictures. It is a cool video though.

We're looking to get this into testing soon, but there is one pressing issue.

It's a little too big, being 110x110. You can either cut away some of the map's edges to make it closer to 101x101, or designate some of the edges as beyond the map borders, where disasters won't affect the map and players will take damage. Either way, removing 4 blocks from every side would work. This is important to ensure it runs smoothly.

If you decide on the second option, I would recommend marking the border or making it so players can't access it, either with stronger cliffs or barrier blocks, so they don't accidentally cross and take damage.

Something else is that there's an abundance of cramped spaces, both outside and inside. This isn't so ideal with all the disasters that require you to stay mobile. Players get slowed down by obstacles. Killer bees don't.
That said, we're willing to see how it does, though I'll ask you to be prepared to change it if need be.

Keep it up, great stuff! Thank you for the submission.


May 13, 2021
Hi MinerBat. Great work with the map! It looks fantastic! I love all the details that are well, everywhere.
The video's fine, though I personally prefer pictures. It is a cool video though.

We're looking to get this into testing soon, but there is one pressing issue.

It's a little too big, being 110x110. You can either cut away some of the map's edges to make it closer to 101x101, or designate some of the edges as beyond the map borders, where disasters won't affect the map and players will take damage. Either way, removing 4 blocks from every side would work. This is important to ensure it runs smoothly.

If you decide on the second option, I would recommend marking the border or making it so players can't access it, either with stronger cliffs or barrier blocks, so they don't accidentally cross and take damage.

Something else is that there's an abundance of cramped spaces, both outside and inside. This isn't so ideal with all the disasters that require you to stay mobile. Players get slowed down by obstacles. Killer bees don't.
That said, we're willing to see how it does, though I'll ask you to be prepared to change it if need be.

Keep it up, great stuff! Thank you for the submission.
wait, it too big? i must have made a typo when worldediting...
i will try to fix it and also remove a bit off the tall grass and upload it again


May 13, 2021
@Smalusion oh, and another thing. how long do maps stay in testing before they are approved or denied? (i am talking about KASA here)


May 13, 2021
second version! Two changes:
1: added 2 walls of barriers that cut off 9 blocks at 2 sides. i didnt want to remove the cliffs. the reason i didnt make 4 walls with that block 4 blocks is that that would also include a part of the interior of the visitor center.
2: added steggie, a friendly stegosaurus whose favorite food is 2 blocks tall grass! so that means there is a lot less of that.


May 13, 2021
@Smalusion how long do i have to wait now? i dont mind waiting, but i hate waiting without knowing how long i have to wait...


May 25, 2020
@Smalusion how long do i have to wait now? i dont mind waiting, but i hate waiting without knowing how long i have to wait...
Sorry about the delays, it's hard to organize sometimes and I do have other objectives.

That being said.. Jurassic will be joining the testing phase now. Well done! We're concerned about cramped areas, but we'll see how they play out.

The testing phase lasts 3-4 weeks, though it can be longer.

As for KASA Space Center, we'll be getting a reply out for that hopefully in the next few days, but a major concern for it is that even with the updated interior, it's still very cramped and hard to navigate, which is an issue if there are disasters that force you to go through it and stay mobile, such as borders, bees, or acid rain. We're not sure how that can be addressed without a large interior overhaul of the main building.


May 13, 2021
I made an update to jurassic park! it was really hard to make a decission about the border, but i decided to keep the barrier blocks, as they are better than any alternative i could come up with. here are some of the changes:
- removing the worse of the vine spam, especcially where they slow players down
- removed some of the leaves, bushes and tree, especcially next to the dome (it was way too bad there, im not even sure why i thought that much was a good idea)
- did some more lawnmowing (removed tall grass)
- detailed the fence at the back of the swamp cage. for some reason i overlooked it when building. there are now holes in it too.
- added slabs at various places for glue shoe
- made some of the most tight interior areas a bit more open
- moved the spawn location. spawning at the bottom of a hill didnt really feel right


May 25, 2020
We’re looking to fully accept this map!
There is one thing that requires changing first, however.

Due to upcoming changes to Disasters as well as it being generally unintuitive, the wall of barriers needs to be removed. The size of the map is what it is to keep lag at a minimum, and cannot currently be expanded.

Some options include cutting out the map beyond the barriers, reworking the area near and beyond the barriers, or making more of a natural border such as the left half of this area in the screenshot, as opposed to the right side.

Do let us know what you’re planning!

For the time being, we've cut out the map beyond the borders as a temporary solution. Once you decide on what you think would be best for the map while respecting the required size limit, you can leave a message here or send me a DM on Discord.

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