Kit Kit - Afflicter


May 30, 2020
Kit Name: Afflicter
Price: 400 Credits
Icon: Elytra

- Fuse
- Crossbow (Quick Charge 1)
- 6x Firework rockets
- Infinite Arrows of weakness (5 seconds) and Slowness (3 seconds)
- Netherite helmet
- Elytra
- Chainmail leggings
-Netherite boots

Description: Avoid your fear of melee combat by flying above your enemies! This kit is equipped with an elytra and arrows of weakness to weaken enemy defenses. However, it has no melee weapon and weak armor. Make sure not to get hit!

This kit has weak armor (a bit lower than gold) and no melee weapon.

The crossbow should be programmed so that it has infinite arrows that deal weakness for 5 seconds, and slowness for 3 seconds. This will weaken the hitten player and slow them down making them vulnerable for a few seconds.

The kit is mostly just a bit of fun to fly around. The kit only has 6 rockets so after a while, it will glide slower so that its easier to hit, as well as it having to land and go up to a high point to fly. The kit is pretty self-explanatory basically...
Let me know what you guys think of the kit! I would personally enjoy playing this kit a lot ;)
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Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Being able to support your team from the skies is a fun idea and not seen in SnD yet. But, I feel like this kit is way too squishy to be fun to play. Its also not very useful in terms of utility (partly due to its squishiness)

I understand having an elytra gives it a lot of mobility and makes it hard to take down but the armor you gave the kit is too little. I understand it is hard for the enemy to hit you when you have elytra, but it is also hard for you to hit them. Imo it should have armor equal to full gold

I think giving it a limited stock of arrows is unneccessary. Its unlikely the kit is going to use all of its arrows and i feel like the kit doesn't need to be forced to conserve its arrows. It's already difficult to hit someone with your arrow.

Custom coded weakness arrows that give 5 seconds of weakness would also help make the kit more balanced. This would balance out the armor buffs while still allowing the kit to be useful to its team.

With these changes I feel like the kit would retain and improve on its core gameplay. While these changes allow the kit to shoot from the ground more, I feel like that is a good thing. Only allowing it to shoot while in the air would be annoying to play and would make it ineffective


May 30, 2020
Being able to support your team from the skies is a fun idea and not seen in SnD yet. But, I feel like this kit is way too squishy to be fun to play. Its also not very useful in terms of utility (partly due to its squishiness)

I understand having an elytra gives it a lot of mobility and makes it hard to take down but the armor you gave the kit is too little. I understand it is hard for the enemy to hit you when you have elytra, but it is also hard for you to hit them. Imo it should have armor equal to full gold

I think giving it a limited stock of arrows is unneccessary. Its unlikely the kit is going to use all of its arrows and i feel like the kit doesn't need to be forced to conserve its arrows. It's already difficult to hit someone with your arrow.

Custom coded weakness arrows that give 5 seconds of weakness would also help make the kit more balanced. This would balance out the armor buffs while still allowing the kit to be useful to its team.

With these changes I feel like the kit would retain and improve on its core gameplay. While these changes allow the kit to shoot from the ground more, I feel like that is a good thing. Only allowing it to shoot while in the air would be annoying to play and would make it ineffective
Thanks, changed the kit a bit :)

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