Kit Kit Arsonist


Active member
Jun 24, 2020
Description: A kit for pyromaniacs; use your Molotov cocktails to light the map ablaze!

Icon: Splash potion of fire resistance

  • Gold Sword with fire aspect 1
  • 3 fire charges, regen 1 per 15 seconds, max 5
  • 3 Splash Potion of Fire Resistance (Molotov cocktails), regen 1 per 30 seconds, max 5
  • Fuse, arms at 1.5x speed
Armor: Gold Helmet and Boots, black leather leggings and chestplate

Abilities: The fire charges work like normal fire charges. These may be preferred over the Molotov cocktails to ignite a flame on one particular block. Players can extinguish these flames like normal as well. The Molotov cocktails, when thrown, travel at the same trajectory as a grenade. When it lands, it will scatter flames on about 33% of the walls, ceilings, and floor of a 5 block radius. If flames started by an arsonist (Molotov cocktail or fire charge) land on a “stone” block, the flame will disappear on its own in 5 seconds. If it lands on a “wood” block or a leaf block, or the flame will last for 15 seconds before spreading to a block adjacent to it, lasting for another 15 seconds, and then spreading to another block adjacent to it again. Flames cannot spread further than twice. Because the flames only take one click to extinguish, I don’t think the current mechanism for how they spread is too terribly unbalanced. Flames will appear orange to enemies and blue to teammates; the blue is to distinguish the flames as safe, as the user and their team cannot be harmed by their own teams flames.
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Staff Member
May 25, 2020
community: can we get kit arsonist?
martoph: we have kit arsonist at home
kit arsonist at home :


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
I like it :)

I'm not sure if this is intended but soul fire deals 1 heart of dmg per tick vs. regular fire that only does 1/2 heart. I think it would be alright to keep the soul fire damage as long as the fire does not linger if you step out of it. It'd be pretty annoying to step in the fire by accident then have half your health missing.

Also I think the fire shouldn't spread since it could get pretty op on certain maps and would make camping too easy.

(i.e.if you throw one molotov on the bridges on skywood wars you make it super annoying to push)


Active member
Jun 24, 2020
I like it :)

I'm not sure if this is intended but soul fire deals 1 heart of dmg per tick vs. regular fire that only does 1/2 heart. I think it would be alright to keep the soul fire damage as long as the fire does not linger if you step out of it. It'd be pretty annoying to step in the fire by accident then have half your health missing.

Also I think the fire shouldn't spread since it could get pretty op on certain maps and would make camping too easy.

(i.e.if you throw one molotov on the bridges on skywood wars you make it super annoying to push)
I didn’t realize the damage was different, but yes I agree the look of the soul flame will be cool but should have regular flame damage

I think that the fire spreading was a cool mechanic to add, but I can see how It might be OP. I would like to clarify though, when the Molotov cocktail is thrown, not every single block within that radius will catch on fire. It will “spray” and only light, say, 33% of all the blocks there. Then, if those blocks are wood/leaves/“burnable”, after 15 seconds each flame will spread to a block adjacent, and will spread to another block after 15 seconds. After each flame has spread twice, it won’t spread any further. That way on maps like Ishras Ark, the whole map won’t become engulfed

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