Kit Kit Duelist


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
A unique fighter which dual wields swords. It's arsenal of weapons and abilities makes it a very versatile fighter, however it specializes in 1 on 1 combat, as with precise timing, it can rack up a combo and deal massive amounts of damage.

Iron Helmet
Leather Chestplate (Dyed Light Blue, Prot 2)
Iron Leggings
Iron Boots
(Similar to Ninja's Armor)

Light Rapier (Stone Sword)
Heavy Falchion (Diamond Sword)



tl;dr If you time your hits consecutively on a single enemy, you can rack up a combo which gives you bonus damage. You have two swords, a stone sword that gives you speed and a diamond sword that gives you slowness.

Sword Weight (Passive):
Due to their differing weights and power, holding different weapons in the main hand will alter this kit's move speed.
When the Rapier is being held, the kit gains Speed 1.
When the Falchion is being held, it gains Slowness 2.

Note: Upon switching from Falchion to Rapier, the slowness will linger for a second. There is no lingering effect when switching from Rapier to Falchion. This is to prevent people from quick switching to bypass the slowness debuff.

Dual-Wield (Passive):
When this kit holds one of its swords, the other sword will appear in its offhand automatically. To prevent items previously held in the offhand from disappearing into thin air, this kit will be unable to put anything into its offhand.

This mechanic allows for the user to easily switch between swords.

Combination Strike:
Upon hitting an enemy, your experience bar will begin to rise. The experience bar acts as a both a "combo timer" and a "combo counter".

The experience bar itself acts as the combo timer
The experience level represents the combo counter

The closer your experience bar is to full before you hit the enemy again, the more bonuses you get. They are as listed:

  • Below half: Combo Ends, no bonus damage (Bad Hit)
  • From half to 3/4 full bar: Combo counter increases, no bonus damage (Good Hit)
  • From 3/4 full bar to full: Combo counter increases, +1 bonus damage (equal to +0.5 heart bonus damage) (EPIC hit)
Optimal Combo Meter Timing (Visualized):

duelist combo.png
After a Good or EPIC hit, the meter returns to empty and immediately starts refilling.

It will take ~1.5 seconds for the experience bar to fill completely. If you fail to hit the enemy again within that time, your combo will be lost.

Note that this combo is only continued if you are continuously hitting the same enemy. If you ever hit a different enemy, the combo ends instantly. To help avoid confusion concerning who your target is, flame particles will hover around the person you are currently comboing (similar to Death God's flame particle effect on its target).

For each combo count you have, you gain +0.5 damage
(ex: If you have a 5 combo on someone, your next hit will deal an extra 2.5 dmg).

Slash and Burn:

Every 3rd successive hit within a combo will have a special buff.
(Ex: The 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th etc. hit within a combo will all have a special buff).

After getting a 2 hit combo, your swords become enchanted with Fire Aspect 1 and Knockback 2. Regardless of whether this third hit is a "good hit" or if it is the same target does not matter. Whoever gets hit by the third strike will be lit on fire and sent flying.

  • Flame particles will not appear when you hit an invisible enemy
  • To prevent killstreak items from messing up the hotbar, a white glass pane will hold the hotbar space of whatever sword is currently in your off hand.
  • Damage Buffs you gained through combos will notbe carried on to other enemies hit
    • Ex: If you have a 5 hit combo on someone, and you hit another enemy, you will not gain bonus damage.
    • Only the Slash and Burn buff bypasses this
  • Everytime you get an EPIC hit a cool sound effect will play
  • Similarly to Trigger, a ticking sound effect will play if the combo timer is approaching the end.
  • Everytime you get a good or EPIC hit, you will emit flame particles around you which are visible to everyone.
  • When your Slash and Burn ability is ready, a chat message will read "You burn with rage..."
  • When you use your Slash and Burn hit, a blaze sound effect plays
  • Elevating combo sounds as you approach the 3rd successive hit
    • Ex: Similar to how Valorant has special sounds for each kill

Reasoning/Purpose behind the kit:

I think adding more technically advanced kits would be fun. I think there would be a high skill ceiling for this kit and there's a lot of strategy that would be involved in playing it effectively. From timing your hits properly to managing which sword is in your main hand to unlearning the spam clicking style of PvP we've all grown used to.

The kit would mainly use the Rapier, as it gives it good mobility, which is useful for racking up combos. It would save the Falchion for either finishing blows, utilizing the combo bonus damage to full effect, or last ditch efforts. While this kit has a lot of potential to deal a lot of damage, I believe the combo timer provides enough of a disadvantage for the kit that its balanced. The fact that combos only apply to one target at a time also helps reduce the combo level from getting too ridiculous.

Ideally, this kit should specialize in 1v1s against other fighter kits, but struggle in large battles. But even still, I think its passive abilities make it a decent fighter in most scenarios, even if it can't get much of a combo.


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Staff Member
May 25, 2020
when we were talking about having a new fighter kit a dual wield that has to time or build a combo was brought up, it was probably the #2 idea for a fighter kit, i actually brought it up again last night talking to lep, tyrue, and pigpig. stop listening to our convos onett. or else..


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
when we were talking about having a new fighter kit a dual wield that has to time or build a combo was brought up, it was probably the #2 idea for a fighter kit, i actually brought it up again last night talking to lep, tyrue, and pigpig. stop listening to our convos onett. or else..
i wanted to keep this on the low but you leave me no choice

You have 24 hours to send me a thousand dollar on gmail or else i will leak more


Jul 17, 2020
I think the combo system for the kit might be too overpowered. I don't think the skill ceiling is the problem but instead it's the potential damage it can cause with a skilled player using it (even if the combo is tied to one player). With the bonus damage, fire aspect, and speed boost, I could easily see someone use this kit and essentially combo someone to death without them being able to retaliate.

What I REALLY do like about this kit is its dual sword ability. Having a kit that can essentially switch between two fighting styles with relative ease would make this a very versatile kit that could adapt to any situation. One sword would be used to keep enemy's back and stand your ground while the other could be used for rush downs or evasive maneuvers.


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
I think the combo system for the kit might be too overpowered. I don't think the skill ceiling is the problem but instead it's the potential damage it can cause with a skilled player using it (even if the combo is tied to one player). With the bonus damage, fire aspect, and speed boost, I could easily see someone use this kit and essentially combo someone to death without them being able to retaliate.

What I REALLY do like about this kit is its dual sword ability. Having a kit that can essentially switch between two fighting styles with relative ease would make this a very versatile kit that could adapt to any situation. One sword would be used to keep enemy's back and stand your ground while the other could be used for rush downs or evasive maneuvers.
Glad you liked the sword passive idea :)

I can kinda see what you mean with the combo system. It is definitely very strong in 1v1 situations, but I still feel like there's some counter play regardless of which kit you are. You can always purposely jump and let the enemy duelist knock you out of their range, and if you're a fighting kit like trooper or ninja, you can just charge at them and not give them any time to build up their combo.

And outside of 1v1s, the kit honestly shouldn't even bother with building up a combo like half the time. The damage you could deal by just switching to falchion and swinging until you die is probably more than the damage you could get by waiting in between hits to build up a combo.

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