Kit Kit: Hydro


May 29, 2020
Kit Name: Hydro
Kit Icon: Water Bucket
Kit Price: 250 Credits

Description: A supportive defense kit that commands the power of water to shield allies from harm. Through its supply of water bottles, it can form a powerful rain cloud that redirects the majority of non-melee damage taken from nearby allies to the user. It can also throw splash bottles that form rain puddles that slows enemies. Both the rain cloud and puddles douses other players in water—which can extinguish fires, grant fire resistance, and enable kits like Marine to use their water abilities!

- Diamond Helmet (Blast Prot 2, Projectile Prot 2, Fire Prot 2)
- Iron Chestplate (Blast Prot 2, Projectile Prot 2, Fire Prot 2)
- Leather Pants Dyed Blue (Blast Prot 2, Projectile Prot 2, Fire Prot 2)
- Leather Boots Dyed Blue (Blast Prot 2, Projectile Prot 2, Fire Prot 2, Depth Strider 3)

- Stone Sword
- 1 "Condensed Rain" (Water Bottle)
- 2 "Bottled Rainwater" (Splash Water Bottle)
- Fuse


This kit is meant to facilitate three purposes: One of the obvious ones being a support kit that doesn't go down the path of straightforward healing. The unique aspect of this kit is more towards both enabling water-specific kits (currently only Marine right now) and countering fire (currently Pyro and less prominently Demo) on maps with little to no water sources. This kit is meant to make Marines universal through this combination while also dampening the slight oppressiveness of Pyros on those same maps (trust me, being pelted with flaming arrows is both annoying and painful when there's no water nearby). I guess it can also be considered a "spiritual revamp of Sacrificial" since its main ability revolves around the same concept as that kit.

This ability is triggered when the Hydro drinks their water bottle named Condensed Rain. After drinking it, the bottle will turn empty, and a rain cloud will form above the Hydro and follow them wherever they go for the next 10 seconds. This rain cloud has the following properties and aesthetics:
  • The Rain Cloud effect will look and sound similar to the Rain Cloud aura cosmetic. The only difference is the cloud will also emit a small amount of falling dust particles with a corresponding team color.
  • Applies a Regeneration 3 and Weakness 1 effect to the Hydro who is emitting the rain cloud.
  • The Hydro cannot be healed by external sources (Medics for example).
  • If any ally within 5 blocks of the Hydro takes non-melee damage (projectile, fire, or explosion damage), 75% of that damage is redirected to the Hydro. This ability does not work on other ally Hydros. If an ally overlaps with Rain Clouds produced from multiple Hydros, then both Hydros will take the same redirected damage when that ally is damaged via non-melee sources (in other words, the damage is NOT divided amongst multiple Hydros).
  • The Hydro gains a 50% damage reduction against said non-melee damage, either directly or through the rain cloud. It does, however, take 40% more damage from direct Melee attacks.
  • Extinguishes fires and grants a Fire Resistance effect to the Hydro and nearby allies for 5 seconds.
  • Marines will have their water abilities activated (their trident will have Riptide and they'll do extra damage as if they were in water). This effect applies to both ally and enemy Marines.
When the rain cloud dissipates, the bottle item will enter a 15 second cooldown that is indicated by the EXP level (it will count down from 15 to 0). The bottle will "refill" (turn back into a regular water bottle) when the cooldown is over.

This ability is triggered when the Hydro throws their splash water bottles. When a splash bottle breaks, it will form a puddle of fishing rod water particles in a small area.
  • This puddle will be stationary—it will not follow the Hydro around. Allies must be within 3 blocks to gain its benefits.
  • The duration of the puddle will persist for 6 seconds.
  • Allies within the puddle will gain a Fire Resistance effect for 5 seconds, extinguish fire, and activate water abilities for Marines similar to the effects of Condensed Rain. It will also inflict a Slowness 2 effect on enemies that are also within its radius.
  • firework sparkle particles of the corresponding team color will emit on the ground in a circle around the effect's perimeter (similar to Paladin's banners).
The Hydro can hold a maximum of 2 splash bottles at a time, and each bottle has a 18 second cooldown that is triggered when the splash bottle is thrown—the timer of which is indicated by the EXP Bar (Every time the EXP bar fills, the Hydro gains 1 Bottled Rainwater).
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Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Cool idea, I like how it gives a counter to pyro, which is really annoying to play against tbh

imo the rain cloud ability seems kinda op, especially with how good Hydro’s armor already is. If you group up with a medic and your team and just run at the enemy it’d be basically be gg. Since the hydro negates all ranged damage with little penalty and the medic can heal any physical damage taken. Personally, I think you should nerf the ability but also reduce the ability duration and the cooldown time.

That way you can still contribute to fights if you misplay slightly and enemies don’t get completely stomped if a Hydro plays super well, overall makes the kit more fun to play with or play against.

you could probably just tweak the values but maybe you could also increase direct damage taken while the rain cloud is active too? Could help introduce more counterplay to the kit.


May 29, 2020
Cool idea, I like how it gives a counter to pyro, which is really annoying to play against tbh

imo the rain cloud ability seems kinda op, especially with how good Hydro’s armor already is. If you group up with a medic and your team and just run at the enemy it’d be basically be gg. Since the hydro negates all ranged damage with little penalty and the medic can heal any physical damage taken. Personally, I think you should nerf the ability but also reduce the ability duration and the cooldown time.

That way you can still contribute to fights if you misplay slightly and enemies don’t get completely stomped if a Hydro plays super well, overall makes the kit more fun to play with or play against.

you could probably just tweak the values but maybe you could also increase direct damage taken while the rain cloud is active too? Could help introduce more counterplay to the kit.
for some reason I forgot completely about medic o-o yeah I can see how that might be op, here are some tweaks I think would sound more balanced:
  • Duration for the Rain Cloud is 10 seconds, Cooldown is 30 seconds
  • The Hydro can’t be healed by external sources (Medic heals for example) when it has its Rain Cloud up
  • Instead of all damage, it’s now only 75% of it
  • The Hydro will take 20% more damage from Melee attacks

Edit: oops misunderstood lmao, CD for the rain cloud is now 15 seconds after the cloud dissipates
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