Kit Kit: Simple Warrior


New member
Jun 2, 2020
Kit Name: Simple Warrior
Icon: Banner
Gear: Dyed leather chest-plate, the rest of the armor is chainmail
Fuse, Iron Sword, Bow (Infinity), Arrow

Description: I am a simple warrior and I just want a good clean fight and now there is all this who has what armor and which sword is better and fire and explosions and poison and who needs all that jazz. Just dumb it down for me and lets fight.

Details: (I made a similar kit before. I decided to revamp it and resubmit it.)

Your melee attacks always deal 2 hearts and you always take 2 hearts from melee attacks.

Everything else is 1 heart. Poison/Fire takes 1 heart anytime it normally damages you. Arrows deal 1 heart and you always take 1 heart from them. Medics only heal you 1 heart at a time. Explosions are 1 heart. Natural regeneration is 1 heart at a time (adjusted as to not regain health too quickly).

I don't know what other effects are out there as I haven't played 1.9 ever, nor what other kinds of kits are in the game. The premise of the kit is to make a 1-on-1 fight between two people at full health come down to solely skill. If you can hit them with your sword more than you will win. I'll gladly take any edits/changes/thoughts you all think to adjust the kit to a modern-day match.

EDIT 1: Several arguments have been made to make someone immune to poison/fire as battling kits with those effects would be entirely disadvantaged. I'm not going to edit the original post for consistency, but I thought it was a good idea so I'm putting it here.

EDIT 2: The kit should probably be made immune to ghost punches...
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Active member
May 25, 2020
Equality 2.0? because ive been thinking about that as well, I was thinking immunity to fire/poison


Active member
May 30, 2020
this wont really make fights with fire/poison even, as 1 heart per fire/poison dmg will really, really hurt

if fire and poison was made useless like lex said, then it would have a fair fight against every other kit, except for ghosts punches that would be painful and funny.

although since this is not 1.8.9 and its using custom knockback the sword fights are a bit lame and its hard to combo anyone.

but its a cool idea

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