Kit Kit Summoner


New member
May 30, 2020
Kit Name: Summoner
Icon: Horse Spawn Egg
Gear: Chain helmet, Leather chestplate/pants/boots, Fuse, Wooden Sword (w/ Knockback 1), a shield, 2 Blaze Spawn Eggs, 2 Horse Spawn Eggs, 2 Dolphin Spawn Eggs, 3 Vex Spawn Eggs, 2 Wither Skeleton Spawn Eggs and 3 Pillager Spawn Eggs
Cost: 500 or above (maybe even only for Map Makers since it´s kinda like Barricader)

Description: A very unique Kit that lets his minions do all the work. The shield and his many different minions help compensate for the weak armor and sword. Although he is not to be underestimated! His utility minions make him very slippery and with his other minions a hard target to get to. A tactical approach is needed...

Details: This Kit was inspired by the Barricader Kit. It also has weak defense but like the Barricader it has some strong tools to work around.
The Dolphins and Horses help get the vulnerable Summoner around quickly and are ideal for quick engages and fast getaways both on land and water. The Horses should of course get a saddle automatically, as well as iron armor so they don´t die right away.
The 2 Blazes and the 3 Pillagers play the role of being the personal ranged guard. They can be extremely annoying but aren´t hard to get rid of. The 2 Withers are his meat shields but dish out quite some damage if not careful. If you don´t know what a Vex can do, they are little ghosts with an iron sword which can fly through any block. They would be ideal for siege when there are people camping and blocking off the entrance.
All minions will of course follow their master wherever he goes!!

Otherwise I hope there would be the possibility to command the minions around with different activities such as follow the master, stay on patrol and walk some distance back and forth and also make them stay put and guard that area. Upon vision of an enemy player the natural instincts of the mobs should go in effect. (For Pillagers lock on target and shoot whenever and for the Wither Skeleton follow until death).

The wooden sword with knockback should help the Summoner to kite around his minions and let them do all the work. The shield would be quite overpowered if one could use it without cooldown, so an appropriate cooldown of 5 seconds or so should be added.

I could very well imagine implementing this Kit to SnD!
What do you guys think?


May 30, 2020
It's a very cool idea. Maybe make the summoning run on cooldowns and how many summons you already have? The current build allows for a huge burst gamble, but also you're kinda useless after your minions get picked away (which will be easy given the power of ranged kits). It would incentivize players to hold onto their summons for a huge attack, which would be kind of cheesy.

Maybe make it something along the lines of: "You can summon up to two dogs with boosted health/speed + a unique collar color, everytime a dog dies you can summon it again after a 40 second cooldown" And then add some nice unique kill streaks, like for every kill your max goes up, or you get a special summon, or something like that...

Also, love the addition of the shield btw!


New member
May 30, 2020
It's a very cool idea. Maybe make the summoning run on cooldowns and how many summons you already have? The current build allows for a huge burst gamble, but also you're kinda useless after your minions get picked away (which will be easy given the power of ranged kits). It would incentivize players to hold onto their summons for a huge attack, which would be kind of cheesy.

Maybe make it something along the lines of: "You can summon up to two dogs with boosted health/speed + a unique collar color, everytime a dog dies you can summon it again after a 40 second cooldown" And then add some nice unique kill streaks, like for every kill your max goes up, or you get a special summon, or something like that...

Also, love the addition of the shield btw!
I must say your idea sounds very good. I think I will change it to that one has one of each of those eggs at the beginning of the game and after a certain amount of time one gets another egg of that mob. So it would be like one can have a maximum of the eggs I mentioned (so max 2 horses at once) and as soon as one has been used the cooldown starts again for the next spawn egg.
And then adding that per kill you get the mobs get a upgrade in the sense of maybe extra HP or bonus damage or some kind of potion effect or something like that. I will look over that again. But I think having regenerative spawn eggs and giving them upgrades as a reward of a kill would be a great addition.
Thanks for the feedback!!

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