Kit Knight


New member
Oct 26, 2020
This is a straightforward kit that can also add some new dynamics to gameplay, along with a new kit for Athios.

Kit Name: Knight
Icon: Shield
Gear: Chainmail Chestplate, Leggings, and boots with an Iron Helmet
Fuse, Iron Sword, Shield in offhand

Description: A basic fighter kit with updated ways of combat. The Knight is given a shield to fend for themselves.

Details: Acts like a normal fighter kit but with an added shield. A lowered cooldown to use the shield gives every opponent a fair advantage when fairing against the knight. (3 second cooldown after each shield use to prevent shield spam) Can put an optional banner on the shield to indicate the knights team.



Active member
May 29, 2020
The sheild is cool and all, but this kit is basically wearing full chain which is hardly a step up from gold. 1.9-1.16 already has a built in anti shield spam so I think 3 seconds isn't necessary. Maybe 1 second. Would need some playtesting though since it has worse armor than ninja and the same sword as one.


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
A shield kit would be pretty cool. I like how your suggestion would integrate shields into melee combat, but I think giving it a better way to deal with ranged kits (i.e. shortbow, explosive) would help improve its design.

Dunno what you had in mind initially with the kit, but I think a kit that can assist in dealing with ranged kits like burst and shortbow would be cool since those kits are pretty dominant currently, and there's not much direct counter play to them.

I'm assuming that any damage that you take while holding up your shield will put it on cooldown, which is pretty bad for dealing with any ranged damage.

I think one way to improve it would be to introduce a "durability bar" represented by the exp bar. It is initially full to represent that the shield is ready to use, and it has full durability.

Once you hold up your shield, the exp bar will slowly trickle down (maybe same speed as trigger's exp bar when it is standing still). Any ranged damage or explosive damage will reduce the durability based on damage it deals. If the bar reaches 0, the shield goes into cooldown for 3 seconds. Any melee hit will instantly deplete the bar and put the shield into cooldown. When the shield isn't in use, the bar will slowly fill back up.

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