Let the dead speak once more (in team chat)


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Hello there.

Right now, the dead cannot speak in team chat. I am here to advocate for the rights of the dead.

Why, may you ask?

Because this silence puts certain people at a disadvantage whilst others have ways of circumventing it.

Some of the dead are able to speak in discord calls, telling their living friends all the information about the enemy team.

Some of the dead simply /msg one of the living players and give them the scoop... And some of the staff do it too! Multiple of you! Don't worry, I won't out you, for I believe you have a right to speak.

Yet, I ask, what about those who do not have friends with whom to discord? What about those who do not feel comfortable /msg'ing someone they don't know to give them information? What about those who have a high sense of honor and would never ghost, so long as it is clearly meant to be discouraged by the lack of their ability to /t.

And, let us recall, back in ye olden days, talking in team chat with your living and dead teammates was an excellent source of bonding and camaraderie. We lose that when we cannot /t. And, so long as players must hang around and spectate an ongoing game, being able to /t helps to keep them engaged rather than bored.

It is clear that there is not a truly strong effort to prevent "ghosting" as it is called, and so long as this silencing remains, it only provides a disadvantage to both certain individuals and the server. It's time to end this. It's time to let the dead speak.

Let the dead speak.

Let the dead speak.

Let the dead speak.

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