Accepted New Balance [v2.0] - a Perfect Balance Remake


May 29, 2020
Map Name: New Balance
Map Authors: Mythless & Elite5 (Original by RetroSpectrum & Ataraxiom; Inspired by WetUnderwear)
Map Description: "In a world where peace and tranquility reigns supreme, two civilizations decide to clash to test if such a world's balance can truly be broken."


Map Download (v2.0 - 7/20/2020): Balance -

VERSION 2.0 (7/20/2020)

Some very big changes!

- New Balance? More like New Weight! The map's width has been reduced near the middle, to allow for more concentrated fights.

- The side entrances at mid have been removed. Instead, the center has been made bigger as it is now the only chokepoint at mid. What a nostalgia trip!

- Terrain features have been improved. Removed a lake; redid & added more hills, and added some neat aesthetic archways for more cover!

- Base interiors have been improved. There are now more walls that separates the side room entrances and the bomb room. Also, the bomb has been moved off of the ladders.

- Various block swaps and minor detail improvements.

- Fyshless

haha, I guess you guys never expected Perfect Balance to make yet another comeback! We've made quick work of this map to be frank, so there are definitely some things that might need to change. So any and all feedback is very welcome!

Oh, and... if you think that's all, think again! Be prepared to see Cloned New Balance (or Absolute Balance?)--coming soon to an Athios thread near you ;)
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Staff Member
May 25, 2020
WOW this is a wide boy, maybe a little too wide. Obviously everyone loves the nostalgia of old maps and the changes made solve a lot of the problems from the original. Adding the stairs to the bomb level is actually amazing and I love how you separated the bomb floor into 3 parts, but the bomb being up those ladders does not vibe at all. It also seems sort of plain inside of the bases compared to the rest of the map thats super detailed. Goodluck getting it into testing!


May 25, 2020
Absolutely wasn't expecting this. Great surprise!

Adding on to what Woaxa said, I agree that this map is w i d e. I was curious as to how wide, and my test results say it's nearly 3x the width of the original Perfect Balance. Wow. While it does address the original singular narrow chokepoint, I think it may be over-adjusting. There's a lot of open, flat, empty space here, with not a lot to do but run. Would highly recommend making it narrower, just to condense the fighting space.

This would address a problem noticed on the previous version of Perfect Balance, one we also noticed on Keeps during its testing phase. Namely, that there was too much space. Teams didn't have much direction and would scatter aimlessly across the map. Tightening the playable space should help with that. Might even be neat to have only the single chokepoint in the middle, but wide, to see what happens.

As for the bases, I really enjoy the stairs way up as an alternative to the... ladders. Great idea on that. but the base interiors leave much to be desired, the key issue being that they're extremely open inside. An archer on top of both staircases? It's over. I think a single wall, just to block line of sight from the stairs to the bomb, would help a lot.

That's all I can think of at the moment. Keep it up!

Edit: added word "only" for clarification

Oh, also
I did some more digging, turns out I misspelled the username of the second player
It's "Ataraxiom" !
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May 25, 2020
The map will be added into our testing phase! (soon)

The way the map flows should be very interesting. I'll look forward to seeing how it plays.

Be sure to note any feedback you get during that testing phase!

Thanks for the map sub!


Active member
Jul 14, 2020
This is a comment on an update to New Balance: The inescapable pits in the remodel only hurt the gameplay from my perspective. I know it's a team-balanced call back to the original perfect balance map, but with no way to escape it's just a stupid accidental death every time you make a mistake taking that fast central path. I'd like to see a ladder/stairway out preferably, or the pits filled in.

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