Ninja Buff


Active member
Jun 3, 2020
Give Ninja sharpness 1, kit has low attack damage and low protection, only thing it gets is speed which is great for running away after losing all your health to hit a trooper 2 times.


Active member
Jun 3, 2020
Oh my god this is so embarrassing I didn't know there was a kit suggestion category please guys believe me im so sorry


Active member
May 29, 2020
imo ninja with sharpness would be do strong

maybe make it slightly more tanky by giving the boots prot 1


Active member
Jun 3, 2020
imo ninja with sharpness would be do strong

maybe make it slightly more tanky by giving the boots prot 1
I don't think that's enough. And honestly I don't think its that strong either. From using/killing Ninja I think it will finally make it a kit you can use to get a solid amount of kills on. Still easily killed with its weak armor but now it can do some damage back. From the dozens of times I have fought Ninja it always ends with me down 2 hearts and them trying to run away, same results with me using it.


Active member
May 30, 2020
Oh my god this is so embarrassing I didn't know there was a kit suggestion category please guys believe me im so sorry
The thread is in the appropriate section.

Give Ninja sharpness 1, kit has low attack damage and low protection, the only thing it gets is speed which is great for running away after losing all your health to hit a trooper 2 times.
Alright, I think giving ninja sharpness 1 will give it way too much potential in 1v1s. It's not meant to 1v1 trooper and win. Its purpose is to flank weaker classes (bow classes, medics, things of that nature). I do agree that it is underpowered in some aspects, and after you do fight someone you are out of the battle for a long period of time.

I would suggest that ninja gets Regen 1 on an ender pearl landing for 8 seconds (approx. 1.5 hearts of regen). This would make the player think before using all of their pearls to chase someone for a kill, and would add another layer of strategy to the kit while also not making it too hard to deal with.


Active member
May 30, 2020
I, and I think most players here, would disagree.
Ninja isn't meant to 1v1 troopers, berserkers and other sturdy melee kits. It's primarily a mobility kit (Speed II and 6 Enderpearls!) and thus it is a situational kit that has to use it's strengths to its advantage.

As an example, no kit can run away from a ninja if they are low which makes it a perfect cleanup kit. Also, if an archer or some other vulnerable kit makes the stupid decision to stray away from his teammates, bam! he's a goner.
Ninja is best in open spaces and relatively weak in closed spaces, like any mobility kit should be. It's a kit that is effective in the "middle of the map" since bases tend to be cramped.

In a way, though, I sympathize with your post because pretty much every map now has "shrunk" the middle and hence decreased the value of the kit: (i) low enemies can retreat before you can clean them up, (ii) archers are omnipresent since the middle is so small, and you can't exactly run away from arrows as you can from swords, (iii) Can't do cleanups on lone players since smaller maps mean less lone players.
Nowadays, SnD gameplay has become quite standardized: Archery contest in the middle for the first 30 seconds and then the team that loses this contest quickly retreats to their (nearby) cramped base. Do you see what's the core reason behind ninja’s inadequacy? It’s not ninja, it’s what the game has become. The situational kit is deprived of the situations where it is valuable.
I’ve seen quite a lot of ninja killstreaks happen in floating isles and coincidentally it was one of the few maps where the centre was large and paths long. This community is vehemently against longer maps because supposedly the team can’t go back to defuse (why not have some people defend the bomb then? what are teles, demos, dwarfs, mobility kits, barricader etc. for then?) Case in point, Rival castles was shortened and floating isles removed.
I understand that some maps should be short and cramped but not every map has to be that way! Let’s have some variety folks!


May 29, 2020
This community is vehemently against longer maps because supposedly the team can’t go back to defuse (why not have some people defend the bomb then? what are teles, demos, dwarfs, mobility kits, barricader etc. for then?) Case in point, Rival castles was shortened and floating isles removed.
I understand that some maps should be short and cramped but not every map has to be that way! Let’s have some variety folks!
Really agree with all the points you make, but I feel this one should be clarified a bit more. Smaller maps are more of the standard not solely because the community hates larger maps, but also to befit the current playercounts. Back in the old days when we were averaging ~40 players on 2-team maps, it was pretty easy to achieve a well-rounded team—rushers, defenders, and supporters. And with that volume of players, playing on smaller maps would feel like a slugfest left and right; one game you could be balling with a high kill streak, and then the game after you die literally within seconds of the teams clashing. Hence, larger maps were more acceptable.

Now though, we barely reach 20-25 players per team at peak times. Everything I said above has been flipped on its head. Team composition and individual player objectives are more easily lopsided because of this decreased team count and the inherent nature of multiplayer games in general, despite SnD being a team-based game. (Full team of rushers; not enough supporters; too many supporters; not enough people defending the bomb; too many archers/melee; not enough archers/melee... the list goes on.) All of it resulted to subconsciously wanting smaller, more compact maps to at least diminish some of these problems.

This is all just a running logical theory I cooked up though, but I feel it explains a lot about why SnD map standards/expectations are what they are now. I guess the relate it back to Ninja: I feel it’s basically living in the old times, alongside other kits like Vampire and (sorta) Berserker—both of which require large games in order to see significant use.
Last edited:


Active member
May 30, 2020
Really agree with all the points you make, but I feel this one should be clarified a bit more. Smaller maps are more of the standard not solely because the community hates larger maps, but also to befit the current playercounts. Back in the old days when we were averaging ~40 players on 2-team maps, it was pretty easy to achieve a well-rounded team—rushers, defenders, and supporters. And with that volume of players, playing on smaller maps would feel like a slugfest left and right; one game you could be balling with a high kill streak, and then the game after you die literally within seconds of the teams clashing. Hence, larger maps were more acceptable.

Now though, we barely reach 20-25 players per team at peak times. Everything I said above has been flipped on its head. Team composition and individual player objectives are more easily lopsided because of this decreased team count and the inherent nature of multiplayer games in general, despite SnD being a team-based game. (Full team of rushers; not enough supporters; too many supporters; not enough people defending the bomb; too many archers/melee; not enough archers/melee... the list goes on.) All of it resulted to subconsciously wanting smaller, more compact maps to at least diminish some of these problems.

This is all just a running logical theory I cooked up though, but I feel it explains a lot about why SnD map standards/expectations are what they are now. I guess the relate it back to Ninja: I feel it’s basically living in the old times, alongside other kits like Vampire and (sorta) Berserker—both of which require large games in order to see significant use.
This is a nice write-up, and I believe the solution is to allow larger maps only when the lobby has a larger player count, say 60 (it should be higher, like 70, but the player cap is 60; we see lag in the gameplay at 70 but I think we should fix the lag rather than cap the count at a low number). As for the worry that there won’t be a time with 60 players, even at peaks, I think advertising will fix this.


Active member
May 29, 2020
The thread is in the appropriate section.

Alright, I think giving ninja sharpness 1 will give it way too much potential in 1v1s. It's not meant to 1v1 trooper and win. Its purpose is to flank weaker classes (bow classes, medics, things of that nature). I do agree that it is underpowered in some aspects, and after you do fight someone you are out of the battle for a long period of time.

I would suggest that ninja gets Regen 1 on an ender pearl landing for 8 seconds (approx. 1.5 hearts of regen). This would make the player think before using all of their pearls to chase someone for a kill, and would add another layer of strategy to the kit while also not making it too hard to deal with.
yeah regen 1 for 8 seconds is better and more fair than sharp as a whole (obv sharp 1 is better for the kit itself)

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