Rejected Outlaw's Mayhem


New member
May 29, 2020
Map name: Outlaw’s Mayhem
Map Description: A feud between frontier towns escalates into violence concerning stolen gold, little did they know…
Map Authors: SpicyTacoSauce and SizzleMcDizzle
Quick notes:
- Bomb house (saloon) to bomb house is roughly 40 seconds without speed or pearls (if you jump off balcony through fence gate outside upper door)
- There are 3 paths between each town, 2 through a cave system and 1 down the main valley
- Church and Barn have alternative routes to upper-entrances of saloon
- Overall, there are 3 entrances to the saloon, and 2 entrances to the bomb room
- Access to caves via water source in the valley
- Players with pearls can get on the plateau of the canyon, however it serves no real benefits

Apologies to tababysuper and Laddoss, we didn't yoink your idea this map was just long in progress, oops
We are aware the map may not be perfect, suggestions are appreciated.
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Active member
Jun 1, 2020
heya, so i wanted to download the world to get a closer look but the download file is corrupted and won't open. did you use forge or a modded client?? i'm thinking that could be a possible cause. i hope you can find a way to get a usable download because i can get a much better idea of it in game :)

EDIT: computers weird it was on my end i fixed it lol
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Staff Member
May 27, 2020
Hey Spicy, thanks for the map sub. Unfortunately we’ll be rejecting this map, but hopefully this feedback helps.

Aesthetically, the map isn’t very appealing. Buildings are very simple in shape, and most of the surfaces are smooth and made of just one block type. The pathway mix you’ve chosen looks very messy both in blocks chosen and how they’re randomly scattered about. I’d also like to see more consistency with the exterior mesa walls. They change height and thickness without any clear reason why, which makes it visually jarring when seen from above.

For gameplay, I see three major issues. There may be others, but these three caught my eye as the most important.
  1. The main route through the mesa is flat and open with minimal cover. Even with the cliffs on the side, it’s still 30 seconds of running across unengaging terrain. This leads into issue 2:
  2. The underground routes are not obvious. The entrance is tucked into a corner around the back of the map, making it less likely players will be able to find and utilize it. These routes also don’t feel like viable alternatives to the main path because of how out of the way they are.
  3. It’s not clear where the bomb is. My first thought is that it would be at the church, since it stands centrally at the end of the road. Instead, the bomb is in the saloon to the side, up a flight of stairs, and then in a side room. The saloon has a single 2-block entrance which could be overlooked by a player sprinting around and fighting.

For these reasons we will be rejecting this map. Thanks for taking the time to build and submit it, and we hope this feedback will help with your builds in the future!

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