Accepted Ruptured Mantle [v3.0]


May 29, 2020
Map Title: Ruptured Mantle
Author: Mythless
Description: "The grounds above have been ripped open, causing the inner mantle to cool exponentially faster. Two ancient surface-dwelling clans must now fight over the last of its heat for prolonged survival."


I gave descriptions on each map area's purpose and significance to gameplay, so it would be better to view these on the host website to read them.

This map, as you can tell by the screenies, is fire/lava themed. At first glance, one might be iffy about this theme because of the use of lava, which may ruin the fun of some players. Rest assured though--actual lava was used sparingly, and mostly used as either definite deathpits or for aesthetic lighting.

Map Download (v3.0 - 7/5/2020): Mantle v3.0 -

Map Download (Legacy Version): Mantle -

VERSION 3.0 (7/5/2020)

Lots cool new changes with the new 1.16 features! Also updated the screenshots :3

- The map now uses the new Crimson Forest biome to take advantage of its unique particle effects! This makes the map breath a whole new life never seen before!

- Changed up the center aesthetic.

- Replaced all Brown Terracotta with Soul Soil

- Replaced all Red/Blue Concrete as well as Acacia Wood variants with the new Crimson/Warped Wood variants respectively.

- Replaced all Glowstone with Shroomlight.

- The ladders that lead into the Sleeping Quarters are now replaced with Twisted/Warped Vines!

- All Obsidian as well as Red Nether Brick variants on the main pathways have been replaced with Blackstone and its variants.

- Blocks on the main pathways have been changed to Crimson/Warped Nylium respectively. Makes the pathways more clear. Also added some of the new nether foliage deco!

- Removed Soul Soil/Black Terracotta/Gray Terracotta on the lower walls and grounds of the map, to reduce block clutter.

- Replaced Stone Bricks with Polished Blackstone Bricks & variants.

- The bases now have some chains dangling inside.

- Added some secret jams. Oink oink.

VERSION 2.4 (6/28/2020)

- Added map author credits. It's located at the little pond atop the surface!

- Super minor detail fixes.

VERSION 2.3 (6/17/2020)

- Removed the Honey Block fallpads located on the side of the team's perches. The initial thought of these pads were to give players a chance to survive if they get knocked off of the perch area, but I feel this would do more harm than good for those fighting below. Honey Blocks slow players down by a significant amount (they become even slower if they try to sprint-jump through it unlike Slime Blocks), which may ultimately make the map's gameplay worse.

- Removed a little more concrete from each team's side.

- The blocks in the middle have been changed from smooth stone to gold blocks.

- The Obsidian Crystals are now slightly coated in actual obsidian blocks instead of just black glass.

- The surface has been given an aesthetic makeover! Now it will look as if the earth above is crumbling, making dirt, stone, and leaves fall down into the mantle!

VERSION 2.2 (6/16/2020)

- Ladders in the secret crawling passage have been changed to staircases to allow for more sneaky base entrances. Also made it a little more noticeable (but still subtle).

VERSION 2.1 (6/15/2020)

- Replaced the lava on the map walls with magma blocks (it seemed too bright!)

- Lit up the team bases a little more (and fixed some detail inconsistencies)

- Added a secret crawling path inside the Sleeping Quarters that lead outside the team base. They're located right behind the 1-block paintings!

VERSION 2.0 (6/15/2020)

- The team bases now use Stone Bricks, Granite, and Andesite instead of Nether Bricks for the purpose of being easier to make out from afar. They've also been given a more of a fortress-like shape instead of a hobbit-hole shape like before.

- Let there be light! More lighting has been added to the map, including those spicy-looking lava cracks on the map's walls!

- Slime Blocks with Orange/Yellow Carpets have been replaced with Honey Blocks, to clarify the map's gameplay design. Also made it look like oozing, dripping coagulated magma.

- The Obsidian Crystals scattered around the map have more design context! Now they look as if they are sprouting from the grounds and walls!

- Concrete powder used as cool new team markers on the base's walls. Because of this, red/blue concrete will be less present on the main pathway to the team's bases.

- Fyshless.

The screenies provided doesn't really do the map justice, and doesn't really highlight the vertical gameplay aspect too well. So it would better if you could see it for yourself!

Feedback would be much appreciated!
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Well-known member
May 25, 2020
this is a dope concept

One suggestion I have is for the"magma pools" (slime blocks covered by carpet). Maybe instead of slime blocks and carpet you could just put honeyblocks instead (they reduce fall damage by 80%). In addition to reducing fall damage they also can be slid down so players can descend slowly and safely. This might help make the map design more clear, so people know it is safe to jump down to that area from the perch. You could make it look like lava dripping from the ceiling or a bubbling lava lake.

Also I would suggest you use more different blocks for the bases because Its hard to understand the form of the opposing base standing at the other base. More lighting would help too


May 29, 2020
Heyo, just updated the map! Would be cool (or rather-hot) if you could check it out!


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
The new version of this map is looking a lot better. You improved on a lot of things, but I think the walls of the map should be like they were in the original in terms of lighting. The lava cracks make the map feel too bright imo.

I think you might've misinterpreted what I said, I was referring to putting more light in the bases not the map as a whole :p


May 29, 2020
The new version of this map is looking a lot better. You improved on a lot of things, but I think the walls of the map should be like they were in the original in terms of lighting. The lava cracks make the map feel too bright imo.

I think you might've misinterpreted what I said, I was referring to putting more light in the bases not the map as a whole :p
Oh woops, yeah I did misinterpret xD The lava cracks add some nice eye-candy so I'll keep them, but maybe I'll just change the lava blocks to something else (I'm considering magma blocks?), or remove only some of them.


May 29, 2020
Hey y'all!

Just updated the map to version 3.0. If you've already downloaded the 1.16 version from before, then even you can expect some new & major changes! Special thanks to @Woaxa for helping me decide on some of these changes!

I also updated the screenshots on the main post :)


May 25, 2020
Hey Mythless! We are a big fan of this map, so we are going to be accepting this into a community testing phase.

We will be accepting it in its current state, however, there are a few changes we’d like to suggest to you to possibly improve it even more. These changes aren’t detrimental to the success of the map, but will help it go from a good map to a great map:
  • The magma patterns on the walls should be removed. Before they were added the walls used great depth and contrast to allude a more natural nether cavern. With the magma patterns engraved in the wall, it makes the map feel boxed in and flat.
  • The hidden crawl space in its current state does not seem to be super useful considering how out of the way it is and the time it takes to use it.
  • While the bomb feels very open and exposed, the sleeping quarters seem like they’d both be hard to enter and exit. The nether vines may also make it impossible or very difficult to hit players climbing up or down.

As said in the other post, we’ll be watching how it’s received by the community, but make sure to take your own notes as well. If you have any updates or changes on the map, you’re free to message them to us directly.

Thanks for the map submission.

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