Rejected Solar Feud


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Jun 22, 2021



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Jun 24, 2020
This is a REALLY cool idea! I love the props you have scattered around the map like the UFO, the buggy on the bases, and what looks like a tiny ISS.

Two problems I see with this map are how easy it is to fall into the void in a large majority of the path. I see that there's 2 paths to get to mid/base, a direct route straight to the planet at mid and a path leading out the back of the base. The former is pretty tight, and has a lot of gaps in it. Meaning a longbow stationed from the safety of their base can snipe all the way across their platform into the middle of the planet, and can easily knock off anyone running around the planet's rings (which also don't have a railing of any kind, which would be troublesome for anyone wanting a more discreet path). I would fix this by adding some kind of block or power cable or chain, etc, between the floating platform, the base, and mid, to cover up those gaps a bit. I'd also add a railing around the rings of the planet (just adding a fence around it would like kinda.... yuck. I'd experiment with different mixtures of endstone, sandstone slabs, red sandstone slabs, etc to make the ring a little more "curved," giving it a little bit more safety while still staying true to the theme of the map).

The second route via the space station and the rocket (very cool by the way) is so small and doesn't have railings for about half of the route, that even doing melee here would be troublesome, nevermind the longbow stationed at the base making it even more difficult. I would either add some railings here of some kind, or add more structures here to give players more room to navigate the map.

Also, more often than not, the time of the map willl be set to daytime. I noticed you set your map to always be night time to give it a spacey feel, but that won't be the case for the majority of the time the map is chosen. What I would do to fix this is use WorldEdit to //setbiome the entire map to either a nether biome or an end biome (changes the color of the sky to some pretty funky colors). use /biomelist or //biomelist (I can't remember which it is right now) to see a list of all available biomes.

I think the natural theme of a space map with planets and space stations is pretty hard to pull off given that most of the map is void by default, so it'll take some creativity to get around the problems I mentioned before. I love the theme though, and I'm excited to see where this map goes from here! Good luck!


May 25, 2020
Hello team, looking cool!

First off, very nice improvement from the original version! You did a great job clearing out the center planet and making it more suitable for combat. The ships add a lot to the theming and character of the map as well.

However, some issues from the original version remain, as Espios points out in his response.
  • Every path is very long and narrow, with no cover or barriers, making Ghost, Longbow, and other archer kits exceptionally powerful, as they’d lock down lanes or simply knock enemies into the void extremely easily. Espios has some good ideas to solve these issues. Adding some wider paths, or widening some currently existing paths, would help as well.
  • The bomb bases remain a little cramped, not fit to contain the inevitable brawls. An explosive would tear through anyone inside, especially as the path behind the base leaves anyone escaping an easy target for Longbows or Ghosts. Strongly recommend making the planet bases bigger, adding onto it (maybe a spaceship to the side that contains the bomb?), or some other idea that makes it more suitable for combat, similar to the center planet.
    That may also help make it more interesting, as the bomb is right in the open and very exposed. Walls, cover, vertical height... you can do a lot to make the bases have more to them. Additionally, the way the platform is currently set up allows for Ghosts to easily sneakily fuse by pressing themselves against its base.
This can be done from any angle to fuse the bomb without letting enemies know of your exact positioning, which isn’t ideal for everyone else.

Those are probably the most pressing issues. Like Espios said, the base concept of this map is tricky to pull off. There’s only one other space themed map in rotation, and it’s fully enclosed, keeping players inside the space station at all times. While I don’t think that’s completely necessary, it does prevent some of the problems that appear here.

For now, we’ll be rejecting this map. If you want to keep going, that’s absolutely fine, but it would take a fair amount of work to update everything listed above. That said, there are some parts in here that are very cool, like the ships, UFOs, floating platforms… Wouldn’t mind seeing them in another take on a similar or the same theme.

Thank you for the map submission!

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