Testing space center map


May 13, 2021
Some backstory to this map: I used to play on Grians minecraft server on the disaster minigame. but that server closed. it was the only minigame in the entire history of minecraft that i ever enjoyed playing... over the years after that i have made 3 attempts at recreating this gamemode for myself using redstone and command blocks, with varieing succes. this map originally comes from the third iteration (the first and second had too small maps), so it has the great advantage of actually being playtested in an extremely similar gamemode! i have made some edits (increasing map size a little, adding some extra buildings, and adding power up points) to make it fit this minigames needs. it was originally dutch, but i tried to change every sign to english (i may have missed one or two somewhere).

map name (two choices, depending on if you want a descriptive or a humouros name):
option 1: KASA space center
option 2: Houston, we have a disaster...

Authors: MinerBat (credit to my youtube with same name would be appriciated as i want to make video's on this gamemode if i like it)

map description: This is the space center of the KASA, a fictional space agency with the ultimate goal of proving that the Moon is made from cheese. (the name KASA is a pun related to cheese and NASA, but you will only get it if you know Dutch)

pictures: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10ndccXVzseETS0Za04RShjqbR6upfXrn?usp=sharing

map: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1skwf7sJupqSVD9kQZO-GK8amRquohPdX?usp=sharing

second iteration: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iDIqiudbLghisoyi1mzlNvxhH5_LfmCF?usp=sharing

third iteration: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1jRYDzbWfF4kOGQvwJRdyWSnd_8g7TQhK?usp=sharing

fourth iteration: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Q22jos29UoNgsKGi_5tobuGos5PZXI0v?usp=sharing

five: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WPUqWTAsIlUbDnuEzwMlDVOlGh6nEgzg?usp=sharing

flood start and end: my version of this game also included a flood and it went to 57 and that seemed to be quite good. it should start a 43 because the astronaut training pool is the lowest point in the map and it's floor is at that level

power up locations 14: (marked with emerald blocks)
55 67 95 (on top of building)
28 61 93 (inside rocket)
54 48 51 (inside hallway)
41 53 58 (on top of model earth, hard but not impossible to reach)
35 51 39 (inside second toilet)
34 48 45 (inside of science lab)
84 53 42 (inside rocket in museum)
80 51 23 (inside space shuttle cockpit)
64 48 72 (inside hallway)
79 49 87 (on pile of boxes)
95 54 95 (on helipad)
77 47 85 (in astronaut quarantaine area)
21 69 44 (in flight control tower)
89 49 78 (in spacecraft in cleanroom)
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Active member
Jun 24, 2020
This is a neat map idea! I think it would be cool to test on it.

I have a few suggestions though. I would look into decorating the grass outside of the buildings with some vegetation or benches -- something to that effect. Some of the buildings also look a little empty on the inside; I might include some stacks of crates leading up to different floors (also to give an alternate path should the stairs be destroyed), desks, paintings, decor, etc.

I also really like the layout of the map. I like that it isn't linear, and there's many different paths to take.

Good luck!


Staff Member
May 25, 2020
Hi MinerBat!

There’s a lot of tiny details that are great on this map, like the vents on the roofs and the rocket being built inside one of the buildings, truly feels like I’m at nasa. A few complaints though would be a lot of the map is just white, most of the colors being in the specimen room. A lot of the passages are really tight and bland, one of the larger issues is the ground outside, it’s very flat with only some patches of grass. Try to take some of Espios’ suggestions and add some terraforming / benches. You could even incorporate some of the benches inside the buildings. Goodluck with any changes you make to this map!


May 13, 2021
Hi MinerBat!

There’s a lot of tiny details that are great on this map, like the vents on the roofs and the rocket being built inside one of the buildings, truly feels like I’m at nasa. A few complaints though would be a lot of the map is just white, most of the colors being in the specimen room. A lot of the passages are really tight and bland, one of the larger issues is the ground outside, it’s very flat with only some patches of grass. Try to take some of Espios’ suggestions and add some terraforming / benches. You could even incorporate some of the benches inside the buildings. Goodluck with any changes you make to this map!
most of it is a few years old. i have gained significant better building and detailing skills since then, and more blocks have been added so i probably can give it an update. if i do, do i really need to wait moths for the next disaster update before it get added? because if so, i will finish my jurassic park map first, but if it can get added fast after i update it i will do that first.


Staff Member
May 25, 2020
most of it is a few years old. i have gained significant better building and detailing skills since then, and more blocks have been added so i probably can give it an update. if i do, do i really need to wait moths for the next disaster update before it get added? because if so, i will finish my jurassic park map first, but if it can get added fast after i update it i will do that first.
If you choose to update this map I'll get a response to this thread asap :)


May 13, 2021
i have updated it and added a link to the new one.
- added more interior in places where it was lacking
- changed the laboratories, they now have way better interior and are all unique based on different types of science
- plants, flowers and trees
- pathways
- other edits

all information from the post like power ups and flood level remain unchanged. when do i get to know if this is good?
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Staff Member
May 25, 2020
This is a massive improvement from the first iteration. It now has a lot of details it was missing before. A few of the buildings feel really plain still on the outside, with the walls being flat. There's a few aesthetic discrepancies like a tree in the front yard is half pasted in a building. All of the iron doors activated with levers don't work properly, you need to flip one go in flip it go out flip it go back in flip it to open it from one side and close it from the other. The map feels really convoluted with a lot of weird and tight passages from area to area. I've spent quite a bit of time on it and I still get easily lost in the buildings. (unimportant but the museum is actually off center from the sky view, bugs me but its irrelevant lol). I'll leave some images showing stuff I wanna point out to you.

This room is so claustrophobic, you walk in the door and are immediately greeted with clutter, unable to move.


Tree that is part building.


There's a lot of weird things like this odd staircase, that don't look nice and don't provide good gameplay.



May 13, 2021
- i personally like the buzy control room, but if you dont i can fix it
- the tree was originally to hide redstone, but the redstone now is in the small sticking out bit to the left on it. i just forgot to remove it. will do (although trees irl can grow next to a wall)
- i am also not happy with those stairs, but a ladder/scaffolding is unrealistic. what do you want me to do with it?
- i get that some of the walls are still bland, but what can i do about it? i used all my options i have without it becomeing too repetitive.
- the iron doors are intentionally like that. you are meant to open them once and leave them open. it makes it harder (but not impossible) to use them against bees. this is not good?
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Active member
Jun 24, 2020
- i personally like the buzy control room, but if you dont i can fix it
- the tree was originally to hide redstone, but the redstone now is in the small sticking out bit to the left on it. i just forgot to remove it. will do (although trees irl can grow next to a wall)
- i am also not happy with those stairs, but a ladder/scaffolding is unrealistic. what do you want me to do with it?
- i get that some of the walls are still bland, but what can i do about it? i used all my options i have without it becomeing too repetitive.
- the iron doors are intentionally like that. you are meant to open them once and leave them open. it makes it harder (but not impossible) to use them against bees. this is not good?
I agree with Woaxa's points. I have some ideas that could help cover those bases(:

I would keep the tree location, just pull it away from the wall 1 or 2 blocks, and use it's leaves (and maybe throw in some vines too) to make that a pathway onto the roof should someone be caught outside during acid rain, anvils, etc. You have it placed next to a structure sticking out from the wall. Maybe that could also serve in this pathway? From the outside grounds, I only see 2 ladders leading up to the roof.

A simple fix for the iron doors would be to use pressure plates instead, though a lot of the halls and rooms are cramped as is. I would use fewer iron doors anyways, because I think right now it would be too easy to escape the bees. Other maps have a few cheese spots that are vulnerable to being destroyed quickly by a lot of the disasters. But here, if the room you're staying in gets hit by a meteor and the bees get in, you can just move to another room.

As for the walls and some of the rooms, I think there should be a balance between "clean" looking, and empty looking. I'd say you're teetering more towards empty; Some of the walls with the windows are good as they are imo, but ones in the alleyway for example look lackluster especially when directly in contrast with the very detailed ground. Some foliage crawling up the walls (leaves, vines) might give it more of an alleyway feel. All the windows are almost exclusively on the "second" floor, or high enough where you could put another row below them. Couple this with some diorite stairs to go with the white walls, and change the glass blocks to panes, and I think that would look very nice.

For that awkward stairway, If you put a slab in each corner, it should make going down them a lot more pleasant. Though I'm not sure what the purpose of the room that stairway leads to is, all it has is one window.

I hope this map gets into testing eventually! I think it's got potential, and we desperately need more disasters maps!


May 13, 2021
I'm not sure what the purpose of the room that stairway leads to is, all it has is one window
before (and sometimes after) astronauts go to space they go in quarantine because getting sick in space would be bad. so that room is supposed to be the room where friends and family can still talk to them before launch but without contact.


May 13, 2021
@Woaxa third iteration (or fourth, depending on ho you look at it becouse the true first one i never shared) is now uploaded. most significant changes:

- making various walls less bland using structure things, plants, space tourism billboard and just random details even i dont know what they are supposed to be.
- made the mission control room cool
- removed the walls in between rooms in the quarantaine area to make it feel more roomy
- in estec in the netherlands (ESA space center, they dont launch rockets but they make the spacecraft that are getting launched) they have this prototype of an unmanned spaceplane on display. you can see it if you get a tour. i have personally seen it and i recreated it as a thing in the main hallway so that the interior isnt just plants and benches and actually something cool and space related
- few more interior things


Staff Member
May 25, 2020
Once again this is a massive improvement from the previous version, good job. Going between the first and third version is night and day, it's still a bit off from going into testing though. I'll just stick to my previous theme of the spoiler images pointing out any issues with it and you can take it from there, seemed to work well last time :)

Overall though it's getting close, nice work again.


There's a lot of points around the map where everything still feels really tight, hitting your head on the ceiling going down these stairs is not ideal.


Having a lot of details in the labs and stuff is totally good, but this hallway that is meant to be travelled through shouldn't have so many things in the way just to navigate through.


Another example of an area just being too tight/claustrophobic. For this spot maybe move the whole floor down one block? Doesn't seem there's anything below it blocking it.


WOW the new room is so much better, I can walk in and breathe, as you can see in the above photo I did remove the one desk so it isn't blocking the door way, I believe it's a lot better like this.


The staircase in the control tower is very odd to climb, easy to fall off, and no one likes turning their mouse 40 times to get up a tower.


Another example of stuff being really tight, walking through this door you're met with so much so close to you, couldn't imagine trying to get through these halls with bees or something chasing me.


A big repeating theme is a lot of the glass panes or stone walls are attaching to blocks they shouldn't be, try using a debug stick to change them seen below.



May 13, 2021
@Woaxa well, it doesnt have to be perfect in every single little detail right? if these really tiny things are bothering you, feel free to fix them yourself. although i probably can replace the spiral staircase with a redstone elevator maybe? that would be cool. not all of these, like the window with cacti are really fixable without creating even bigger problems


Oct 1, 2020
A lot of the rooms on the map are very squished, Miner. If Woax overhauls it himself, you might not recognize a lot of the interiors! You made a very detailed map, but in doing so, the readily-navigable space is markedly low. You gotta remember that Disasters is all about freedom of movement in order to escape, well, disasters! The more spacious a location, the likelier that someone has a fighting chance to get away. Maze-like stairwells and tight doorframes just aren’t conducive to that!

Your theme is solid, though, and I’m really rooting for your map to reach testing eventually. It just needs to be a bit more player-friendly!


Staff Member
May 25, 2020
@Woaxa well, it doesnt have to be perfect in every single little detail right? if these really tiny things are bothering you, feel free to fix them yourself. although i probably can replace the spiral staircase with a redstone elevator maybe? that would be cool. not all of these, like the window with cacti are really fixable without creating even bigger problems
It's more than the specific things I mentioned, those problems are a common theme throughout the whole map. Clustered and claustrophobic in too many areas, the places are overfilled with stuff. Having lots of detail in the side rooms and labs is okay, but in areas players are going to be commonly travelling through they need to be able to, well travel through them. A lot of the paths of the map don't really serve much of a purpose besides confusing the player. Take a walk through for a while and see how many paths you actually utilize to go from area to area, and what paths are just filler.

EDIT: Yeah I'm not editing the map, have too many things for my self I'm doing, these fast and detailed replies are the best I can do to help you. It does not have to be perfect, but it needs to be good. I'm sure I can find little details on a ton of maps that I don't like, even maps I've worked on. Your map right now is not at a point I'm comfortable putting it into testing. Goodluck.


May 13, 2021
what about the redstone elevator if it fits? i get it can break, so i can make a fire escape staircase too on the tower.


May 13, 2021
fourth iteration
- removed wall between the two parallel hallways so it feels more spacious
- changed many doors to open passages that are larger than the door that was originally there
- raised the ceiling in the cleanroom observation area and added some furniture
- other changes to rooms and furniture to make things feel more spacious
- added redstone elevator in the control tower. this was extremely hard as i had very little space to put redstone in
- added a fire escape at the side of the tower for if the elevator breaks or just for redundancy


Staff Member
May 25, 2020
fourth iteration
- removed wall between the two parallel hallways so it feels more spacious
- changed many doors to open passages that are larger than the door that was originally there
- raised the ceiling in the cleanroom observation area and added some furniture
- other changes to rooms and furniture to make things feel more spacious
- added redstone elevator in the control tower. this was extremely hard as i had very little space to put redstone in
- added a fire escape at the side of the tower for if the elevator breaks or just for redundancy
The changes are nice, I can appreciate the removal of most doors, makes it feel so much better to move around in and a lot more difficult to get lost, also opening up some spaces and moving the control room door to the back is good. I'll let this get into the current testing phase, goodluck!

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