Rejected Wisteria Valley


New member
Aug 21, 2020
Map name: Wisteria Valley
Authors: Sizzlerkun with help from Tetrix1 and Gav1nQuD
Map Description: Two hillside manors are fighting a turf war for the right to own the nearby village
Notes: The map features 3 paths to get to the other side, the main bridge, and two side paths that go down into a valley.
I wanted to ensure getting knocked off the bridge wouldn't be too punishing, so I surrounded the hillside and bridge with vines and made sure the fall wasn’t too drastic.
The garden area under the bridges also has a parkour that connects the two sides.
Each of the manors have one main entrance with it being possible to parkour onto the roofs from the side hills.
The fastest bomb to bomb time is 22 seconds

Wisteria Valley Download




Well-known member
May 25, 2020
The aesthetic of the map is really nice :) I really appreciate how detailed it is.

Gameplay-wise I think there are a few things that should be tweaked.

I think you should remove the two block high flowers and grass, since they can mess with PvP.

idk if this was intentional or not but some of the vines on the bridge don't allow you to get from the lower level onto the bridge. Personally I feel like you should be able to use the vines for that purpose.

I also feel like the base layout could be improved, since there's only one entrance as of now. One way you could add another entrance is adding a way for the attacker to get to the roofs. Ladders or vines on the outside of the building maybe. More clear ways to access the roofs from the inside of the base would be nice too, so defenders can prepare for potential roof attacks.


Jun 8, 2020
I think this is a great map both by aesthetics and gameplay. I like how there's different height differences and not just a flat map.


May 25, 2020
Greetings Sizzlerkun (and Tetrix1 and Gav1nQuD)!

First and foremost, thank you for your map submission for the server! I can tell that you guys put a considerable amount of effort into this map, and that effort shows. However, unfortunately, we are going to be rejecting this map for the time being. Here are some of the factors that led the staff to the decision that we did:

  1. The terraforming of the mountain border could be improved. The part that is snowy looks pretty good, however the other parts of the mountain do not look as refined. They could be a bit smoother in parts, and possibly consider using some more block variety in the mountains as a whole.
  2. Similarly, while on the topic of terraforming, the alternative path (not the main bridge) for players is tough to traverse or fight on; and it could use some more slabs/stairs so it is not as cumbersome to climb as it currently is. In certain areas it may be easier to traverse, however, there are quite a bit of very narrow parts of the path as well. However, we absolutely love the verticality that you put into this part of the map, and see it as a promising feature if these issues are fixed.
  3. While this was not a huge concern, we would recommend not using as many mobs in future maps. While purposeful mobs are acceptable, having mobs just to have mobs is a bit distracting.
  4. Typically we want to avoid having sizable areas of the map covered in two-block high plants, as this does pose some combat issues. They can be used, but be conscious of how it may impact combat between players on the map.

Overall, these are the biggest concerns the staff team had with the map. We hope that this feedback will be constructive as you make edits to this map, or at least be helpful to you if you decide to make future maps for submission as well.

Thanks again for the submission!


New member
Aug 21, 2020
Wisteria Valley Download 2
Hello, I took the criticism into consideration and made the following changes.

I made the side entrances to the base accessible through vines on the side, I definitely see how one entrance on each side could be an issue so I wanted to adjust that.

I cut all the 2 block tall flowers in half to fix the possible PVP issues.

I removed random pandas from the map and removed half of the cats from the map

I fixed the pathway leading up to the red side due to how steep it was. I essentially just slabbed it all up and I'm hoping that should make the play experience better.

I also tried to terraform the sides of mountains better, although I still think that is my weakest fix. I tried to make the hillside less jagged and more smooth.

I'll make more changes to the map if needed. Thank you!


May 25, 2020
Hey guys!

Thanks for the timely changes y’all made to the map! These changes are steps in the right direction, however the staff team does not think it fully resolved some of the bigger issues that were preventing us from putting the map into testing.

  • The terraforming on the map is still pretty rough, we would highly encourage taking some time to smooth out parts of the mountains, and also going by hand and adding in the finishing touches. Considering it is such a big part of the map, even if it is mainly aesthetic, it is really important that it looks as good as it can. On a similar note, the wood of the trees could go for some smoothing, as it currently does look a lot like world edit brushes.
  • Also, upon further review, we do think that one slight issue with the map would be that there isn’t very much designated fighting area. The majority of the map, minus the bases and mid, primarily consist of staircases and slabs for vertical increments, and while verticality is a very unique and fun feature to use in maps, it may be a bit excessive at times on this map. Fighting on vertical increments can be quite cumbersome, and while our initial comment on making it easier to climb has slightly addressed this issue, there should probably be more flat areas for players to combat without always having to be near stairs or slabs.

Overall, these are the biggest concerns that come to mind after the staff team has reviewed this map. We do find Wisteria Valley to be a promising map, however, in its current state we will not be able to put it into testing at this time. While the suggestions we have given will certainly take time and practice, I do believe you guys are capable of it!

Best of luck if y’all pursue these changes!

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