Kit Kit Shaman


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Name: Shaman
Kit Icon: Black Candle
Desc: An offensive support kit that provides support for its team from afar. Use its warding candles to keep watch of your base or for any nearby ghosts.

Leather Helmet (Dyed Black)
Leather Chestplate (Dyed Purple, Prot 2)
Iron Leggings (Prot 1)
Gold Boots (Prot 1)

Armor is similar to Ninja (tbh idk for sure, SnD code does weird things for prot enchants, but it should be similar)

Stone Sword
2 Candles (Team Colored, Named: Warding Candle)
Spyglass (Named: Magic Lens)


tl;dr you can place 2 cameras which also reveal ghosts in a small radius around them. They last forever unless broken by an enemy or the kit user. By looking through your cameras or your spyglass you can debuff an enemy with slowness and instant damage, if you keep them within your sights, for a short duration.

Warding Candle

Desc: Detects invisible enemies and slows the attacks of enemies within its radius! Once placed, you can use it as your personal surveillance camera!

A candle which will remain active until broken by an enemy or by the shaman. If broken by an enemy, it will take 10 seconds to reappear in the Shaman's inventory

Passive: Any invisible enemies within a 5 block radius of the candle will become partially visible (similar to how you see friendly ghosts in-game) while they are within the candle's range. All enemies within its radius will receive Mining Fatigue 2. Similar to barricader blocks, these effects will only be given if the enemy is within "vision" of the candle.

Active: After placing a candle, an eye of ender named

"View Candle # (insert number here)"

will appear in your inventory, taking the candle's spot.

Upon left or right clicking this eye of ender, you will be able to see from the perspective of the candle you placed, however, you will remain where you are on the battlefield, standing still. While looking through your candle, it will be as if you are in the position of the camera. You will be unable to move but you can look around.

To exit camera view, simply shift. This will also be displayed through text on the shaman's screen.

Magic Lens

Works just like a vanilla spyglass, and has similar mechanics as the candle. However, all enemy ghosts will be partially visible while you are looking through the spyglass.

Cursed Stare

Desc: When looking through either your spyglass or your candles, you can afflict an enemy with a curse if you keep them within your sights.
Cooldown: 5 Seconds

When looking through your spyglass or one of your candles, the nearest enemy that is within your vision will become outlined red (only to you). If you keep this person within your sights for 3 seconds, they will be afflicted with a curse.

A message in the afflicted enemy's chat will read,

"You feel terribly ill"

The enemy will receive 3 seconds of Slowness 2, followed by a burst of 2 hearts of instant damage. During the entire duration of the debuff, they will also be outlined in red, visible for your whole team.

The cooldown for the ability will be shown through the exp bar. Cooldown is independent for each item.

Important Notes:
  • If you take damage from an enemy while you are using your candles, you will be interrupted, and leave the "camera-viewing" state.
    • This does not apply when you are using the spyglass.
  • Cursed Stare will have a limit to its range to stop people from just cross mapping you
    • Maximum range will be 100 blocks.
  • After using Cursed Stare, you will automatically exit the spyglass view on your spyglass or your candles.
  • Upon placement, it will take 3 seconds for the candle to activate. This will be represented by the candle being in an unlit state.
    • This is here to prevent Shamans from constantly being able to move candles to keep ghosts away.
  • Even with Mining Fatigue, candles break relatively fast (breaks in ~2 seconds).
  • Enemies cannot be cursed again until the debuff ends (After the slowness ends)
    • This is to prevent people from stacking curses on people and just insta killing them with multiple shamans.
  • The zoom of the spyglass is very strong, which makes it very hard to track people less than 20 blocks away.
  • If the red outline proves to be too glitchy, a red crown of particles around the cursed enemy can also be implemented.

  • Enemies who are being targeted by cursed stare will see a countdown in chat
    • 3
    • 2
    • 1
  • This countdown will be accompanied by sound effects only audible to the target.
  • When a candle is being looked through, ender particles will appear around it.
  • Similar to teleporters, candles must be placed on top of a block
    • Candles cannot be stacked on top of candles.


The original idea came from the talk of adding a kit that can properly counter ghost, but I tried building off of that idea so the kit doesn't just become "the anti-ghost kit". With the removal of chanter, none of the current support kits really help their team by debuffing their enemies, so I thought it'd be cool to have a kit that does do that. I feel like most of what could be done with kits have already be done so I tried focusing on creating a unique playstyle and mechanics. There isn't really any kits dedicated to gathering information yet.

Hopefully the design of the kit allows for a lot of exploration of its mechanics with finding out the optimal places to put the candles, and also forcing the kit user to balance between using the candles like security cameras, surveying their team's base and potential flanks, and also using them for ghost checking.

With how I designed it, I lowkey feel like it could actually be underpowered, but lemme know what you guys think.
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New member
May 11, 2021
For me, this kit seems very underpowered in terms of actual ability to rush and survive. For me, it really just seems like a giant middle finger to ghost, wraith, and trickster. In my opinion instead of the ghost revealing function of the candles, they could apply slowness 2 to enemies while in the proximity, sort of like a reverse paladin. It would still prevent ghosts from doing their thing because their movement is now extremely limited, and the kit would be useful against non invis kits as well. How do you think?


May 30, 2020
Really interesting kit, I'm a little iffy about the outlining since currently it's kinda y'know... occasionally permanent. Very unique mechanics and I like debuff support stuff a lot


Active member
Jun 24, 2020
Name: Shaman
Kit Icon: Black Candle
Desc: An offensive support kit that provides support for its team from afar. Use its warding candles to keep watch of your base or for any nearby ghosts.

Leather Helmet (Dyed Black)
Leather Chestplate (Dyed Purple, Prot 2)
Gold Leggings (Prot 1)
Gold Boots (Prot 1)

Armor is similar to Medic (tbh idk for sure, SnD code does weird things for prot enchants, but it should be similar)

Stone Sword
2 Candles (Team Colored, Named: Warding Candle)
Spyglass (Named: Magic Lens)


tl;dr you can place 2 cameras which also reveal ghosts in a small radius around them. They last forever unless broken by an enemy or the kit user. By looking through your cameras or your spyglass you can debuff an enemy with slowness and instant damage, if you keep them within your sights, for a short duration.

Warding Candle

Desc: Detects invisible enemies and slows the attacks of enemies within its radius! Once placed, you can use it as your personal surveillance camera!

A candle which will remain active until broken by an enemy or by the shaman. If broken by an enemy, it will take 10 seconds to reappear in the Shaman's inventory

Passive: Any invisible enemies within a 5 block radius of the candle will become partially visible (similar to how you see friendly ghosts in-game) while they are within the candle's range. All enemies within its radius will receive Mining Fatigue 2. Similar to barricader blocks, these effects will only be given if the enemy is within "vision" of the candle.

Active: After placing a candle, an eye of ender named

"View Candle # (insert number here)"

will appear in your inventory, taking the candle's spot.

Upon left or right clicking this eye of ender, you will be able to see from the perspective of the candle you placed, however, you will remain where you are on the battlefield, standing still. While looking through your candle, you will be forced to be looking through a spyglass, which means you will be constantly zoomed in. When in "camera view", enemy ghosts will always be partially visible, regardless of their proximity to the candle.

To exit camera view, simply shift. This will also be displayed through text on the shaman's screen.

Magic Lens

Works just like a vanilla spyglass, and has similar mechanics as the candle. All enemy ghosts will be partially visible while you are looking through the spyglass.

Cursed Stare

Desc: When looking through either your spyglass or your candles, you can afflict an enemy with a curse if you keep them within your sights.
Cooldown: 5 Seconds

When looking through your spyglass or one of your candles, the nearest enemy that is within your vision will become outlined red (only to you). If you keep this person within your sights for 3 seconds, they will be afflicted with a curse.

A message in the afflicted enemy's chat will read,

"You feel terribly ill"

The enemy will receive 3 seconds of Slowness 2, followed by a burst of 2 hearts of instant damage. During the entire duration of the debuff, they will also be outlined in red, visible for your whole team.

The cooldown for the ability will be shown through the exp bar. Cooldown is independent for each item.

Important Notes:
  • If you take damage from an enemy while you are using your candles, you will be interrupted, and leave the "camera-viewing" state.
    • This does not apply when you are using the spyglass.
  • Cursed Stare will have a limit to its range to stop people from just cross mapping you
    • Maximum range will be 100 blocks.
  • After using Cursed Stare, you will automatically exit the spyglass view on your spyglass or your candles.
  • Upon placement, it will take 3 seconds for the candle to activate. This will be represented by the candle being in an unlit state.
    • This is here to prevent Shamans from constantly being able to move candles to keep ghosts away.
  • Even with Mining Fatigue, candles break relatively fast (breaks in ~2 seconds).
  • Enemies cannot be cursed again until the debuff ends (After the slowness ends)
    • This is to prevent people from stacking curses on people and just insta killing them with multiple shamans.
  • The zoom of the spyglass is very strong, which makes it very hard to track people less than 20 blocks away.

  • Enemies who are being targeted by cursed stare will see a countdown in chat
    • 3
    • 2
    • 1
  • This countdown will be accompanied by sound effects only audible to the target.
  • When a candle is being looked through, ender particles will appear around it.
  • Similar to teleporters, candles must be placed on top of a block
    • Candles cannot be stacked on top of candles.


The original idea came from the talk of adding a kit that can properly counter ghost, but I tried building off of that idea so the kit doesn't just become "the anti-ghost kit". With the removal of chanter, none of the current support kits really help their team by debuffing their enemies, so I thought it'd be cool to have a kit that does do that. I feel like most of what could be done with kits have already be done so I tried focusing on creating a unique playstyle and mechanics. There isn't really any kits dedicated to gathering information yet.

Hopefully the design of the kit allows for a lot of exploration of its mechanics with finding out the optimal places to put the candles, and also forcing the kit user to balance between using the candles like security cameras, surveying their team's base and potential flanks, and also using them for ghost checking.

With how I designed it, I lowkey feel like it could actually be underpowered, but lemme know what you guys think.
I like everything about it except the ability to see enemy ghosts. I don't think there should be any kind of "anti- _____" kit in any capacity, even in a minor way as suggested in this kit, in general because it discourages the use of said kit in a way I think is unhealthy for the game. If a kit is unbalanced or able to be abused, I think the solution is to nerf/buff that kit so that it's better to play.

I like the cursing mechanic. I think it seems like an interesting new feature to the game! Though I think that instead of / in addition to the current particle, there should be a solid circle of a particle around the candle so that players have a distinct line of what is safe and what isn't. A pulsating blue flame particle might be cool!

That leaves the candles with the effect of being able to be used as a camera. But I imagine the places you'd want a camera would be at your bomb, at a choke point, or at an otherwise important part of the map. Generally, these parts of the maps are pretty tight, and usually smaller than 20 blocks in diameter, making the use of the eye pretty inefficient. I would make "viewing" the candle similar to how you spectate a mob (the way you see through an enderman seems cool, where everything looks "negative") instead of using the eyeglass effect.
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Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Really interesting kit, I'm a little iffy about the outlining since currently it's kinda y'know... occasionally permanent. Very unique mechanics and I like debuff support stuff a lot
appreciate it. Also I didn’t consider the outline bug that happens with Arbalist rip. I guess it could be replaced by some sort of particle effect if all else fails?

I like everything about it except the ability to see enemy ghosts. I don't think there should be any kind of "anti- _____" kit in any capacity, even in a minor way as suggested in this kit
(also kinda in response to micro) personally, I'd prefer to try and keep in the anti-invis aspect of the kit. I'd be interested to see how it changes the game. I don't think this kit truly shuts the kit down, especially when kits like explosive exist, that "shut down" ghost much more effectively and deserve the title of "the ghost counter" more, I think it just addresses invis in a unique way.

I would make "viewing" the candle similar to how you spectate a mob (the way you see through an enderman seems cool, where everything looks "negative") instead of using the eyeglass effect.
This is definitely a cool idea, especially making everything seem inverted, like it does when you spectate endermen. I think I'll probably change the candles to have just a regular FOV instead of the zoomed in one, the spyglass view lowkey would make the camera aspect unusable. I might remove the ability to see invis with the candle too.


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
i made some changes:

-Buffed Armor
-Candles no longer have zoomed in FOV like the spyglass, however they cannot detect invis unless they are within 5 blocks of the candle
-Added description for a possible alternative to the curse debuff if the outline is too glitchy

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