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  1. Lizardheart

    Badthios: A place for all your dumb screenshots

    Looks like you just got eclipsed No longer is an admin #1 fan
  2. Lizardheart

    Kit Flower Power

    Hell yeah, I've been waiting eons for a flower-themed kit. Flower gang. I like the idea of a kit that can do several different things, though not at the same time and without being overpowered. It might need some buffing in the armor, but I don't really know anything about game balance so I...
  3. Lizardheart

    [Poll] Let's all play on a specific time every Friday (solving the player count problem)

    While I understand where you're coming from and think you make some valid points, Plague, I've gotta say that I think this would be a negative for the server in the long run. So I'm here to give my opinion as the person who's probably played the most S&D since Athios opened. If we do these...
  4. Lizardheart

    Accepted Coconut Mall

    They just assumed I'd want a bookstore. They were right. Map's lookin' lovely, of course; good luck on your journey to completion.
  5. Lizardheart

    Stop filtering "k" to "ok" (please)

    f is already free
  6. Lizardheart

    Stop filtering "k" to "ok" (please)

    Currently, "k" is filtered to "ok" by the censor. However, these two statements have very different connotations. This censor hinders communication. Set free the "k." (obviously this is not urgent at all, but like, please)
  7. Lizardheart

    whatever happens, happens

    Good stuff, shadowstarcat's boyfriend.
  8. Lizardheart

    do not be A F R A I D

    do not be A F R A I D
  9. Lizardheart

    your birthday may be over, but now it's your... A F T E R B I R T H

    your birthday may be over, but now it's your... A F T E R B I R T H
  10. Lizardheart

    I had to put out the apology just in case. But I'm glad I said nice things lmao

    I had to put out the apology just in case. But I'm glad I said nice things lmao
  11. Lizardheart

    Sorry if I said things lmao

    Sorry if I said things lmao
  12. Lizardheart


  13. Lizardheart

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  14. Lizardheart

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  15. Lizardheart

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  16. Lizardheart

    Four Team Map Player Requirement

    absolutely not 😠😠 this post brought to you by the "hate for four team maps" gang (your map lowkey one of the only tolerable ones tho)
  17. Lizardheart

    Badthios: A place for all your dumb screenshots

    We've gotten some absolutely SPICY posts lately. I hope y'all aren't forgetting to check out badthios dot Tumblr dot come at! Not only that, but we were featured on the OFFICIAL Athios Instagram. Check it out!
  18. Lizardheart

    [Poll] When did you start playing SnD?

    I'm an EoE baby. I feel like I remember being a part of the SD11 gang, but I'm not sure if I remember correctly. Wtf bruh that was only a year???? Coulda sworn it was a lifetime. This fact is messing me up.
  19. Lizardheart

    Disable Anti-AFK in Main Lobby [Resolved]

    council vs. martoph (2020) (colorized) (language warning)