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  1. Plague

    Why Philosophy is Important (to me)

    Oi! I used to read (western analytic) philosophy too! I kinda stopped that as I got older and life got busier. Still, I can attest to a couple facts: First, like all humanities, it would be counter-productive to judge philosophy according to whether they give material benefits the same way as...
  2. Plague

    Game mode for Athios

    I have some concerns. The server already has a very small base and splitting them into two gamemodes will cause playercount issues. Secondly, developing and hosting the gamemode costs valuable time and money that are better utilized towards advertising. And lastly, and most importantly, DvZ...
  3. Plague

    Haapy bdaay immlay2

    Haapy bdaay immlay2
  4. Plague

    Kit Price Suggestions (BASED ON NUMBERS POG)

    This is a great idea, I agree that kit prices are sort of arbitrary and that assigning them values in proportion to how accessible they are is the best pricing strategy. Though I do have some complaints with this particular pricing: wraith is too expensive for a kit so weak, disincentivizing...
  5. Plague

    [Poll] Let's all play on a specific time every Friday (solving the player count problem)

    Wow, very well written. I think you make solid points and your input is especially valuable as you have the most playtime. I think the original idea is to be amended rather than discarded. See, even if new players mostly come during slow times, they’d be hard to *retain* since they won’t find...
  6. Plague

    [Poll] Let's all play on a specific time every Friday (solving the player count problem)

    Yes the lack of advertisement contributed to it’s downfall, but it would have still survived if it’s relatively large base of veterans (i) kept coming back (ii) kept donating. And from the way things seem, accumulating players from advertising is a slow process and thus retaining the old player...
  7. Plague

    [Poll] Let's all play on a specific time every Friday (solving the player count problem)

    Hi Athios community, A while back I posted this in the server discord. It was about solving the issue of a declining player count and unpredictable peaks. I propose that we all hop on at the same time every Friday night to play the game. Currently, most players hesitate to be the early ones to...
  8. Plague

    whatever happens, happens

    Woaxa releases a video with potentially me dying at his hands repeatedly: *Panik* Not shown in the video once: Kalm
  9. Plague

    You said nothing silly

    You said nothing silly
  10. Plague


    You were all like “PLAGUE I lOVE YOU ARE A GREAT FRIEND YOU MADE MY LIFE SO MUCH BETTER” and I felt really flattered.
  11. Plague

    They nerfed medic to oblivion let’s organise a riot.

    They nerfed medic to oblivion let’s organise a riot.
  12. Plague

    [Poll] When did you start playing SnD?

    Just curious. I suspect most people here are from EoE/Fridge era. For reference (CMIIW), EoE was the early 2013 months MCTheFridge was the summer of 2013 RWF 1.0 was Fall 2013 to end of 2014 RWF 2.0 was Summer 2016 Athios is Summer 2020 I myself am from EOE era, where there was no hub and you...
  13. Plague

    Athios Welcoming Diecies

    until Mini-Toast longbow’d him into the void
  14. Plague

    Make Spies Show up in Alphabetical Order in Tab

    This is a good fix. On the topic of maining, I think it’s a good thing you can’t main spy as it prevents too many spies in a single game.
  15. Plague

    ArmStretcher is Toxic

    >no berserker rampages What’s the point of the whole video dammit? (Also how do you get those particles when you hit people?) (And why are there dislikes on this post o.0?)
  16. Plague

    Ghost Tutoring
  17. Plague

    1.16 and Me

    This is just a thought, but perhaps Athios should only be updated to 1.16 once the Badlion client does so. This is because quite a lot of PvP fanatics play on the Badlion client instead of the regular client. As an example, JustDash also uses a PvP client.
  18. Plague

    Ninja Buff

    This is a nice write-up, and I believe the solution is to allow larger maps only when the lobby has a larger player count, say 60 (it should be higher, like 70, but the player cap is 60; we see lag in the gameplay at 70 but I think we should fix the lag rather than cap the count at a low...
  19. Plague

    Ninja Buff

    I, and I think most players here, would disagree. Ninja isn't meant to 1v1 troopers, berserkers and other sturdy melee kits. It's primarily a mobility kit (Speed II and 6 Enderpearls!) and thus it is a situational kit that has to use it's strengths to its advantage. As an example, no kit can...