Introducing ourselves


New member
Jun 2, 2020
Heyo Everyone

I'm popcorn1111. I'm not certain what year I started S&D, but I have many fond memories of the server throughout its various name changes and updates. I think I was mainly the ghost kit as I was/am not very good at fighting, and I transitioned mainly to Wizards on the old RWF server for a while. At some point along with a few good friends we made a map, and I think I even got a kit implemented.

Going through these posts and such really takes me back, and while I know I'm not quite as old of a member as some of you, I wanted to thank you all for the many great experiences I had on the server!

Feel free to reach out to me if you want to reminisce! I'm not certain how much playtime I'll actually get, but I'll try to stay connected the best I can


Jun 2, 2020
Hey everyone. I’ve been around since EOE and also hated archer games but still played it sometimes because somehow I thought I could win without spending my life’s savings at the time. Anyway, I decided I liked SnD much more and spent way more time on that.

You guys probably don’t remember my name because I used to play on the account OdePersonas, which is now my younger brother’s account. I’m sure he’ll be around too. I haven’t played much Minecraft since the last SnD ended and will be playing on a laptop for the foreseeable future, so go easy on me ;)

Definitely excited to see my favorite game mode revived again, and appreciate all the work everyone has done to keep the community alive for so long. Looking forward to the release, see you guys there!


New member
Jun 2, 2020
hello friends its DrabJuice

i played archer games back in the day and found out about snd somehow

probably don't recognise me but I probably recognise you

im now a uni persons


New member
May 29, 2020
Hi my name is Carson... I like pearls, uhhh im 18 and i started playing SnD around 2013, can't remember how though. About to go into college for the great University of Michigan State, Go Green! and a huge football and basketball fan, go Atlanta Falcons as well lmao. So yeah see yall on the battle field (also go give ur thoughts on my map submission ty!)


Active member
May 29, 2020
It's 4:37 AM and I'm trying to describe myself. I am big brain.

I spent the past four years of my life studying music and now i have a degree in making music. I don't do anything with that degree except for what you see on my YouTube channel.

I played SnD back in the days when there were seperate servers for each lobby, and it absolutely ruined my life and made me meet you guys, so I have no idea why I'm back. ILY


New member
Jun 5, 2020
Hi!!! ✨ It's RayvneGirl hehehe IM SO SORRY if you knew me, I'm 20 now and slightly(slightly) more bearable but I was a MESS back than. was the OG hangout and I havent played since the days. 🐣 SnD is literally the extent of my entire -gaming- career. Made some rlly wholesome friendships, mostly just australasians cause of time differences hehe. we all kinda dropped off once we hit 16? im guessing, and I forgot the skype account password I used so haven't been in contact with lots of ppl since then rlly! I'm so happy to seE ALL ur usernAAAAMES! cute cute cute🌱 shoutout to @Triggs mostly for keeping me connected with MC hehehe. hopefully see u all for a game soon! or not see u cause im literally always ghost because i cannot game. pls message if u wanna get misty eyed about the old days xxx


Jun 5, 2020
I am yolksoup. The leader of the team, Team NP. Although that is dead now. But I'm a veteran player that misses this community a lot. Although I don't play MC much anymore, I'll be a lurker on the forums as I got other important businesses to attend to.

I'm still currently a Dota 2 player and play a good variety of other games like Smash, Magic, Hearthstone, etc. I wish I got more time for Minecraft for this server, I been playing on a lot of survival so playing pvp again will be nice.

I'm on discord, @yolksoup#1225 a lot so if you wanna talk or remember me and want to keep up with stuff, or maybe crack an egg, I'm happy to talk.


New member
Jun 3, 2020
Way to put me on the spot I prefer to keep to myself but I can't not introduce myself.

In a past life I was known as Nitrogamerng but he died long ago now replaced with Lord_Nutritious though I still use Nitrogamerng as my Minecraft username so I guess he's just a dead man walking. I joined back when you had to type in a code in the server browser to get into a match not sure if that was EOE or not but yeah. I was younger back then and didn't talk much because I liked my personal space now I'm older and still like my personal space though you guys are pretty cool I guess so I guess I can act more sociable then I really am. Though I'm greatly saddened that Wizard Battle died in the hands of Mineplex S&D was able to survive and able to get it's own server again.

Though I mostly just make Halo Wars DE mods now its great feeling to see that the game that I loved is back,the people I played with it are still here supporting it and that I can come back to play it once more.
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May 30, 2020
I'm Gilburritoz, I was CookieMage107 in the darker days.

I played snd once and moved on and then somehow came back after the bajancanadian vid and then stuck around, I didn't interact with people a lot then. I was mostly active in Riot's server. When that died I shifted around to games like LoL and csgo, but eventually stopped playing video games and started becoming a social madlad.

I'm getting ready to start my second year of college for Psych (probably lmao, I really feel like switching to the computer field) and hoping I won't get TOO into snd again. I'm also bringing some randoms who have no idea what snd is and have barely played Minecraft!


New member
Jun 6, 2020
Hello its me NoPlzIFan (uwu). I've since changed to freshoffboat cause my old ign was c r i n g e if you ask me. Been here since 2013 and glad to be back playing SnD after lib shut everything down. I'm now 21, an alcoholic and have 400 hours racked up on Animal Crossing.

i miss u guys xoxoxo 👁👄👁 say hi if u see me in game


New member
Jun 1, 2020
Hi, I’m birdy117.
Been an SnD fan since EoE. Gotta say we’ve come a long way as a community! As soon as RWF 1 shut down, I lost track of where to find anyone since all the methods of communication I had with you guys was the server and forums.

I’m currently 20 and in college getting a BS in Computer Science so you’ll probably see me messing with Lib’s code a lot to make SnD Kits.

One night I couldn’t help but think about you guys. My mind instantly remembered the countless hours I would be on RWF. My childhood/teenhood was built around RWF. The mini-game was just so addicting. The community was so welcoming. After 6 whole years you guys still are the same old dorks I love and adore.

See you all on the server!


New member
Jun 6, 2020
Waht is up, some may know me by my old ign (Goldenskar). I used to play redwarfare when i was around 10 years old on a laptop and i'm now 16 so i don't really know what stage of RWF that was. but yeah, nice to meet and remember you all. it's really nostalgic and has a special feeling to it. Apologies if anyone remembered me as immature but I was 10 so let's keep that a secret ;). I love soccer, cooking, league of legends and chilling in general.


New member
Jun 5, 2020
Helloo! I'm Flaim

I started playing SnD in 2014, and genuinely enjoyed this game mode more than any other game I had ever played. Super stoked to see it back!
my old ign was silverscorpion77

I am 21 years old from California and I currently play Overwatch, Minecraft, and Animal Crossing.
In high school I bought a car with money I made from trading items in TF2 & CSGO.
I love snowboarding, wakeboarding, skimboarding, cliff jumping, photography, bitcoin, keeping a gym routine for two weeks, Cody Ko, YouTube, and Twitch.

You'll definitely be seeing my sub-par ghost gameplay in the kill feed! :)
probably me dying to Woaxa!


Jun 6, 2020
Hey y'all, I'm Anak. Some of you might remember me from the old forums/server (maybe you know me as Neotrinston, I think that was my IGN) and I see some familiar faces in here that I'd love to get reacquainted with. (: (Hi Lizard!!)

I've played SAD since The Fridge and regularly on RWF (even though I was far better at Wizard Battles!). Honestly don't remember the kits and stuff 😂 I think I favoured the archer ones, but I also played I think it was Demolition? Clearly it has been a while for me, and I haven't played Minecraft in ages either, so I'm excited to get back in!!!

As for my real life, I'm 20 years old now and have just finished my 2nd year in university studying BA Graphic Communication. Had a little rough patch cause of corona but I'm still excited for what the future may hold (: Hoping to get some really cool things done this Summer if I don't spend it all gaming!!!


New member
Jun 7, 2020
Hello There

I'm RCI, and I too started playing SnD during the Age of EoE, when I was introduced to it by a friend. I've been through many many usernames and some were more cringe than others. The one I had in the beginning, and for the longest time while playing SnD, was happycyborg. I was pretty bad at PVP then and I still am now, so don't expect much from me in game. Since RWF closed, I stayed in contact (kind of) with the community because I also was invited to the "The Storm" survival server, which is what eventually brought me to the RWF discord as well as @yolksoup 's Team NP discord, in which I hold the coveted position of "I have no idea why I'm here". In real life I am 17 and I'm a senior in high school, interested in foreign languages and computer science. I'm currently studying mandarin Chinese due to all the free time I've gained from corona.

I'm very happy to be able to relive my childhood memories playing SnD again on Athios.



Jun 7, 2020
What is up gamers? I'm 4_D (formerly Four_Dee) and I started playing SnD in 2013 on EoE when I was in 5th grade.

I've been playing on and off ever since then and I'm glad to see that the community is still together after all of these years. I was in elementary school when I started and now I've just graduated from high school. I'll be headed to college next year to study computer science. I know I was kinda annoying way back when I was super active, but I was also in elementary and middle school for most of that so I'm using that as my excuse. In real life these days I spend most of my time running, eating, and sleeping. Not much else.

I'm very grateful for this community because they helped me a lot through some of my most awkward years and have a lot to owe to them. It's very exciting to see the game and community finally have a permanent server to play on after all of the years since 2.0.


Jun 8, 2020
Heyo everyone.

Tyrue here or previously known as pRom3. My name was never supposed to be pronounced as prom, but everyone said it like that, so I just went with it.
I've been playing since the fridge days, back in the golden days of SG.
I've lost contact with most of you guys so I'm hoping I can feel reacquainted with the group again soon.

Outside of Minecraft, I'm a college student majoring in business administration. I just finished up my junior year and have one year left.

If anyone wants to add me on discord, don't hesitate. Tyrue#8686

Edit: One thing I forgot to mention is that I actually became a mod on the hungry games/Minecraft Monday server that the mcm tournament was hosted on.
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