Introducing ourselves


Jun 5, 2020
Heyo everyone.

Tyrue here or previously known as pRom3. My name was never supposed to be pronounced as prom, but everyone said it like that, so I just went with it.
I've been playing since the fridge days, back in the golden days of SG.
I've lost contact with most of you guys so I'm hoping I can feel reacquainted with the group again soon.

Outside of Minecraft, I'm a college student majoring in business administration. I just finished up my junior year and have one year left.

If anyone wants to add me on discord, don't hesitate. Tyrue#8686
So umm, when are you gonna make me straight....


Jun 9, 2020
Yo!! I'm SevereMyopia.

I was introduced to S&D by my brother, but I haven't really started playing until a couple of days ago. When I was younger, I knew some lads from playing on RiotShielder's server. My old username was super embarrassing aaaaa. I mainly play medic because I'm abhorrent at PvP but I want to feel useful!! I need to try out the other kits some more too.

I'm currently a high school student. I gain, lose, and regain interest in things super easily, so I don't have a lot of definite hobbies. I'm pretty into osu! , Minecraft, webcomics, and art. I need to finish part 5 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.


New member
May 29, 2020
I'm Cinna, and I played S&D during the RWF days, I got addicted to playing on this server after Tarnum introduced me to S&D. I didn't get quite as addicted to S&D as he woulda wanted me to, but I found myself gravitating towards SG. I met so many friends through RWF and still keep in touch with a few of them to this day.
When I was told that Athios was starting up again, I couldn't wait to play. I was so happy to see some familiar faces! I'm looking forward to what this new community has to offer, and hopefully, I'll be lucky enough to meet more people.
As for who I am IRL, I enjoy playing league of legends, chess, and playing the piano. I love to cook for my friends and family. I will be graduating with a Finance and Marketing major next summer!

Nice to meet you all and I hope to see you all around :D



New member
Jun 6, 2020
Hey everyone! It's Mysti :) I used to go by Secretwomen. I’ve been around since EoE as well; although I usually kept to myself. You can typically find me playing as ghost, it has always been my go-tooooo kit B) !!! When RWF shut down, I lost an interest in MC so I stopped playing until recently when I discovered SnD was back. I’m so excited to be playing! To be truthful, I feel myself getting addicted to SnD once again. (*´ー`*)

Outside of MC, I am 18 yrs old & some hobbies of mine include reading, swimming, designing clothes, photography, playing Animal Crossing & being involved in activism. *I have an obsession with mushrooms & Gudetama *


Jun 6, 2020
Hello! My name is Hyacinthos, I used to go by the name “SirAnzoategui”. Like many people here I’ve been playing since Eye of Ender as well. I’m ghost gang all the way! However, I do enjoy playing other kits sometimes. I used to play SnD non stop until the server shut down. After RWF’s fall I went on to play survival servers and Hypixel. Once I heard that SnD was coming back I was so excited! I never thought this day would come! In my personal life I am currently a University student pursuing a major in film and a minor in political science! I love nature, music, photography, film, and YouTube! I am also involved in environmentalism and progressive politics!

POWER TO THE PEOPLE! 🌈🍀🌎🎥 *Here's some RWF screenshots for y'all to enjoy*

2013-06-12_20.38.25.png2013-06-15_23.26.52.png2013-06-17_15.03.39.jpg2014-01-20_12.20.11.png2014-01-26_17.47.35.png2016-06-29_14.24.10 copy.png2016-07-11_14.57.55.png2017-01-30_01.58.34.png2017-01-30_01.59.30.png2017-01-30_02.10.17.png


Jun 5, 2020
Hello! Another person playing since EoE days! Currently working towards getting my bachelors in game design. As for hobbies, i mainly just play video games XD. Quarantine makes it a little hard to go golfing, and I haven't touched a piano in months. Looking forward to Athios hopefully growing in size.


Jun 8, 2020
Hello, I'm typicall, formally know as 7th_crisis, or Candymankiller_.

I started playing SnD on redwarfare during what I call the "tragik" era. Due to his popularity and in my personal opinion, godly pvp skills, I fell in love with the server and the community. I started approximately 6 years ago a bit after they had antvenom advertise the server. I don't care for his videos but I'm glad it helped grew the community. As many of you veterans would remember the "Great merge" happened and F'd Up our great and powerful server. It was sad to see disappear and about a couple years after I quit playing minecraft for a long time. Only recently did I come back about a couple months ago. I used to play on venomsurge but then I heard the news about the old redwarfare server revamping and I was so ecstatic. I currently am a freelance photographer and cinematographer. I love editing video and doing special effects. Soon I will restart college and finish with a bachelor's degree in digital media and i plan on owning my on youtube channel, travel and making videos, and maybe owning my own business or join the ranks of movie editors doing CGI special effects. I'm glad to see so many old familiar faces such as, Espios, mythless, Smaland, KINGLOUIS, bvyans, Elitemaster5, mazza, pandu, thaecrisis, xtiman, triggs, awnoodles, Iceyflame7, mystic, setery, etc. That's just a small handful, if I listed them all it would be a paragraph but you get the idea. Anyways!

When I started I was 15 years old and now I'm currently 21 :D.

My favorite kit is ninja because of the speed and mobility it has. It's a good counter to any range typed kit.

Lastly my favorite color is BLUE!!!
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New member
Jun 9, 2020
Hey everyone, I am _Re2pect (Go Yankees), formerly known as Keatman122 in the good ole' cringey days.

I first started out late at the fridge and have loved it ever since, been through 1.0, 2.0, and couldn't be happier to be here right now. I recognize so many people's names and it brings me so many great memories.

I'm 19 and am going to be a sophomore at GCU studying computer programming and some of my hobbies are chess, board games, basketball, baseball, golf, overwatch, minecraft, and others.

Can't wait to reacquaint myself to all of you and meet some new people as well. See you guys on the server as you probably kill me for being an over ambitious ghost!


New member
Jun 6, 2020
Hello everyone!

I'm Bayzel but my old ign was Monsta_Rose! I have been playing since the Eye of Ender days with some of my friends! :) I was awful.. (and I still am) but I'm super excited to be back and playing again!

My favorite kits are currently ghost, trooper, and dwarf; but I'm trying to expand and learn more kits. After RWF shut down, I mostly played mini games on Hypixel but I was lowkey missing SnD!

I am currently a college student majoring in Fire Technology and Business Administration! I am also currently going through the EMT Academy c:

Some random information about me is that I love juice. LOVE juice. And some of my hobbies including gaming (mostly mmo's), volleyball, skateboarding, and exploring new places. ❤

I'm awfully shy but I hope to get to know more people through the server and I can't wait to be playing with you all!


New member
Jun 16, 2020
Hi all.

I'm crevados, used to go by MLBlast40 looooong ago.

I started playing S&D during EOE, and as some of you know I cannot possibly begin to explain how much of an effect it had on my life both online and offline, both good and bad. Ever since RWF went down, I graduated high school, went off to college, and graduated with a degree in News Journalism as well as Public Relations.

I'm really glad I've already seen so many names I recognize. I think I'll even reach out to a few that I've seen around here as well as try to contact some that I haven't talked to in too long.

I don't know how much I'll be around, but I'll definitely hop on from time to time if nothing more than to just try and relive something that had a very lasting impact on me growing up. I have a feeling I'm on the older side of the people here, but that's OK. I'm glad to see so many of you doing well and getting way older than when I last saw you. You're making me proud. Don't be afraid to reach out, please.
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New member
Jun 10, 2020
Hello, I am sadokist, ign during RWF was Imperceivable.

I played SnD back in the fridge days and then for the entirety of RWF. I stuck around actually for a few years (unfortunately) on mineplex and got addicted to Minestrike (minecraft version of CSGO) and then moved on to the real CS. I somehow became the director of the league there, which had an extremely toxic community. A couple days ago, I joined a call with a bunch of Athios people (first time talking to rwf people) and was actually caught off guard by how nice people were. It was a breath of fresh air to be honest.

I am 20 now and majoring in biochemistry. I guess I'll dip in here and there because I don't have much to do since school is over and corona season. If you want to play csgo hmu, my discord is daniel.#3105


New member
Jun 16, 2020
Oof, I've been debating about doing this but after reading everyone else's and seeing all those familiar names. Wow. Hello all, long time no see, albeit I've vanished off the face of the earth whilst growing up.

My name has obviously not changed. RetroSpectrum will remain indefinitely. I have played as far back as uhhhhhh ArcherGames?? I've played on every single server since then. If anyone recalls I was usually a staff member of some kind on those servers, most notably on RedWarfare as ... idk what my title was, it is too far back to remember. I just know it was fun to force kits last minute.
Once RWF shut down, I moved to Mineplex for some time (regret), and then with life, growing up, new interests, literally everything else I just stopped Minecraft entirely and still absolutely rarely play. I'm just becoming too old for it unfortunately and have many more priorities I need to attend to.

I was sent the link to this server by cuddlycreeper98 and figured I'd pop on rarely to say hello, and play a match or two inbetween work and life. However I have no intentions of playing as much as I use to. I find it absolutely astonishing to see how far everyone has come and matured. How time flies.

See you all around. Maybe.


Jun 5, 2020
Oof, I've been debating about doing this but after reading everyone else's and seeing all those familiar names. Wow. Hello all, long time no see, albeit I've vanished off the face of the earth whilst growing up.

My name has obviously not changed. RetroSpectrum will remain indefinitely. I have played as far back as uhhhhhh ArcherGames?? I've played on every single server since then. If anyone recalls I was usually a staff member of some kind on those servers, most notably on RedWarfare as ... idk what my title was, it is too far back to remember. I just know it was fun to force kits last minute.
Once RWF shut down, I moved to Mineplex for some time (regret), and then with life, growing up, new interests, literally everything else I just stopped Minecraft entirely and still absolutely rarely play. I'm just becoming too old for it unfortunately and have many more priorities I need to attend to.

I was sent the link to this server by cuddlycreeper98 and figured I'd pop on rarely to say hello, and play a match or two inbetween work and life. However I have no intentions of playing as much as I use to. I find it absolutely astonishing to see how far everyone has come and matured. How time flies.

See you all around. Maybe.


New member
Jun 4, 2020
wuddup im grave. Ive been playing since before EoE and the Fridge. The reason i continue and love to play is because of the community. The fact that the majority of the people are still around from those days even after all those years really makes me motivated to continue playing. As far as kits go, im mainly play Burst and frost, but the occasional spy doesn't hurt.

But Irl im 19 and in my second year in college rn for Mechanical engineering (not that i like engineering though😒) and Im also a huge car enthusiast. im also extremely into the 80s and 90s lifestyle (the fashion, the cars) etc...


Jun 9, 2020
Hello all! Glad I found this wholesome thread to appreciate this great community :)
I'm sappia which you probably don't recognize cause I used to be ssappia WOW I'm creative or its because my cringy comments made you want to forget(these were the eoe days and I'm a little better now). You may recognize me whilst I teleport around flaunting my record ping or right before i time out.

I'm an Ital American international student and move around a bunch which has always assured me to stay on the ping leaderboards through this year ill finally be back to Europe to start BA in mechanical engineering where ill hopefully be having more fun than the veteran above me :D

Writing this reminded me of the f***ing essays I wrote in "kit suggestions" so cheers to new and old memories.


May 30, 2020
hi i'm bvyans i played redwarfare before so i'm here now

god i hate doing introductions almost as much as i hate myself


Jun 11, 2020
Heyo everyone I am Fireblazer103 (the 103 means nothing it was autofilled since Fireblazer was taken...) and I found S&D back in December of 2012 and man was I hooked immediately. I had screen time limited by my parents so my days were spent eagerly awaiting the one hour of S&D I would be having later in the day. S&D was a huge part of my life for the 2 or 3 years that it was around first and I was crushed when it ended up breaking apart. Like some others I switched to playing Mine-Strike and then into CS:GO not too long after. Up until Athios was released I was still mostly playing CS but for some reason I can't figure out how to play both CS and S&D simultaneously (I really need another me), so I decided to make the obvious choice and play this (add me on steam, ID is Stupidppl).

Now about real life, I am 19 now, a Sophomore (wait Junior? Rising Junior?) at Carleton College majoring in Mathematics and maybe Comp Sci, I really like running and reading and basically spend most of my weekends at college drunk out of my mind. I was so glad when I opened the RWF discord for the first time in years and one of the first things I see is that someone (zelda the GOAT) is hosting a S&D server. Reconnecting to the community and talking/meeting new but old people that I remember from years ago has been really refreshing and really helpful considering Minneapolis has been burning around me. It was really enjoyable reading these introductions and hope everyone is doing well, and if not, I hope you will feel better.


Really random PS but whenever I see the name JohnFire on the frost map, it really throws me off.......
Jun 16, 2020
Hello!! I'm Krista, better known by the community as cuddly (cuddlycreeper98).

I began my journey with S&D when it was with EOE, which made me some sort of young age that is quite unbelievable to think about. I am currently 21, and will be turning 22 in October. I will be going into my third year at Wilson College, to further pursue my education of becoming a Veterinary Medical Technologist. I will graduate with a Bachelors degree in Science, with a focus in Business.

During 3 of the years that S&D wasn't around, I was actually Staff on a Pokemon server on Minecraft (PokeFind). I became a Junior Moderator there on April 30th, 2017, and then fully resigned from a Manager position roughly somewhere in either January or February of 2020. I had one hell of a time on that server, and I loved being apart of Staff more than anything, as I enjoy helping others. I was Manager of the Staff team for a little over a year, which obviously just means I was in charge of them among other things that I did behind the scenes.

I'm the creator of the old Selfie Clan from RWF, and eventually I plan on starting that back up. I still obviously use my own selfies, so not much from that has changed. I'm super excited for Athios to grow and to be able to continue playing S&D.

I also have gotten my own puppy since RWF, and her name is Hazel. I'm also a mommy to three geckos (Two leopard geckos and an african fat tailed gecko) and a beta fish!! My geckos from oldest to youngest are Cleo (Leopard Gecko), Pumpkin (Leopard Gecko), and Snickers (African Fat Tailed Gecko). :) Will willingly show pictures of all my children if anyone would like! 🥰HAZELLL.jpg


New member
Jun 15, 2020
Hola I'm Pandu. I started playing SnD after watching BajanCanadian's youtube video on it. I mainly play trooper but occasionally you might see me playing shortbow or pyro. I'm currently 17 living in New Jersey wasting my life away and waiting for the NBA season to return.
lakers in 4


Staff Member
May 25, 2020
Previously known as KINGLOUIS_, I found SD from Bajan Canadian, and then devoted my life to it.
I’m interested in PVP, and I like to place blocks. I was privileged enough to build the Athios lobbies.
Can’t wait to see what Athios has in store!


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