SnD Character Drawing Requests

May 30, 2020

Kit Ghost 😳

Screenshot (352).png

My OC is very good with magic and stuff. She's technically a mage- I'll be interested to see what you draw 👀
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Active member
Jun 1, 2020
😍 me going thru all this art!! ive always loved ur style.........i feel rejuvenated

if u want!-
Elacain as kit venom
can make it anything as long as it keeps the continuity of my pvp skills being like a 50 year old who's never used a comp b4 :) just here to have fun


Well-known member
May 25, 2020

ty kind sir

now as a follow up could you draw me as trooper acquiring @Starken's checkbook :)
for sure for sure
(sorry for the long hiatus, just felt like I needed to take a break so I could refresh myself creatively.)

pandu snd character.png

Pandu as Trooper

A panda involved within the crime syndicates in the city. After he was caught in a heist, his keepers entered him into the Athios tournament, just for the fun of it.

Pandu doesn't have any special powers but he's from the streets.

Being one of the few pandas in the city, Pandu had to learn to be tough early on in his life. Growing up in the poor parts of the city, his life became too complicated way too early on in his life.

His parents worked hard to try and make a better life for their family but unfortunately, they just couldn't get the money to do it. Initially, Pandu was frustrated position in society, but eventually he came to accept it as a part of who he was.

That was until he came home from middle school one day, to see his father's bruised and bloodied face, his head wrapped with bandages. His father explained to him what had happened. On his way home from work, a group of teenagers had mugged him and stole his paycheck. At first Pandu was shocked, but then he became angry. He was going to revenge on whoever had done that to his father.

And he did just that. One night, he snuck out of the house and roamed through the dark city streets. Once he spotted them, he slashed through them, leaving them wounded and bleeding. Once he returned home, he was surprised to see his parents were still awake. His parents shook their head in dismay at the sight of his bloody claws. Pandu asserted that he had done them a service. He couldn't stand to just let them hurt his parents like that.

While his parents had taught him to just keep his head down and accept the place he was in, he decided he wasn't going to do that anymore. He was going to fight back. And ever since that day, he would often come home with wounds and bruises, and his parents would have to help bandage him up. They would again, look at him in dismay, reminding him that what he was doing was wrong, but Pandu just sat in silence. He felt like he knew better.

As Pandu grew older, he became increasingly involved in more violence, and it came to the point where he left his parents' house to officially begin his life of crime. Unable to bear to see the disappointment in his parents' faces, he left without a word, only leaving a small note reminding them that he was going to come back and help them.

In all honesty, it wasn't the life he wanted, but it was the only means he saw he could pursue in order to create a happy life for his parents. He had only ever gotten the things he wanted in his life by fighting, so that's what he was going to do now. Fight.

Through some of the connections he had made in high school, he quickly swore into one of the mafia groups within the city. While his parents had grown distant with him due to his violent activity, his friends were always there for him. Together, they fought bravely for unjust causes, only motivated by their desire to get the money they needed.

But that all came to an end in a risky heist him and his friends had planned to initiate independent from the mafia. They all just wanted money, so they figured they might as well just get it themselves. It all went according to plan, and it seemed that things would proceed as expected, until a harsh spotlight exposed Pandu and his friends on the roof of the city bank.

They made a mad dash across the roof tops of the city, but Pandu slipped further and further behind his friends. He tried to yell for help but they didn't turn back once. Eventually, Pandu was finally caught, and he watched helplessly as his friends ran off, with bags full of money slung over their shoulders.

With a criminal record long as a shopping list, things were not looking up for Pandu. He was put into a prison cell, and told to await an official sentence. After many cold hours spent wide awake, he finally was able to close his eyes and rest.

They told him that he would be entering the Athios tournament, which was hosted in the neighboring city. Still overwhelmed by the betrayal of his friends, the news only managed to shake him a little.

As he prepared to leave his cell and enter the Athios stadium, feeling hopeless and defeated.


Active member
May 29, 2020
for sure for sure
(sorry for the long hiatus, just felt like I needed to take a break so I could refresh myself creatively.)

View attachment 519

Pandu as Trooper

A panda involved within the crime syndicates in the city. After he was caught in a heist, his keepers entered him into the Athios tournament, just for the fun of it.

Pandu doesn't have any special powers but he's from the streets.

Being one of the few pandas in the city, Pandu had to learn to be tough early on in his life. Growing up in the poor parts of the city, his life became too complicated way too early on in his life.

His parents worked hard to try and make a better life for their family but unfortunately, they just couldn't get the money to do it. Initially, Pandu was frustrated position in society, but eventually he came to accept it as a part of who he was.

That was until he came home from middle school one day, to see his father's bruised and bloodied face, his head wrapped with bandages. His father explained to him what had happened. On his way home from work, a group of teenagers had mugged him and stole his paycheck. At first Pandu was shocked, but then he became angry. He was going to revenge on whoever had done that to his father.

And he did just that. One night, he snuck out of the house and roamed through the dark city streets. Once he spotted them, he slashed through them, leaving them wounded and bleeding. Once he returned home, he was surprised to see his parents were still awake. His parents shook their head in dismay at the sight of his bloody claws. Pandu asserted that he had done them a service. He couldn't stand to just let them hurt his parents like that.

While his parents had taught him to just keep his head down and accept the place he was in, he decided he wasn't going to do that anymore. He was going to fight back. And ever since that day, he would often come home with wounds and bruises, and his parents would have to help bandage him up. They would again, look at him in dismay, reminding him that what he was doing was wrong, but Pandu just sat in silence. He felt like he knew better.

As Pandu grew older, he became increasingly involved in more violence, and it came to the point where he left his parents' house to officially begin his life of crime. Unable to bear to see the disappointment in his parents' faces, he left without a word, only leaving a small note reminding them that he was going to come back and help them.

In all honesty, it wasn't the life he wanted, but it was the only means he saw he could pursue in order to create a happy life for his parents. He had only ever gotten the things he wanted in his life by fighting, so that's what he was going to do now. Fight.

Through some of the connections he had made in high school, he quickly swore into one of the mafia groups within the city. While his parents had grown distant with him due to his violent activity, his friends were always there for him. Together, they fought bravely for unjust causes, only motivated by their desire to get the money they needed.

But that all came to an end in a risky heist him and his friends had planned to initiate independent from the mafia. They all just wanted money, so they figured they might as well just get it themselves. It all went according to plan, and it seemed that things would proceed as expected, until a harsh spotlight exposed Pandu and his friends on the roof of the city bank.

They made a mad dash across the roof tops of the city, but Pandu slipped further and further behind his friends. He tried to yell for help but they didn't turn back once. Eventually, Pandu was finally caught, and he watched helplessly as his friends ran off, with bags full of money slung over their shoulders.

With a criminal record long as a shopping list, things were not looking up for Pandu. He was put into a prison cell, and told to await an official sentence. After many cold hours spent wide awake, he finally was able to close his eyes and rest.

They told him that he would be entering the Athios tournament, which was hosted in the neighboring city. Still overwhelmed by the betrayal of his friends, the news only managed to shake him a little.

As he prepared to leave his cell and enter the Athios stadium, feeling hopeless and defeated.
Well done One T :)


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Paul blart defending the mall?
I don't think any drawing i could make would do this man justice so I will not be including a drawing for this post.

Paul Blart was a legendary warrior, and won the Athios tournament 5 years in a row. News of his winstreak quickly spread all across the globe. Known for his incredible leadership skills and combat prowess, Paul cemented himself as one of the greatest fighters of all time, winning flawlessly against many teams. However, his legendary career was ended by an ankle injury in his fifth tournament run, which would unfortunately be his last.

With all of the wealth and fame he had acquired, one would expect that it would corrupt his mind and make them incredibly egotistical and proud, however Paul remained humble. He strategically organized his money, investing in real estate and funding many charities and research organizations. He even created his own college within the city, since he always believed in the importance of education in society.

He kept a small portion of his winnings to rent a nice house by the beach, and got a job at the local mall as a mall cop. He now spends his days patrolling the malls, keeping the lives of many civilians safe from danger.

As Paul Blart would say,

“Safety never takes a holiday.”​


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Aaah good ol Onett drawings, feelin a little nostalgic.

I think at this point you’d know which kit I’d like to be drawn in now 👀 go ham with the creativity

Or alternatively: Myself channeling my inner Burstbird—a rare extinct species that once flew through the skies of Athios
*flashback to the pics i drew with my mouse*

for sure, ik what kit ur referring to :)

myth snd character.png

Mythless the Arbalist

The only living subject of a horrendous experiment which attempted to infuse a human soul into a living human. And while he was the only person to come out alive, that's not to say he survived through it unscathed...

Coming from a country struggling to recover in the aftermath of many wars, his captors saw his victory in the Athios tournament as their only hope to restore their nation to its former glory.

Thanks to the soul that was infused into to him, Mythless can fight on the battlefield with unprecedented power and speed. However, both of his souls must work together in unison for him to be truly effective. Dealing with his other soul can be tiresome so he often doesn't have the energy to talk with others much.

The country of Slein warred with the Dutch, fighting long and bloody battles with them for many years. Myth had fought bravely for his nation, and was well known known for his marksmanship.

Growing up on a quiet countryside, he hadn't had much to do when he was a kid. Perhaps that's why he had such good aim. All of those days he had spent having slingshot battles with his friends on hot summer days and snowball fights in the frigid winter were finally paying off.

It felt like the war would go on forever, but eventually it did come to an end. However, the damage it had done to the country seemed almost irreparable. Myth and his cohorts saw this first hand as they made their way back home.

The army's journey back home was almost as depressing as the long hours of fighting they faced on the battlefield. As they passed through ravaged farms and villages, the people would yell at the soldiers, hurling insults and rocks as they passed by, exclaiming that it was their fault that their lives were ruined.

Myth and the other soldiers simply kept their heads down and continued marching.

They stopped periodically at outposts lined along their route to sleep. However one day, Myth woke up from a good night's rest to sounds of muffled screams instead of the rooster's crow.

He was tied up, sitting alone in a dark cell. The only source of light was coming from a door with a barred window, which he could only see thanks to the occasional flashes of light and screams that came from behind it. He could only hear so much through the thick walls of the cell, but he could make out some of the voices which conversed behind the door. He recognized them to be the voices of his generals.

He tried to get up and find an exit, but just as he started his escape, the door opened, and he was quickly taken in.

The room was dimly lit by candles, and the pink crystals which were pinned on his generals' uniforms shone sinisterly in the candle light.

He had remembered when him and his other friends in the military had first seen the generals wearing those crystals. It had taken all of the tension that was in them when they heard that they were being drafted into the army. They could barely stop themselves from laughing whenever their generals led them through training exercises. Out of all the colors they could've chosen, they chose pink. It was a blast teasing the generals for the cute pink crystals they wore on their uniforms, when they expected the new recruits to be fearful of them.

But in this moment, those crystals didn't seem so cute anymore. The army generals ordered Myth around, with a sword pointed at his neck. One of his generals took of the pink pin and handed it to him, telling him to hold it. They then pushed him to the center of an intricately detailed hexagon, drawn on the concrete floor with chalk. Myth tried to ask what was going on, but the generals refused to answer any of his questions.

For maybe one of the first times in his life, Myth was truly frightened. He could sense movement inside the crystal, as if something was banging against its walls trying to escape. One of the generals began to whisper under his breath, and arcs of lightning started to flash around him.

Myth was never the same after the soul of a Dutch soldier was infused into him.

Once the ritual was complete, he tried to kill the generals, hurling himself at them with unprecedented strength. The pink crystal he was holding in his hand had been embedded into his chest, and it now glowed bloody red. But eventually, the generals subdued him, and tied him up.

They explained to him that he would be entering him into the Athios tournament, and that he was their country's only hope for survival. Myth couldn't understand much of what they were saying. It felt like there was someone with a heavy Dutch accent next to him, constantly screaming in his ear. It was like the soul that had been put inside him was fighting for control.

He gripped his skull and gritted his teeth as he tried to make the other voice in his head go away. Seeing his crazed state, the generals decided to give him some time to adjust to his new state. They informed him on what they had done as he rested for a few days.


The generals had taken the souls of the deceased and stored them within their crystals over the course of the war, under the orders of their head commander. Originally, they were ordered to bring the souls back to the capital, to be given to the military coup which controlled the country with an iron grip. They were told that once they brought the souls back to the capital, they would be used to create even stronger soldiers, by forcefully combining the souls of the dead with the living.

On the day before the war, they had shown them one of their test subjects who had survived through the process. They looked human but was most certainly not. Its movements were erratic and rough and its footsteps created echoes that could be heard from miles away.

Upon witnessing the destructive force of infused humans, the generals had decided that they couldn't let their commanders get a hold of such dangerous resources. Desperate for another way out, they decided they were going to sacrifice some of their strongest men, to try and infuse souls into them by themselves, and Myth was the only person to come out alive.


Having taught himself how to control his other soul much better, Myth was able to process what the generals explained to him. But there wasn't much time left and the generals would have to return to the capital soon. They led him off to the nearby shore, where one of their old friends were waiting for Mythless in a ship.

They led him on board, and they waved goodbye as Mythless went off to sea.

So much had happened in so little time and he was still processing it all. Many questions fogged his mind as he trailed across the ocean. Could he trust those generals? How long was this boat ride going to be? But most importantly. How was he going to deal with this constantly nagging voice in his head?


May 29, 2020
*flashback to the pics i drew with my mouse*

for sure, ik what kit ur referring to :)

View attachment 520

Mythless the Arbalist

The only living subject of a horrendous experiment which attempted to infuse a human soul into a living human. And while he was the only person to come out alive, that's not to say he survived through it unscathed...

Coming from a country struggling to recover in the aftermath of many wars, his captors saw his victory in the Athios tournament as their only hope to restore their nation to its former glory.

Thanks to the soul that was infused into to him, Mythless can fight on the battlefield with unprecedented power and speed. However, both of his souls must work together in unison for him to be truly effective. Dealing with his other soul can be tiresome so he often doesn't have the energy to talk with others much.

The country of Slein warred with the Dutch, fighting long and bloody battles with them for many years. Myth had fought bravely for his nation, and was well known known for his marksmanship.

Growing up on a quiet countryside, he hadn't had much to do when he was a kid. Perhaps that's why he had such good aim. All of those days he had spent having slingshot battles with his friends on hot summer days and snowball fights in the frigid winter were finally paying off.

It felt like the war would go on forever, but eventually it did come to an end. However, the damage it had done to the country seemed almost irreparable. Myth and his cohorts saw this first hand as they made their way back home.

The army's journey back home was almost as depressing as the long hours of fighting they faced on the battlefield. As they passed through ravaged farms and villages, the people would yell at the soldiers, hurling insults and rocks as they passed by, exclaiming that it was their fault that their lives were ruined.

Myth and the other soldiers simply kept their heads down and continued marching.

They stopped periodically at outposts lined along their route to sleep. However one day, Myth woke up from a good night's rest to sounds of muffled screams instead of the rooster's crow.

He was tied up, sitting alone in a dark cell. The only source of light was coming from a door with a barred window, which he could only see thanks to the occasional flashes of light and screams that came from behind it. He could only hear so much through the thick walls of the cell, but he could make out some of the voices which conversed behind the door. He recognized them to be the voices of his generals.

He tried to get up and find an exit, but just as he started his escape, the door opened, and he was quickly taken in.

The room was dimly lit by candles, and the pink crystals which were pinned on his generals' uniforms shone sinisterly in the candle light.

He had remembered when him and his other friends in the military had first seen the generals wearing those crystals. It had taken all of the tension that was in them when they heard that they were being drafted into the army. They could barely stop themselves from laughing whenever their generals led them through training exercises. Out of all the colors they could've chosen, they chose pink. It was a blast teasing the generals for the cute pink crystals they wore on their uniforms, when they expected the new recruits to be fearful of them.

But in this moment, those crystals didn't seem so cute anymore. The army generals ordered Myth around, with a sword pointed at his neck. One of his generals took of the pink pin and handed it to him, telling him to hold it. They then pushed him to the center of an intricately detailed hexagon, drawn on the concrete floor with chalk. Myth tried to ask what was going on, but the generals refused to answer any of his questions.

For maybe one of the first times in his life, Myth was truly frightened. He could sense movement inside the crystal, as if something was banging against its walls trying to escape. One of the generals began to whisper under his breath, and arcs of lightning started to flash around him.

Myth was never the same after the soul of a Dutch soldier was infused into him.

Once the ritual was complete, he tried to kill the generals, hurling himself at them with unprecedented strength. The pink crystal he was holding in his hand had been embedded into his chest, and it now glowed bloody red. But eventually, the generals subdued him, and tied him up.

They explained to him that he would be entering him into the Athios tournament, and that he was their country's only hope for survival. Myth couldn't understand much of what they were saying. It felt like there was someone with a heavy Dutch accent next to him, constantly screaming in his ear. It was like the soul that had been put inside him was fighting for control.

He gripped his skull and gritted his teeth as he tried to make the other voice in his head go away. Seeing his crazed state, the generals decided to give him some time to adjust to his new state. They informed him on what they had done as he rested for a few days.


The generals had taken the souls of the deceased and stored them within their crystals over the course of the war, under the orders of their head commander. Originally, they were ordered to bring the souls back to the capital, to be given to the military coup which controlled the country with an iron grip. They were told that once they brought the souls back to the capital, they would be used to create even stronger soldiers, by forcefully combining the souls of the dead with the living.

On the day before the war, they had shown them one of their test subjects who had survived through the process. They looked human but was most certainly not. Its movements were erratic and rough and its footsteps created echoes that could be heard from miles away.

Upon witnessing the destructive force of infused humans, the generals had decided that they couldn't let their commanders get a hold of such dangerous resources. Desperate for another way out, they decided they were going to sacrifice some of their strongest men, to try and infuse souls into them by themselves, and Myth was the only person to come out alive.


Having taught himself how to control his other soul much better, Myth was able to process what the generals explained to him. But there wasn't much time left and the generals would have to return to the capital soon. They led him off to the nearby shore, where one of their old friends were waiting for Mythless in a ship.

They led him on board, and they waved goodbye as Mythless went off to sea.

So much had happened in so little time and he was still processing it all. Many questions fogged his mind as he trailed across the ocean. Could he trust those generals? How long was this boat ride going to be? But most importantly. How was he going to deal with this constantly nagging voice in his head?
Absolutely love this!! Great job onett :>


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
My skin + dgod

Time to dissappear again lmao
colninja <3

colninja snd character.png

colninja as Death God

One of the most infamous criminals in his city, the same city that Pandu is from. He is well known among the crime syndicates within the city for his services as a hitman. He earned himself the title of "Death God", as any of his targets would be dead within 7 seconds if he was able to spot them.

After working his whole life to reach the top of the criminal underground, col became surprisingly unsatisfied with what he had accomplished. It felt like he really did reach the top.

So he decided to join the Athios tournament, to test his combat skills against people from all around the world. If he survived through it and won, he would prove himself to be among the greatest in the world, if he died, he could die in peace, knowing that he had accomplished everything that he could've with his life.

Born and raised by parents who held a high position in the criminal underground, Col had trained his whole life to become a bounty hunter. But for most of his life, he was oblivious to the fact that he was being raised to become a criminal, and that his parents were criminals too.

His parents didn't allow him to attend school and instead, he received teaching from various online resources. Instead of spending most of his day in a classroom, Col spent most of his days in the lower level of an abandoned tae kwon do dojo, and trained with one of his parent's friends to learn and master various martial arts.

Luckily for him, the person who taught him how to fight was actually pretty nice to him, allowing him frequent water breaks and sometimes treated him to dinner after his lessons. Col had taken a liking to his lessons, and became very passionate about his training.

Whenever Col wasn't training, his parents would sometimes let him go outside, and he would go to the playground and try and make friends. Surprisingly, he fit in pretty well. He would have lots of fun playing tag and hide and go seek with the new friends he made, and they'd play with each other until the sun set and the day grew dark.

But in all honesty, he would get a bit confused about what the kids were talking about whenever they took breaks to catch their breaths after vigorous games of tag. They'd talk about how fun their 3rd grade class was, and how they would go on field trips and make finger paintings. Eventually, the day came where they asked what school Col went to, and all he could think of was "martial arts school".

But he knew that wasn't really what the other kids were talking about.

As Col grew older, his training advanced. He moved on from hand to hand combat and began sparring his instructor with various weapons.

It was at this point where he began to feel that something wasn't right. All of the pieces were starting to come together.

He grew older, and he began to practice shooting a gun. And when he fired his first shot at the firing range, he finally understood what was going on.

His whole life, he had been trained to become a killer.

He finally understood why his parents would leave him to sleep alone every night, and why he could often hear their scurried footsteps climbing up the apartment complex's stairs on sleepless nights.

But even though he now knew about their hidden agenda, what could he do about it? To him, it seemed like there was no way out. Where would he go to? He didn't have any friends, or any goals. All he knew how to do was to fight.

And that's exactly what he continued to do. Working under his parents, Col would kill many men. At first he had asked them why he had to kill them. His parents would tell him that is was us or them. And that people were depending on them to keep them safe. Again, he was stuck. His family was all that he had, and he had no choice but to keep fighting.

Col would accept this same mentality, that he was simply fighting to defend others, but as he worked his way up in the criminal underground, it began to crumble apart. He started to believe he was living a meaningless life. He had trained so hard in his martial arts, just for him to be forced into a life of crime by his parents.

And eventually, his dissatisfaction with his criminal identity had reached its breaking point. And so, he signed himself up for the Athios tournament. Sick of the vain life of crime he had led his whole life, he hopes to finally use his combat skills to fulfill a goal that was motivated by his own self and his own self alone. To prove himself to be the greatest fighter among the whole world.


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Dang these are some sick drawings. Very nice.

anyway here's my request:
Lizardheart (I have my Christmas skin on rn so just leave out the antlers okay)
idk I guess me being afk and winning anyway somehow or something
thanks liz :)

liz snd comic.png

lizardheart snd character.png

Lizardheart as Demo

A skilled demolitionist who uses her psychic abilities to set up traps across the battlefield. She comes from the land of Slein, which has been under the rule of a military coup for the last few decades.

Magic was forbidden in Slein, but Liz didn't know this until soldiers arrived at her front door after she tried to show off a magic spell she saw from her grandfather's journal, to her friends. She escaped alive, but never returned to her village. She travelled alone, seeking mentorship and more knowledge about magic and her grandfather. Through her studies in illegal magic, she hoped to gather enough strength to overthrow the military coup, however she failed in doing so.

Liz blindfolds herself in order to heighten her senses, both to help her hear the footsteps of her enemies and also detect the presence of their souls. Her sword burns with fire thanks to the runes she inscribed into it.

Liz had a relatively happy childhood in the quiet countryside of Slein. Even though she was an only child, her extended family lived in the same village as her, so she never really felt lonely. She would often visit her cousins and her grandparents, and they would get together to celebrate the holidays.

She also had made lots of friends with the other children in the village. They would have slingshot fights in their free time, and snowball fights whenever it snowed in the winter. She would always make sure that Myth, one of her good friends, was on her team. He was scarily good with his aim, and if a target was within his sights, he rarely missed. When she wasn't playing with her friends, Liz often spent her time at the local book store, reading anything she could get her hands on.

However, Liz's carefree childhood would eventually come to an end, as her grandfather was growing ill, and it didn't seem like he was going to live for very much longer. Liz and her other family members would begin visiting him daily. For the first time in her life, Liz felt truly sad. Unlike her older cousins who would try and avoid their grandfather whenever he tried to tell them stories or have conversations with them, Liz always stayed behind to talk with him.

No matter what he said, it was always either incredibly insightful or fascinating. Whether it be fantastic tales about heroes and demons or life advice, Liz loved to listen to him talk.

One day when her family visited her grandpa at his bedside, he closed his eyes, and breathed what everyone thought to be his last breath. A few seconds of silence passed before he gasped for breath once more, and quickly asked for Liz's grandmother to grab his book. She nodded her head and quickly went upstairs to grab the book then returned to his bedside. She noticed her parents whispering to each other. It was the largest book Liz had ever seen. Her grandfather carefully handed the book to Liz and asked her to take it.

Her parents stared in disgust, whispered to each other, then tried to take the book away from her. Her grandfather, barely alive, scolded them, telling them that it was his last wish to pass his most prized possession to Liz. Liz looked at her grandfather, who was clearly running out of time, in awe and terror. In his final breath, he looked at Liz and told her, "Thank you for everything Liz, read this book if you miss me."


Things began to fall apart after the death of her grandfather. Only after a few days after his passing, Liz's parents demanded that she gave them the book. She asked them why, but they never gave her a reason. They knew that no matter what they said she wouldn't care.

She had started reading the book, which initially confused her. The book had no title, but it had her grandfather's name signed on the bottom of the first page. Every page after that became weirder and weirder. The majority of the pages were journal entries, and Liz became convinced that her Grandfather was crazy as she read through them. He was talking about spells, wizards and runes, as if he was imagining himself to be part of a fantasy world in his head.

But as she read deeper into the book, everything began to come together. The stories her grandfather had told her when she was young and everything that he had written in this book just matched too perfectly. In her moment of realization, Liz quickly turned back to one of the journal entries her grandfather had made, where he explained how he could create flames with just his hands. Maybe all of the magic the book talked about was really real.

Liz carefully copied the rune on the page onto her hand with chalk, and snapped her fingers. Failure. She snapped her fingers a few more times, and to her surprise, a small flame floated above her hand, and burned dimly. She quickly shook it out and stared at her hand in awe. It really worked. It was magic. And even more shockingly, all of the magical stories her grandfather had told her were really about him. She hid the book under the floorboards in her room, and went to bed, excited to show her friends what she had learned.

The next day after school, when she met up with her friends to play, she told them that she had something to show them. They gathered around her as she took a piece of chalk out of her pocket, drew the rune onto her hand, and summoned a small flame above her hand. Most of the kids stared in awe, giving her the attention she wanted, but when she looked at Myth all she could see in his eyes was terror.

He stepped forward and slapped her hand down, and the flame extinguished. There were a few seconds of silence, as the other children stared at Myth, who stood there frozen, still staring at Liz's hands. He looked around and noticed a couple soldiers looking from afar. They had seen Liz using her magic.

As veterans of war, Myth's grandparents had told him about the terror that magic had caused in the land of Slein. It had gotten into the wrong hands of too many people, who used it to wage war and murder thousands of innocent people. The once great nation was split into clans, each hungry for power. After many long years of violence, the civil war ended, and one clan of magic users arose to the top. Seeing all of those who had died, all of the clans of Slein signed a treaty to rid their land of magic by any means necessary. Even if human lives were lost in the process.

Myth told Liz that if she wanted to have any chances of living, she had to leave as soon as possible. Liz was confused, and started laughing since Myth often joked around with her, but stopped once she realized Myth was dead serious. She started to become worried. She looked around, and people who had seen her pull off her magic stunt were staring at her from their windows, giving the same surprised look Myth had given her. "There's a reason no one else in this village uses magic." Myth told Liz.

Liz rushed home and started packing her things. She could hear shouting soldiers outside, and at this point she knew that she was in serious trouble. She began to regret everything. She wished she had just listened to her parents.

After she packed her bag and ran out of the door, a soldier was already at her door, looming over her. He noticed the chalk markings on her hand, and grabbed her. Attracted by the noise, her parents checked to see what was going on, and froze in terror. They could still see the chalk on her hands, and at that moment they knew her fate was sealed. Liz was going to die.

Liz tried to free herself from the soldier's grip, but there was no hope. The soldier brought her to the others, stating that they were glad that they had taken her before things got worse. In an act of desperation, she managed to get her hand with the chalk marking still on it, and placed it firmly onto the soldier chestplate. She chanted the spell in her head, and a fierce flame quickly engulfed the soldier, who screamed in pain.

Realizing the power she had, she continued on to burn all of the other soldiers to death, who stood no chance against her magic. In utter shock of what she had just done, Liz collapsed and sunk into unconsciousness.

Ever since that fateful day, Liz left her village, for her own safety and the safety of the other villagers. She would go on to further her studies in magic, travelling from town to town, seeking mentorship and other allies. As she learned more about magic and the history of Slein, she decided that she would use her powers to overthrow the oppressive military coup that ruled the nation, alongside the allies she had made during her journey.

However, Liz and her group of rebels were defeated by the coup, which used a stronger, unseen form of magic to quickly overpower them. They came to understand that they were using the souls of other humans to power their magic, but by the time they realized this it was already too late. Their own magic, which utilized their own lifeforce as an energy source, was simply outclassed.

However, impressed by Liz's magical skill, the commander decided to send her to the Athios tournament instead of executing her, just to see how much potential she truly had. To make sure she tried her hardest, the commander struck a deal with her. If she managed to win and come out alive, she and her crew would be freed. But if she lost, her crew would be executed.
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Well-known member
May 25, 2020
I cannot hold off any longer, I want one of these sick characterizations for myself!!! All the stories that accompany the art are super fun to read.

My request:
shadowstarcat (I'm still dressed as Sam from Danny Phantom for my MC skin but I feel like I can trust you to conjure your own design of whatever you feel would fit me as a character)
Everything else is up to you :)
Thanks Shad :)

🤝 I gotchu

shad snd character.png

shadowstarcat as Medic

A healer who doesn't care about her team, Shad's only goal is to keep herself alive.

Her plans of assassinating the emperor of the Ren clan to claim the throne for herself were thwarted by her nomination to represent her nation in the Athios tournament. Knowing that her reputation would be ruined if she didn't take the opportunity, she leaves her county to join the tournament.

Unlike other contestants who enter the tournament fearing their lives, Shad is simply annoyed that she has to waste her time to fight in it. She swears to win as soon as she possibly can, so she can follow through with her plans. Her confidence is admirable to say the least. But is it really confidence? Or is it just stupidity?

Using her Healing Flame, a spell taught to her by her grandfather, Shad is able to heal others as well as herself (she mostly just uses it for herself). While it can heal any wound quickly and efficiently, the pain it causes is also quite severe.

Born into a wealthy family of government officials, Shad quickly learned to always watch her back. She couldn't remember how old she was when she witnessed the first assassination attempt on her father, but it would become just one among many she would see as she grew up.

In the Ren clan, status was valued above all else. There was little to no opportunity to ever move up in society. All of the farmers and peasants who lived outside of the capital city's walls would be doomed to spend their lives working the land, barely making enough to keep their families fed.

All of the nation's wealth was horded by the officials and the emperor, who remained walled in the capital and enjoyed lives of luxury.

With that said, it made sense as to why so many people wanted Shad's father dead. If he was killed, it would leave room for someone else to take his spot in the capital.

But Shad's father was always prepared. Many times, he had saved his family from death, thanks to his proficiency with his sword. He would often remind Shad that she should continue to train hard, so she could protect herself and her family, just like him.

Other than the occasional assassination attempts on herself and her family, Shad's life was actually pretty great. The city within the capital's walls was stunningly beautiful. When she wasn't having private lessons with her tutor or training with her father, she was always outside, playing with the other children in the parks. Giant trees sheltered them as they played games with one another, the bright sun reflecting across the park's vast lakes.

It was a blissful childhood, but as she grew older her life became more complicated. Her training with her father grew increasingly difficult, and the expectations her parents placed on her became increasingly burdensome. Since she was an only child, they expected her to replace her father in the official court once he died.

They forced her to stop seeing her friends after they found out she was collaborating with them in her studies. They told her that they couldn't believe she was working with someone that she was competing with, and that if she really wanted to survive, she had to do things herself.

His father was determined to make his way to the top and become the emperor of the Ren clan, and him and Shad's mother wanted to ensure that the next heir to the throne would be competent. He tried to reassure her that he was only being tough on her because he cared.

Her coursework eventually became much too difficult for her, but Shad showed promise in her combat prowess. She had reached the level where she began sparring with her father, and she was amused to see his usually stoic face melt off his face as her blunt wooden training sword barely grazed him. Sparring with her father became her favorite part of her day. It was her opportunity to let out the anger she felt towards her father for how strictly he treated her, but at the same time she felt like she also fought with all of her strength in order to receive his validation.

Shad was 18 when her father's assassins finally succeeded. On that day, Shad was training with her father once more. As her mother entered to inform them that it was getting late and they should return home, several masked men came crashing through the glass, striking her father dead. In a fit of rage, Shad quickly slashed through them, but that wasn't before they successfully killed her mother too.

On the day of her father's funeral, she stood at her father's grave alongside her grandparents, and many other government officials, who had considered him an ally. Silence hung heavy in the air.

As an orphan of her parents, Shad was left with the responsibility of attending to her father's duties, and she was determined to make her father proud. They gave her just a week to mourn his death, and she stayed in her grandparent's cottage as she waited. Shad trained vigorously as she dwelt on her father's death. She thought back on what her father had said. That she should train hard so she could defend herself and her family.

Everyday she would go into her grandparents' backyard after breakfast, and practice her martial arts day in and day out. Her thoughts drove her mad. A million scenarios played out in her head.

Her technique became sloppy as she put even more force into her strikes, until a searing pain shot up her hand. She had slashed through her own arm.

She ran inside, and showed her gash to her grandparents. Instead of reaching for bandages, he reached for a piece of chalk and drew a symbol on his hand. He whispered to her, "This might hurt a little."

Her grandfather clapped his hands, and a bright green fire appeared between them. He slowly brought Shad's hand over it and it felt like her head was exploding with pain.

But when she looked down, her cut was completely healed.

Her grandfather got the piece of chalk once more, and handed it to Shad. "Here, I'll show you how to do it."

And so, Shad went on to begin her work as a Ren clan official. She received her own private home, where she lived in alone, however she still visited her grandparents from time to time. Unbeknownst to her, her father actually had many allies among the officials, who welcomed her and helped her adjust to her new life. She began to learn many things from them, like her father's plans and the corruption with the Ren government.

Now an adult, Shad began to second guess her place in life. This was what her father expected from her, but was this what she wanted? Those thoughts quickly subsided. It was either this, living in the streets. Also, too many people were depending on her.

As she got closer and closer to her goal, Shad became increasingly ruthless. She couldn't trust the people around her anymore, they were all waiting behind her, waiting for her to fail so they could stab her in the back, and take her opportunity to become empress from her. She began using threats and bribes to keep them in line instead of words. And as her power grew, her humanity began to slowly slip away.

She got so close to the top, but in an unfortunate turn of events, she was nominated to fight in the Athios tournament. It was truly unexpected, and it was definitely not a coincidence. She had no choice but to join.

As she prepared to leave, she became annoyed with how unlucky she was. She didn't want to waste her time fighting in some dumb tournament. And so, Shad enters the Athios tournament... with reluctance.


May 25, 2020
Thanks Shad :)

🤝 I gotchu

View attachment 533

shadowstarcat as Medic

A healer who doesn't care about her team, Shad's only goal is to keep herself alive.

Her plans of assassinating the emperor of the Ren clan to claim the throne for herself were thwarted by her nomination to represent her nation in the Athios tournament. Knowing that her reputation would be ruined if she didn't take the opportunity, she leaves her county to join the tournament.

Unlike other contestants who enter the tournament fearing their lives, Shad is simply annoyed that she has to waste her time to fight in it. She swears to win as soon as she possibly can, so she can follow through with her plans. Her confidence is admirable to say the least. But is it really confidence? Or is it just stupidity?

Using her Healing Flame, a spell taught to her by her grandfather, Shad is able to heal others as well as herself (she mostly just uses it for herself). While it can heal any wound quickly and efficiently, the pain it causes is also quite severe.

Born into a wealthy family of government officials, Shad quickly learned to always watch her back. She couldn't remember how old she was when she witnessed the first assassination attempt on her father, but it would become just one among many she would see as she grew up.

In the Ren clan, status was valued above all else. There was little to no opportunity to ever move up in society. All of the farmers and peasants who lived outside of the capital city's walls would be doomed to spend their lives working the land, barely making enough to keep their families fed.

All of the nation's wealth was horded by the officials and the emperor, who remained walled in the capital and enjoyed lives of luxury.

With that said, it made sense as to why so many people wanted Shad's father dead. If he was killed, it would leave room for someone else to take his spot in the capital.

But Shad's father was always prepared. Many times, he had saved his family from death, thanks to his proficiency with his sword. He would often remind Shad that she should continue to train hard, so she could protect herself and her family, just like him.

Other than the occasional assassination attempts on herself and her family, Shad's life was actually pretty great. The city within the capital's walls was stunningly beautiful. When she wasn't having private lessons with her tutor or training with her father, she was always outside, playing with the other children in the parks. Giant trees sheltered them as they played games with one another, the bright sun reflecting across the park's vast lakes.

It was a blissful childhood, but as she grew older her life became more complicated. Her training with her father grew increasingly difficult, and the expectations her parents placed on her became increasingly burdensome. Since she was an only child, they expected her to replace her father in the official court once he died.

They forced her to stop seeing her friends after they found out she was collaborating with them in her studies. They told her that they couldn't believe she was working with someone that she was competing with, and that if she really wanted to survive, she had to do things herself.

His father was determined to make his way to the top and become the emperor of the Ren clan, and him and Shad's mother wanted to ensure that the next heir to the throne would be competent. He tried to reassure her that he was only being tough on her because he cared.

Her coursework eventually became much too difficult for her, but Shad showed promise in her combat prowess. She had reached the level where she began sparring with her father, and she was amused to see his usually stoic face melt off his face as her blunt wooden training sword barely grazed him. Sparring with her father became her favorite part of her day. It was her opportunity to let out the anger she felt towards her father for how strictly he treated her, but at the same time she felt like she also fought with all of her strength in order to receive his validation.

Shad was 18 when her father's assassins finally succeeded. On that day, Shad was training with her father once more. As her mother entered to inform them that it was getting late and they should return home, several masked men came crashing through the glass, striking her father dead. In a fit of rage, Shad quickly slashed through them, but that wasn't before they successfully killed her mother too.

On the day of her father's funeral, she stood at her father's grave alongside her grandparents, and many other government officials, who had considered him an ally. Silence hung heavy in the air.

As an orphan of her parents, Shad was left with the responsibility of attending to her father's duties, and she was determined to make her father proud. They gave her just a week to mourn his death, and she stayed in her grandparent's cottage as she waited. Shad trained vigorously as she dwelt on her father's death. She thought back on what her father had said. That she should train hard so she could defend herself and her family.

Everyday she would go into her grandparents' backyard after breakfast, and practice her martial arts day in and day out. Her thoughts drove her mad. A million scenarios played out in her head.

Her technique became sloppy as she put even more force into her strikes, until a searing pain shot up her hand. She had slashed through her own arm.

She ran inside, and showed her gash to her grandparents. Instead of reaching for bandages, he reached for a piece of chalk and drew a symbol on his hand. He whispered to her, "This might hurt a little."

Her grandfather clapped his hands, and a bright green fire appeared between them. He slowly brought Shad's hand over it and it felt like her head was exploding with pain.

But when she looked down, her cut was completely healed.

Her grandfather got the piece of chalk once more, and handed it to Shad. "Here, I'll show you how to do it."

And so, Shad went on to begin her work as a Ren clan official. She received her own private home, where she lived in alone, however she still visited her grandparents from time to time. Unbeknownst to her, her father actually had many allies among the officials, who welcomed her and helped her adjust to her new life. She began to learn many things from them, like her father's plans and the corruption with the Ren government.

Now an adult, Shad began to second guess her place in life. This was what her father expected from her, but was this what she wanted? Those thoughts quickly subsided. It was either this, living in the streets. Also, too many people were depending on her.

As she got closer and closer to her goal, Shad became increasingly ruthless. She couldn't trust the people around her anymore, they were all waiting behind her, waiting for her to fail so they could stab her in the back, and take her opportunity to become empress from her. She began using threats and bribes to keep them in line instead of words. And as her power grew, her humanity began to slowly slip away.

She got so close to the top, but in an unfortunate turn of events, she was nominated to fight in the Athios tournament. It was truly unexpected, and it was definitely not a coincidence. She had no choice but to join.

As she prepared to leave, she became annoyed with how unlucky she was. She didn't want to waste her time fighting in some dumb tournament. And so, Shad enters the Athios tournament... with reluctance.
I love it so much Onett, thank you!!!! :') Please enjoy this meme I made
i sleep.png


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
I haven't posted in forever, but I want in on this.

Tarnum (whatever skin idc, but if you go with my current one just note that its blood on my beard and not a scarf, yeah I know I made it in 7th grade)
Burst (explosive days are out of fashion)
Idk doing something smart or shooting my last arrow before I "tear my fingers apart". Could also be something other than that, I just want to be surprised.
yes mr.owner

Alright its been like a month since my last post... but we back now

Also just as a note: I won't be taking anymore requests from now on. It's been fun making these for you guys and has also been good practice for me, but I've been trying to focus on a lot of other things in my life and I think it's about time I moved on to other projects. Nevertheless, I've really appreciated the support you guys have given me and am very glad to see you guys enjoyed the art :)

tarnum snd character.png

Tarnum as Burst

The 7th of heir to the throne in the Kingdom of Slein. Growing up, he was often neglected and disrespected, and was forced to fight hard in order to prove himself to be worthy of the throne. Given the opportunity to fight in the Athios tournament to prove himself, Tarnum accepts without hesitation, hoping to win his father's favor and secure his position as the next of heir.

Using arrows infused with blood, Tarnum is able to detonate his arrows at will. His constant obsession with surpassing his brothers and sisters in combat to impress his father pushed him to research illegal magic.

Since the day Tarnum was born, it had been made clear to him that nobody around him had high expectations of him.

Being born 7th heir to the throne essentially destroyed any chances he may have had to claim his father's throne once he died. All that was expected of him, was to enjoy the life of luxury he was entitled to until his eventual death. To just sit down, and let everyone else fight his battles and make his decisions.

But Tarnum decided he was not going to accept this fate.

And so, he trained harder and harder, until he surpassed his siblings in all fields, from military strategy, marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat. And he pursued perfection relentlessly.

He even went as far as to secretly study magic, which was forbidden within the castle. He spent many late nights, researching ways to enhance his combat with runes and spells.

The result of all this research? His bloodborne bow, a weapon which used the infusion of blood into the weapon which allowed him to remotely detonate his arrows. Luckily for him, Tarnum quickly found out that the blood on his weapon did not have to be his own.

And despite all of these efforts, his father paid little attention to him, as he had done ever since the day he was born. In his early years, Tarnum tried to shrug off this perceived failure, and continued to push on.

But in his teenage years, Tarnum was approaching his breaking point. He questioned if all of the effort he had put in was really worth it.

But before he could think about it further, he heard a distant rumble coming through the walls of his room. Startled, he stepped out of his door, and spotted a group of people storming into the castle, led by a girl wearing a blindfold over her eyes. He stared at the scorched corpse that lay on the floor next to her, and the glowing runes engraved into her hand. A guard quickly ran up to him and grabbed him, telling him to run.

They evacuated into an underground bunker, and waited for the commotion to settle down. He could hear fiery explosions and screams of people being burnt alive as he sat on the floor, feeling helpless. He felt as if he could do something to help. He wanted to test his skills in a real fight. But his personal guard stood firmly, blocking his path.

Miraculously, the castle was still standing the next day, and perhaps even more surprisingly, his father approached him with an offer. An offer to fight in the Athios tournament, to represent the nation of Slein. If he came out victorious, his father promised that once he died, the inheritance of the throne would go to him.

Needless to say, Tarnum accepted the offer.
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Well-known member
May 25, 2020

Kit Ghost 😳

View attachment 516

My OC is very good with magic and stuff. She's technically a mage- I'll be interested to see what you draw 👀
paint snd character.png

PaintersDaughter as Ghost:

A mage prodigy from Northshire, who has literally been to hell and back, in hopes of bringing her mother back to life. However, her travels into the underworld came at a price, as the portal she used to enter into it unexpectedly refused to close. In desperation, she attempted to close it, but by the time she did, demons and spirits had already crawled through, and begun to ravage the land. As a punishment for her crimes, she was forced to fight in the Athios tournament.

Similar to Night, Paint is able to disconnect her spirit from her body to attack her enemies, however it leaves her body vulnerable to attack. While not as fit for physical combat as Night, her magical skill severely outclasses his.

Unlike other magic users who channel their energy through engravings on their arms or hands, Paint channels her magic through the scar on her face.

Ever since she was a child, Paint showed great prospect in magic. Her magical talent landed her a spot in many prestigious magic programs, where she continued to impress her mentors. They had all noted that she really was a magic prodigy.

Despite the constant praise she received, she never thought much of it. It was just something she was born with.

And so, she continued her studies, going from teacher to teacher, learning everything they had to teach her. That was until that fateful day when fleets upon fleets of enemy ships on the shores of Northshire.

Fire and brimstone rained from the sky as she ran until she couldn't run anymore. Once she was a safe distance away from the shore, she watched the pier of Northshire from afar. She watched the fire and smoke fill the air, screams of the dead faintly echoing across the town.

It was at this moment that her primal instinct to preserve her life over all else faded, and she finally remembered. Her mother lived right by the pier. She had been so busy with her studies that she had never been able to give her a proper goodbye.

A few days since her mother's passing, Paint finally decided she was going to take matters into her own hands. No matter what, she was going to bring her mother back.

For years, she prepared, studying the routes of hell and preparing all of the materials she would need to open a portal into the underworld. And to her surprise, the ritual was a success. Now, nothing stood in the way between her and her mother.

The journey through hell was treacherous, but she continued on, delving deeper and deeper into it. Until finally, she found her mother's soul. She attempted to lead her back towards the surface, but her soul resisted her. It tried to slash and stab at Paint's arm which dragged her towards the upper levels of hell, but Paint wasn't going to stop. It begged for her to stop.

She dodged her mother's swipes until she was finally back to where she started. Bloody and bruised, she let a sigh of relief, and began to chant the incantation to open a path back to the human world. But she let her guard down for too long. In the final sentences of her chant, her mother slashed at her eye, barely missing, creating a nasty wound under Paint's eye.

She let go of her mother's hand and tried to compress the wound with both her hands. But before she could wait for the pain to subside, she realized she had to get through the portal quick, or else there would be no other way out.

As she exited, thoughts exploded in her head. Years of her life dedicated to preparing for this moment, for it to just be thrown away. Why didn’t her mother want to come back to her? How could she be so selfish?

The landscape she saw as she returned was almost as hellish as what laid on the other side of the portal. She had left it open for too long, and vengeful spirits and crawled through the path she created and were now ravaging the

The day after her return, Paint stood before the jury and the judge. The demons she had let through the portal had wreaked havoc on the country of Northshire and it was all her fault. The only sentence available to her other than death, was her entry into the Athios tournament. To redeem her name and her face.

She didn't know exactly why, but she felt like there was still things she must search for answers for.

As she waited during the days leading up to the tournament, she thought through what she had seen in hell. And it became clear to her the truth behind all of human nature. Everybody’s best interests is really in themselves.

When offered safety, Paint left those she loved behind. When offered eternal rest in the underworld, her mother neglected her and everyone else she left behind.

She now saw her failed attempt to save her mother from the underworld as foolish rather than tragic. Wasted time spent on someone, something incapable of truly loving back. A human.

And so, in pursuit of the truth, she enters the Athios tournament. Scarred by her relentless ambition, yet still eager to see the true bounds of her power.
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May 30, 2020
View attachment 542

PaintersDaughter as Ghost:

A mage prodigy from Northshire, who has literally been to hell and back, in hopes of bringing her mother back to life. However, her travels into the underworld came at a price, as the portal she used to enter into it unexpectedly refused to close. In desperation, she attempted to close it, but by the time she did, demons and spirits had already crawled through, and begun to ravage the land. As a punishment for her crimes, she was forced to fight in the Athios tournament.

Similar to Night, Paint is able to disconnect her spirit from her body to attack her enemies, however it leaves her body vulnerable to attack. While not as fit for physical combat as Night, her magical skill severely outclasses his.

Unlike other magic users who channel their energy through engravings on their arms or hands, Paint channels her magic through the scar on her face.

Ever since she was a child, Paint showed great prospect in magic. Her magical talent landed her a spot in many prestigious magic programs, where she continued to impress her mentors. They had all noted that she really was a magic prodigy.

Despite the constant praise she received, she never thought much of it. It was just something she was born with.

And so, she continued her studies, going from teacher to teacher, learning everything they had to teach her. That was until that fateful day when fleets upon fleets of enemy ships on the shores of Northshire.

Fire and brimstone rained from the sky as she ran until she couldn't run anymore. Once she was a safe distance away from the shore, she watched the pier of Northshire from afar. She watched the fire and smoke fill the air, screams of the dead faintly echoing across the town.

It was at this moment that her primal instinct to preserve her life over all else faded, and she finally remembered. Her mother lived right by the pier. She had been so busy with her studies that she had never been able to give her a proper goodbye.

A few days since her mother's passing, Paint finally decided she was going to take matters into her own hands. No matter what, she was going to bring her mother back.

For years, she prepared, studying the routes of hell and preparing all of the materials she would need to open a portal into the underworld. And to her surprise, the ritual was a success. Now, nothing stood in the way between her and her mother.

The journey through hell was treacherous, but she continued on, delving deeper and deeper into it. Until finally, she found her mother's soul. She attempted to lead her back towards the surface, but her soul resisted her. It tried to slash and stab at Paint's arm which dragged her towards the upper levels of hell, but Paint wasn't going to stop. It begged for her to stop.

She dodged her mother's swipes until she was finally back to where she started. Bloody and bruised, she let a sigh of relief, and began to chant the incantation to open a path back to the human world. But she let her guard down for too long. In the final sentences of her chant, her mother slashed at her eye, barely missing, creating a nasty wound under Paint's eye.

She let go of her mother's hand and tried to compress the wound with both her hands. But before she could wait for the pain to subside, she realized she had to get through the portal quick, or else there would be no other way out.

As she exited, thoughts exploded in her head. Years of her life dedicated to preparing for this moment, for it to just be thrown away. Why didn’t her mother want to come back to her? How could she be so selfish?

The landscape she saw as she returned was almost as hellish as what laid on the other side of the portal. She had left it open for too long, and vengeful spirits and crawled through the path she created and were now ravaging the

The day after her return, Paint stood before the jury and the judge. The demons she had let through the portal had wreaked havoc on the country of Northshire and it was all her fault. The only sentence available to her other than death, was her entry into the Athios tournament. To redeem her name and her face.

She didn't know exactly why, but she felt like there was still things she must search for answers for.

As she waited during the days leading up to the tournament, she thought through what she had seen in hell. And it became clear to her the truth behind all of human nature. Everybody’s best interests is really in themselves.

When offered safety, Paint left those she loved behind. When offered eternal rest in the underworld, her mother neglected her and everyone else she left behind.

She now saw her failed attempt to save her mother from the underworld as foolish rather than tragic. Wasted time spent on someone, something incapable of truly loving back. A human.

And so, in pursuit of the truth, she enters the Athios tournament. Scarred by her relentless ambition, yet still eager to see the true bounds of her power.


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
😍 me going thru all this art!! ive always loved ur style.........i feel rejuvenated

if u want!-
Elacain as kit venom
can make it anything as long as it keeps the continuity of my pvp skills being like a 50 year old who's never used a comp b4 :) just here to have fun
❤ Thank you :)

ela snd character.png

Elacain as Venom

Similarly to Glitch, she is a bounty hunter from the land of Shem, however, unlike Glitch, she was born in the city. Born with a rare terminal illness, the only way to keep her alive was to provide her with a constant stream of an expensive medication known as Ambrosia. Despite the doctor's suggestion to just let her die, her parents worked hard to scrape together money to buy enough of it. And for most of Ela's life, she never knew that they got the money to buy it by killing, stealing and robbing.

But eventually, her parents' sins caught up to them and they were killed by other bounty hunters, who sought revenge. Ela was left with no choice except to pick up the duty her parents once had and take on a life of crime to literally fight for her life. Unlike Glitch, who became a bounty hunter for the fame and fortune, Ela saw her life of crime as her only means of survival, and looks down on his seemingly vain decision to be a bounty hunter.

While Ambrosia has helped keep Ela alive, the disease inside her still had slowly eaten away at her, causing her to be physically weaker. However, Ambrosia is incredibly toxic to those without Ela's medical condition, and she can use it to attack her enemies if necessary, by dousing her sword in it.

After wreaking havoc in the city, desperate to get enough money to sustain herself, the government decided struck a deal with her after failing to stop her many times. If she joined the Athios tournament and won, they promised to supply her all the Ambrosia she would ever need, for the rest of her life. Wishing for her life of never ending evil to end, she gladly accepts the offer.


Active member
Jun 1, 2020
❤ Thank you :)

View attachment 545

Elacain as Venom

Similarly to Glitch, she is a bounty hunter from the land of Shem, however, unlike Glitch, she was born in the city. Born with a rare terminal illness, the only way to keep her alive was to provide her with a constant stream of an expensive medication known as Ambrosia. Despite the doctor's suggestion to just let her die, her parents worked hard to scrape together money to buy enough of it. And for most of Ela's life, she never knew that they got the money to buy it by killing, stealing and robbing.

But eventually, her parents' sins caught up to them and they were killed by other bounty hunters, who sought revenge. Ela was left with no choice except to pick up the duty her parents once had and take on a life of crime to literally fight for her life. Unlike Glitch, who became a bounty hunter for the fame and fortune, Ela saw her life of crime as her only means of survival, and looks down on his seemingly vain decision to be a bounty hunter.

While Ambrosia has helped keep Ela alive, the disease inside her still had slowly eaten away at her, causing her to be physically weaker. However, Ambrosia is incredibly toxic to those without Ela's medical condition, and she can use it to attack her enemies if necessary, by dousing her sword in it.

After wreaking havoc in the city, desperate to get enough money to sustain herself, the government decided struck a deal with her after failing to stop her many times. If she joined the Athios tournament and won, they promised to supply her all the Ambrosia she would ever need, for the rest of her life. Wishing for her life of never ending evil to end, she gladly accepts the offer.


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
Wow these are great, I'd like

Something to do with being in the #bloodcult
yes sir

This is the last request I will be doing. I said this earlier but I wanna thank you guys again for the support you have shown me, I'm really glad you guys have enjoyed these character designs, it means a lot :)

I think I will do one more quick (emphasis on quick) drawing of all the characters and put them in teams to finish it off. Idk if I'll do more with these characters/ideas in the future but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

And with that said...

lep snd character.png

Leprechauns as Bleeder

A revived fighter in the Athios tournament. Imbued with the souls of many past competitors, his physical strength is unmatched. He doesn't exactly know why he was brought back, but he did overhear one of the tournament coordinators saying they needed to make the tournament "more entertaining" this year.

A former member of the blood cult, a group of people devoted to studying blood magic. However, the blood they experiment with is not their own...

Thanks to his proficiency in blood magic and incredible strength, Lep's strength is unmatched.

The following backstory will be more focused on the overarching plot behind the tournament rather than Lep himself. Read if you want a better understanding of the Athios tournament as a whole and its history.

Lep remembered the day he died 5 years ago. He was thrown off of a cliff during the Athios tournament, and landed a few hundred feet below, on a bed of boulders. Everything between that day he died and the present felt like a blur.

Obsessed with learning everything he could about magic, he went as far as to join the infamous blood cult and murdered many people in order to gain the resources necessary to practice it. He had been sent to join the Athios tournament to pay for the crimes he had committed as a member of the infamous blood cult. 5 years ago.

But how was he here now? Living and breathing. He could've sworn he died on that fateful day, but it felt like he had just woken up from a 5 year nap.

He sat in silence, in a cold, dark cell. But suddenly, he heard footsteps echoing through the hall, and a dim light creeping into the room. There was a group of people approaching him. He eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Our ratings have been way too low recently, I really hope this works."

"We don't exactly have the most options. But I think this is a good starting point. If this fails I guess we'll have to settle for more... drastic measures."

"I thought people would never get bored of watching those freaks fight. Though I guess everything gets old if you give it some time."

The footsteps got louder and louder until he could finally see two cloaked figures. One of them held their lantern up to get a better look at him. They opened his cell and led him up a stone spiral staircase.

They walked together in silence for a few minutes, until they reached a room with a chair in the center. The cloaked figures sat him down and left without a word. Minutes passed, then Lep heard footsteps once more. A man wearing a lab coat and white gloves, carrying a softly glowing pink crystal entered the room and locked the door behind him. Lep stared at the crystal. He could faintly recognize the faces of people inside it, screaming at him to let them go.

The doctor tried to avoid eye contact. He strapped Lep to the chair and pulled out a piece of chalk and began to draw on the floor. He tried to struggle but he barely had any strength in him. As the doctor finished his chalk drawing, he stepped back and sighed heavily.

"I'm Sorry."

Soon, arcs of lightning spark from the engravings on floor and the room is filled with screams of pain.

Minutes felt like hours, but eventually it was over. Lep barely managed to get up, and when he did, the pain still hadn't gone away. The voices of several people, were now screaming in his head. He couldn't make out a single word anyone was saying, and no matter what he did they wouldn't go away. He tried to block his ears but they still wouldn't subside. His thoughts became jumbled and intangible as the screaming continued.

The noise in his head drove him mad, but before he could unleash his rage, the doctor quickly stabbed him with a tranquilizer, and he fell unconscious.

When he woke up, he could hear crowds of people cheering. He back was in the Athios arena. In his hand was the sword he had used 5 years ago. On his body were new clothes. On his neck was a glowing red crystal, and a tattoo reading "1". He saw a few people, which he assumed to be new competitors, staring at him, trying to get as far away from him as possible. Still tormented by the voices in his head, Lep didn't have the energy to question anything. All he wanted to do was kill.


Ever since it's inception, the goal of the Athios tournament above all else was to entertain. Before there was books, magazines and television, the greatest form of entertainment was to watch others fight to the death, no rules or restrictions.

But as time passed, people started to become bored. They turned to other forms of entertainment, entertainment that was simpler, more pleasant but ultimately, fake. The Athios tournament began to lose popularity.

But this was the year that it was going to change. With the advancements made in magic and technology, they could do what has never had been done before. Bind the souls of many people into one. A spectacle that would draw in viewers from across the world.

Was this ethical? No. But does that really matter if they're just using the souls of those who willingly died fighting in the Athios tournament? Should anyone who is willing to kill others for fame and fortune ever be given the respect they "deserve"? No. They shouldn't.

Many people hide their deep, unconscious desires. Martoph was not one of those people.

He was going to grab the attention of people across the world.

By any means necessary.


Jun 13, 2020
yes sir

This is the last request I will be doing. I said this earlier but I wanna thank you guys again for the support you have shown me, I'm really glad you guys have enjoyed these character designs, it means a lot :)

I think I will do one more quick (emphasis on quick) drawing of all the characters and put them in teams to finish it off. Idk if I'll do more with these characters/ideas in the future but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

And with that said...

View attachment 546

Leprechauns as Bleeder

A revived fighter in the Athios tournament. Imbued with the souls of many past competitors, his physical strength is unmatched. He doesn't exactly know why he was brought back, but he did overhear one of the tournament coordinators saying they needed to make the tournament "more entertaining" this year.

A former member of the blood cult, a group of people devoted to studying blood magic. However, the blood they experiment with is not their own...

Thanks to his proficiency in blood magic and incredible strength, Lep's strength is unmatched.

The following backstory will be more focused on the overarching plot behind the tournament rather than Lep himself. Read if you want a better understanding of the Athios tournament as a whole and its history.

Lep remembered the day he died 5 years ago. He was thrown off of a cliff during the Athios tournament, and landed a few hundred feet below, on a bed of boulders. Everything between that day he died and the present felt like a blur.

Obsessed with learning everything he could about magic, he went as far as to join the infamous blood cult and murdered many people in order to gain the resources necessary to practice it. He had been sent to join the Athios tournament to pay for the crimes he had committed as a member of the infamous blood cult. 5 years ago.

But how was he here now? Living and breathing. He could've sworn he died on that fateful day, but it felt like he had just woken up from a 5 year nap.

He sat in silence, in a cold, dark cell. But suddenly, he heard footsteps echoing through the hall, and a dim light creeping into the room. There was a group of people approaching him. He eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Our ratings have been way too low recently, I really hope this works."

"We don't exactly have the most options. But I think this is a good starting point. If this fails I guess we'll have to settle for more... drastic measures."

"I thought people would never get bored of watching those freaks fight. Though I guess everything gets old if you give it some time."

The footsteps got louder and louder until he could finally see two cloaked figures. One of them held their lantern up to get a better look at him. They opened his cell and led him up a stone spiral staircase.

They walked together in silence for a few minutes, until they reached a room with a chair in the center. The cloaked figures sat him down and left without a word. Minutes passed, then Lep heard footsteps once more. A man wearing a lab coat and white gloves, carrying a softly glowing pink crystal entered the room and locked the door behind him. Lep stared at the crystal. He could faintly recognize the faces of people inside it, screaming at him to let them go.

The doctor tried to avoid eye contact. He strapped Lep to the chair and pulled out a piece of chalk and began to draw on the floor. He tried to struggle but he barely had any strength in him. As the doctor finished his chalk drawing, he stepped back and sighed heavily.

"I'm Sorry."

Soon, arcs of lightning spark from the engravings on floor and the room is filled with screams of pain.

Minutes felt like hours, but eventually it was over. Lep barely managed to get up, and when he did, the pain still hadn't gone away. The voices of several people, were now screaming in his head. He couldn't make out a single word anyone was saying, and no matter what he did they wouldn't go away. He tried to block his ears but they still wouldn't subside. His thoughts became jumbled and intangible as the screaming continued.

The noise in his head drove him mad, but before he could unleash his rage, the doctor quickly stabbed him with a tranquilizer, and he fell unconscious.

When he woke up, he could hear crowds of people cheering. He back was in the Athios arena. In his hand was the sword he had used 5 years ago. On his body were new clothes. On his neck was a glowing red crystal, and a tattoo reading "1". He saw a few people, which he assumed to be new competitors, staring at him, trying to get as far away from him as possible. Still tormented by the voices in his head, Lep didn't have the energy to question anything. All he wanted to do was kill.


Ever since it's inception, the goal of the Athios tournament above all else was to entertain. Before there was books, magazines and television, the greatest form of entertainment was to watch others fight to the death, no rules or restrictions.

But as time passed, people started to become bored. They turned to other forms of entertainment, entertainment that was simpler, more pleasant but ultimately, fake. The Athios tournament began to lose popularity.

But this was the year that it was going to change. With the advancements made in magic and technology, they could do what has never had been done before. Bind the souls of many people into one. A spectacle that would draw in viewers from across the world.

Was this ethical? No. But does that really matter if they're just using the souls of those who willingly died fighting in the Athios tournament? Should anyone who is willing to kill others for fame and fortune ever be given the respect they "deserve"? No. They shouldn't.

Many people hide their deep, unconscious desires. Martoph was not one of those people.

He was going to grab the attention of people across the world.

By any means necessary.

Thanks so much, love it!

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