Disaster 7 New Disasters Ideas


Jun 7, 2020
These Ideas are not completely fleshed out, but just in case some inspiration for some new disasters was needed I thought that I would share some of my ideas. Feel free to use all of them, none of them, or just parts. Also feedback and discourse from anyone would be welcomed.

Time Anomaly-
Much like the way rewind works in search and destroy every 45 seconds players would be teleported back to where they were 30 seconds prior. Ample warning should be given much like is given before a gravity shift so that players have a few seconds to prepare.
Reasoning- I think that this disaster would be a great support disaster that would challenge players to focus and think about how to put themselves in a situation that they could survive in 30 seconds in the future while also trying to survive in the present.

PvP would be enabled, however no weapons would be given to players, in addition punches should not deal damage, only knockback. Players should also be able to break, pick up, and destroy blocks like the map had just turned into a vanilla minecraft world.
Reasoning- Currently disasters is completely Player Vs. Environment, while I understand the reasoning behind this I think adding this could change things up a bit. Many groupings of disasters have the same way to be avoided. For example if I was on shipyard showdown and I got the disasters Horde, Tornado, and Glass I could just go to the top of the mast and afk for the entire round. I feel that a PvP disaster where players cannot directly damage other players but instead indirectly damage players by hitting them off things or into other disasters would force players to remain vigilant throughout the entire round because even though they may be 100% safe from other disasters they will never be 100% safe from other players.

Tron -
Inspired by the game Tron each player would be assigned a different color and as they moved they would leave a trail of stained glass panes of their color behind them. If a player were to run into a trail whether it be theirs or another person's they would be dealt damaged. If we were trying to be true to tron you would instantly die upon touching a trail, but if that seems too difficult players could be damaged about 3 hearts or so.
Reasoning - This disaster would encourage players to keep moving around the map constantly and also would provide a slight pvp effect, though not directly, as players could choose to box out their opponents from different areas of the map.

Teleportation -
Inspired by some old minecraft youtube videos, every set amount of time players would switch locations with one another. The players would also be given a warning this was about to occur.
Reasoning - I think this would be another great support disaster as players would be challenged to quickly adapt to a new scenario and on top of that if they desired players could also try to put themselves in precarious positions right before the teleportations occur in order to put the other players in the game in a position that they cant get out of.

Area Claim -
Players would be assigned a color and as they moved around the blocks under their feet would be changed to that color block. Players would try to claim as large an area as they can by walking over different blocks. Players would also be able to walk over the area of their opponents and claim their land. Just before a round ended players would be ranked according to how many blocks they covered with their wool color and be dealt damage relative to it. IE: Whoever covered the most blocks would take no damage, second place would take a slight amount of damage, third slightly more damage than second and so on. This disaster would have to be mutually exclusive of floor is lava for obvious reasons. I think the trail left under a player should be 3x3 so they can cover larger amounts of area. In addition at powerup spots snowballs would spawn which when throw leave a big splash of the player that threw its wool color wherever they land allow players to get blocks in difficult to reach locations without having to waste time that could be spent walking around gathering area.
Reasoning- I think this would be a fun and easy to understand little game to play within surviving other disasters that would encourage movement among players rather than camping in one spot.

Quadrants -
The map would be split into four 50x50 quadrants. Once in a quadrant players would not be able to leave that quadrant without the help of some kind of teleportation like from an enderpearl or disposable teleporter. In addition mobs that spawned in one area such as plague huskes, zombies, and killer bees, would also not be able to leave their quadrant. This disaster would be mutually exclusive of borders.
Reasoning - This would give players something to think about prior to the game beginning as they would have to decide which quadrant they would want to be in should this disaster get chosen. It would provide some level of difficulty as it would give players less real estate to work with, but also in some cases might help by trapping killer bees or zombies in an area away from some players.

Life Time -
Upon the death of each player in the game another 10 seconds should be added to the game clock allowing at maximum the game to progress for an additional 110 seconds. In addition the rule where at one player left the game clock resets to 30 seconds should be disabled.
Reasoning- I think the concept of a disaster messing with the actual parameters of the game is very interesting. This disaster would encourage players to help one another as much as possible because the death of one of their fellow players means 10 more seconds of the other two disasters that they have to endure.


May 13, 2021
a lot of these are just minigames on their own... i like teleportation and time shift, but i dont like the other ones


Jun 7, 2020
a lot of these are just minigames on their own... i like teleportation and time shift, but i dont like the other ones
Very well, personally I enjoy the difficulty of juggling multiple things at once when it comes to not only surviving disasters that can directly kill you but also other games like floor is lava and his gaze, other people like you may not, but that’s the beauty with disasters, each round throws a new combination that spices things up


Active member
Jun 24, 2020
There's a ton of posts about new Disaster suggestions so for ease of anyone interested in seeing all the ideas, I put them in the spoiler below. I've seen some duplicate ideas, so this might help:

As for your suggestions, the only one I really like is extended game time because I don't really like the idea of adding PvP aspects to Disasters, even in the more subtle ways your ideas suggest. I don't like Time Anomaly either because I think the last thing we need is another Disaster that limits movement. Even though it makes sense to make it incompatible with borders, etc, it still means we have a higher percentage of mobility-limiting disasters in the RNG pool, and I wouldn't want them to come up too frequently.

I would personally prefer to see Disasters take a more cooperative approach, which I outlined in one of the posts above in the spoiler. But basically, powerups can be dropped on the ground or used on other players in an effort to keep the maximum amount of people alive as possible. As an incentive, your credit reward is based on how many people survive. I'm not sure how to make this system still incentivising while not enabling easy credit farming when there's only 2 players on and also still not too cheesable. But I always thought a cooperative dynamic would be an interesting addition to Disasters.


Jun 7, 2020
There's a ton of posts about new Disaster suggestions so for ease of anyone interested in seeing all the ideas, I put them in the spoiler below. I've seen some duplicate ideas, so this might help:

As for your suggestions, the only one I really like is extended game time because I don't really like the idea of adding PvP aspects to Disasters, even in the more subtle ways your ideas suggest. I don't like Time Anomaly either because I think the last thing we need is another Disaster that limits movement. Even though it makes sense to make it incompatible with borders, etc, it still means we have a higher percentage of mobility-limiting disasters in the RNG pool, and I wouldn't want them to come up too frequently.

I would personally prefer to see Disasters take a more cooperative approach, which I outlined in one of the posts above in the spoiler. But basically, powerups can be dropped on the ground or used on other players in an effort to keep the maximum amount of people alive as possible. As an incentive, your credit reward is based on how many people survive. I'm not sure how to make this system still incentivising while not enabling easy credit farming when there's only 2 players on and also still not too cheesable. But I always thought a cooperative dynamic would be an interesting addition to Disasters.
I understand what your saying as right now having disasters be a completely player versus environment mini game is unique, but as I briefly explained under one of my suggestions above the problem I find with the way many of the current disasters are set up is that many of them can be survived in the same way, typically either going to a very high location or going underground, and then at that point you are often completely safe for the rest of the round. I believe that introducing some player versus player aspect but not direct fighting would engage people more throughout an entire game as opposed to running to a spot in the first 30 seconds and then sitting there for 2 minutes.


Well-known member
May 25, 2020
I find with the way many of the current disasters are set up is that many of them can be survived in the same way, typically either going to a very high location or going underground, and then at that point you are often completely safe for the rest of the round. I believe that introducing some player versus player aspect but not direct fighting would engage people more throughout an entire game as opposed to running to a spot in the first 30 seconds and then sitting there for 2 minutes.
yea this pretty much sums up why disasters isn't good for retaining players

like the disasters offer different challenges but they all always boil down to the same thing pretty much. I definitely agree that adding PvP disasters would help make the game a lot more fun and interactive. Despite the PvE nature of the gamemode, disasters is missing a lot of that player interaction, despite the fact that it feels like its set up so you should be working together with others to survive.

Also, while anyone will eventually learn how to deal with all of the disasters pretty quickly, PvP disasters introduce an aspect to the game that would help keep it fresh, even for veteran players.


May 25, 2020
I understand what your saying as right now having disasters be a completely player versus environment mini game is unique, but as I briefly explained under one of my suggestions above the problem I find with the way many of the current disasters are set up is that many of them can be survived in the same way, typically either going to a very high location or going underground, and then at that point you are often completely safe for the rest of the round. I believe that introducing some player versus player aspect but not direct fighting would engage people more throughout an entire game as opposed to running to a spot in the first 30 seconds and then sitting there for 2 minutes.
Camping is something we remembered happening a lot in the original RWF Disasters and it isn't something we really want, as it's ... boring. The current system attempts to discourage camping by choosing a disaster that makes you move every round, such as Killer Bees, Giant Slime, or Cubes of Death. It's not perfect, but it does help with making so certain spots aren't perfect or safe the whole round, along with the other 2 disasters to spice it up.

As for PvP disasters, I'm not sure how they'd play out. Chicken Chase was a sort of experiment into that, and while it did have some flaws (chickens dying on spawn or falling into the void) it didn't seem to be well-received to me. But it may have been the flaws causing that. More PvP (indirect, preferably) type Disasters could be interesting in the future, if done right. I'm not sure if they'd completely solve sitting in one place the whole round, but it could potentially help.

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