Search results

  1. tababysuper

    Kit Kit: Engineer

    Name: Engineer Icon: Shears Description- A support kit with the ability to disable enemy technology and even use it against them Cost: 300 Credits Armor: Gold Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Chain Pants, Iron Boots Items: Iron Sword, Fuse (Bomb Arming V), Shears (Wire Cutters) Ability- Rewiring...
  2. tababysuper

    Kit Kit: Turtle

    This is definitely an interesting idea, but I’m not sure if it’s exactly what I envisioned for this kit in particular. The main way that this kit differs from jugg is in its mobility. Yes, in its turtled state it would be incapable of moving, but it is totally up to the discretion of the user...
  3. tababysuper


  4. tababysuper

    Kit Kit: Turtle

    Forgot to mention turtle should take fall damage, regardless of whether it is crouched or not.
  5. tababysuper

    Kit Kit: Turtle

    Name: Turtle Description: A melee kit with slightly weaker armor with the ability to tank incoming damage at the cost of its mobility and ability to attack. Be wary as it is weak to the piercing arrows of arbalists. Cost: 250 Credits Armor: Turtle Shell Helmet, Green Leather Tunic, Iron...
  6. tababysuper

    Rejected Monolith (4 teams)

    I encourage you to download the map and run around a bit. I think you would be surprised at how much protection there actually is from being hit into the void in certain spots. Part of the idea of the map is to balance more protected pathways, which will also be more densely traveled With side...
  7. tababysuper

    Rejected Monolith (4 teams)

    Update: Padraic’s name has been changed to Laddoss, so should the map eventually be accepted, please make sure he gets credit
  8. tababysuper

    EU4 Nation vs Nation - Athios Players as Countries

    Hello Neighbor, your land will soon be mine
  9. tababysuper

    EU4 Nation vs Nation - Athios Players as Countries

    I don’t think I made the cut 😔
  10. tababysuper

    Rejected Monolith (4 teams)

    Name: Monolith Description: Four teams fight for control of a stronghold in the sky. Authors: tababysuper, with help from Padraic and Yetizuli Gameplay Base Revisions: -All pathways which were originally 3 blocks wide were broadened to 5 blocks wide. This should prevent teams from camping a...
  11. tababysuper

    Rejected Monolith (4 teams)

    Thank you for the advice, I will look into make some changes and resubmitting.
  12. tababysuper

    Rejected Monolith (4 teams)

    Map Name: Monolith Description: Four teams fight for control of a stronghold in the sky Mapmaker: tababysuper with help from Padraic and Yetizuli Link to Download: I would be extremely grateful if the map at...
  13. tababysuper

    Hello panda man

    Hello panda man