Spring Update

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all credit to original artist

Welcome to the Spring update! It’s been a while since the last update, so this one is full of new and exciting content. And it’s not just limited to SnD this time! If you haven’t caught on from the banner or the big, bold letters just a little below, there’s something entirely new that’s just been added.

This update will be live on Friday, March 12.

Now then, let's get into the details!

%fishing reels in!

In the latest fresh update to the Athios hub (Kingsten-brand, only the best), walk over to any suitable body of water to obtain your fishing rod. Cast your hook and wait! Catch fish! Treasure! Trash… Just like normal fishing!

Of course, it’s not limited to your standard cod, string, and books of mending. Catch over 30 different types of fish! Reel in rare treasures! Fish up… string… Everything you fish up will be collected and tracked in your Tackle Box, accessible whenever you’re able to fish!

As you fish away, you’ll earn xp, based on the fish species, size, and rarity! (You also gain lots of xp for treasure! And some xp for trash, I guess. At least it’s not in the water anymore.)

And with xp, what do you do other than level up??? Wow! Level up to earn credits, points, eternal glory, and new fishing rods! Guaranteed! Other than the third one. Haha, just kidding. Eternal glory will be yours as well, thanks to our leaderboards!

Experience is tracked for every player, and players with the most experience will be shown on the new leaderboards in the hub! There exists both All-Time experience and Monthly experience leaderboards.

Try it out today on your favorite server mc.hyp play.athiosmc.com !

As a bonus note... VIPs do get an extra little something. Whenever you catch a very rare or very large fish, it'll be announced in chat!


Inspired by @Setery 's hub fishing suggestion.


Half of the past new kits have been seasonal, expiring a month after their introduction. Now, we’ve got a fresh one, with preservatives added. Well, not just one. Five.

New kits!

- A mobile fighter kit with the ability to lunge forward on a short cooldown, allowing it to easily enter or exit a battle. - 200 credits

Trickster - A stealth fighter kit that excels in fooling enemies. Its sword can send out a decoy, identical to the user, while simultaneously turning the user invisible. The decoy will move forward until it disappears or is destroyed. - 300 credits

Sorcerer - A ranged kit with the ability to cast powerful spells for mana, but has weak armor. Has access to a controllable mana bolt, a storm of slowing hail, healing, and a near immobilizing barrier. - 350 credits

Operator - A support kit that can heal allies at range. Has access to healing drones, which can be granted to allies, slowly healing their target. Drones are powered by an enemy’s life energy, healing more when the user deals damage. - 350 credits
Based on @Onett ’s kit idea Spirit!

Centurion - A supportive tank kit equipped with a shield to protect the user and their allies. The shield does not have much durability, but it slowly repairs over time. Though its shield is strong, its armor is not. - 300 credits
Stolen from @Elacain ’s kit idea Centurion!


Kit Balancing

Most kit prices have been re-adjusted! These new numbers are based on multiple factors, rather than being… well… a random number. Not listing them all here, check out the prices in-game!
Here’s some miscellaneous changes, with the thoughts behind them:

General - Out of combat regen added: After 10 seconds of being out of combat, players will be granted enhanced regeneration. (0.5 hearts a second). Critical hits added.

Sitting around waiting to heal is a part of life for every kit, unless you have a handy Medic nearby. And that’s sort of lame. With the current regen times, it can take over a minute to get back to full health. That’s a lot of time spent doing nothing. This change should allow players to get back in the game faster.

As for critical hits… They’ve been missing ever since RWF 2, where they were lost on implementing a non 1.9 PvP setup. Now, well, they’re back!

Arbalist - Quick Charge level decreased to 1.

With its decent damage, debuff, and rapid rate of fire, Arbalist felt like a straight upgrade from Shortbow. This should decrease the gap, making it slightly more Support-focused.

Barricader - Note block regen rate increased to 40.

It could be very difficult to storm a properly barricaded base, especially with blocks regenerating nearly as fast as they were broken… This aims to allow for more of an opening.

Berserker - Damage per kill increased to 0.5 hearts, up from 0.35. (Same max dmg increase: 3.5 hearts)

Berserker has been a high risk/reward kit, but the reward has felt a little lacking.

Burst - New mechanic: Overheat. Firing arrows quickly charges xp bar. If firing an arrow causes it to hit 100%, take increased damage. The xp bar slowly and constantly goes down over time.

The ability to spam arrows can make Burst very powerful. This mechanic should make it vaguely possible, but at a much heavier cost. The exact numbers may be further adjusted.

Explosive - RPGs must be held in the main hand for 2 seconds before firing. Swapping items cancels. RPGs cannot be held in the off-hand.

Explosive’s RPG is a high-damage splash damage with little to no warning on use, its only penalties being self-damage and a cooldown. This gives it more of a warning.

Dwarf - Increased how fast enchantments scale. (Sharp - Every 3 lvls, Prot - Every 4 lvls, Blast prot - Every 6 lvls)

Dwarf’s last stand.

Juggernaut - Hearts decreased to 10, increased damage resist.

Juggernaut’s traditional counters of fire and poison are less effective due to its increased health. This aims to make them more effective counters.

Trigger - Increases how fast xp decreases by 50%.

Trigger waddles across the map and has large periods of downtime. This should decrease those periods of standing still and waiting to become more stable.

Trooper - Apple absorption removed (same as Medic), now has 5 golden apples, up from 3.

In Eye of Ender, Trooper originally had 5 apples, no absorption, and a stone pickaxe. Some time later, Mojang buffed golden apples to grant 2 hearts of absorption, forever changing the standard kit of SnD. Its apple count was later reduced to 3 to compensate, but… Trooper has some of the strongest gear in this game, with full iron and a sharpness sword. Add in the 2 extra hearts and it’s nearly guaranteed to win any 1v1. This change sets Trooper back to its kit purpose as the ability to keep trooping on.

Pyro - Boots given Protection 2.

Armor too low.

Venom - Chestplate given Protection I.

Armor too low.

Wraith - Given a Golden Axe.

Gives Wraith a new way to deal damage and secure kills.



Some new maps have made it into the testing phase!

Complex 8, by @Mythless, @Elitemaster5 , and @Dave_X

Shove Castle by @Espios

Venice (2 team version) also by @Espios


As always, if you have any thoughts on these maps, or the kits, or whatever, go ahead and leave them as a reply to the thread.
Or… The new #athios-feedback channel, on our discord!

Once again, the update will be live on March 12, Friday. That's a week from now!

Winter Update

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Fancy teaser art by @shadowstarcat

Happy holidays and Merry Christmas!
Happy winter, too!

Onto the good stuff. We (and by we, I mean Martoph, the sole dev) have spent the past holidays working hard on updating Search and Destroy’s code. The rest of us… Yeah we out here too. Maps. Art. Testing. Planning. You know how it is. Enjoy your winter break!


Say hello to your old friend, kit Chanter, back for this update! And only this update! Similar to Death God, Chanter is a very limited-edition kit, only available for one month after its introduction (now). As time passes and the number of days to access this kit go down, so will its price! Buy it now or use a free kit trial!

For anyone who remembers the old Chanter… This is mostly the same, with a notable change of gifted enchants being temporary. This ensures that users of the kit will be relevant for more than the first 20 seconds of the game! Additionally, enchanted players cannot be re-enchanted for a short time after their enchantment runs out, making sure the enchants rotate around the team.


A supportive kit that can enchant the items of its allies, temporarily boosting them. When an enchant wears off, another cannot be applied to the same user for the same duration. This kit is also equipped with the ability to curse and bless its foes and allies respectively!

Barricader - Block regeneration cooldown increased to 20s.

Berserker - Rage particles color are now based on team.

Burst - Explosion damage nerfed when no entity was hit. Explosions are now more consistent (we promise this time).

Dwarf - Gains and loses levels twice as fast. Lower maximum level.

Frost - Now activates its ability by right-clicking its sword.

Juggernaut - Now has Knockback 1.

Porcupine - Removed Thorns. Extra Projectile Protection. (Temporary) Price lowered to 100 credits

Skinner - Stolen skins are now applied manually. Can take enemy teleporters while disguised appropriately.

Spy - Can take enemy teleporters.

Teleporter - Teleporter blocks now have a short cooldown.

Vampire - Hearts from souls reduced to 3. Souls made more visible and are shared by vampires. (If one Vampire picks up a soul, others can also pick it up.)

Warper - Warped players granted Resistance 2 and Weakness 1 for 2 seconds.

Wraith - Arrows now stick onto invisible kits while also piercing

Holiday Update

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Holiday Update

Welcome to the coziest time of the year. It’s also a fairly cold time of the year… Luckily for us, our mascot’s made of pure fire. That’ll keep us warm as we shove him into our fireplace.
By now, I'd hope finals are done and the winter break has started for all. Well done on surviving. Keep it up!


Once again, we got new ones, themed for the season. Get them at your local Fenix Shop! Remember: the fashion stat is the most important of them all. No one's going to take your k/d seriously unless you have an Athios brand cosmetic on.
Keep in mind that some of these cosmetics can only be obtained for roughly over a month. These cosmetics have been marked on the list here. All listed cosmetics also have a higher chance of appearing for the season!

Additionally... The shop inventory will be expanding! However, the extra items will not appear in its inventory until a day after the update.

  • Presents (Exclusive!)
  • Snowballs
  • Snow Trail
  • Cookies! (Exclusive!)
  • Snowman (Exclusive!)
  • Arctic Fox
  • Antlers
  • Candycane (Exclusive!)
  • Festive crown (Exclusive!)
  • Coal Trail
Death Messages
  • Lump of coal (Exclusive!)
  • Not on the nice list (Exclusive!)
  • Sent to next year
  • Run over by a sleigh (Exclusive!)
  • Icicle wound
  • Trapped in 2020
  • Fed to reindeer (Exclusive!)
  • Fell down a chimney

As a reminder, you can receive points in the following ways:
  • Achievements and Scrolling Achievements (The ones you can repeat)
  • Voting! (25 points per vote)
  • Winning and losing games (VIP-exclusive)

New staff

You may or may not have seen it on Discord… But @Cobra_Command and @Woaxa have joined the team as moderators. They’ll be helping us behind the scenes, both making future updates easier as a team effort, and helping on the moderation side.



Tashic Ruins, by Mythless


Boreal Crest, by Mythless (Pending)
Mines of Moria, by Dave_X and savthenugget


New Balance - Updated, more interesting layouts
Frostbite - Considerably shorter, aesthetic improvements.

Please do share your feedback on the updated and maps in testing. It’s important so the authors know what they can improve on, what they did great on, or if the map as a whole won’t fit on Athios.


The snow has transformed a number of our maps, leaving them colder, yet more cheerful, than usual.

A Cold Take
Cozy Mansions
Festive Ships
Frosted Britches
Frozen Mantle
Zero-Degree Zenith


We’ve seen some discontent with the map Hexed Hives.What are your thoughts? Leave them here, that its fate may be decided. Have any other maps you are just not a fan of? This is the place to say so!

Part 2

You may have noticed… Kits have not been updated. Worry not, this is all according to plan. There will be a part 2 to this update, in the very, very near future, focusing more on that!
Be prepared to open up an enchanting gift on December 26th. See you then!

Halloween Update

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Fall Update

October 10-Nov 10

Image by @shadowstarcat, also known as annisdying

It’s that spooky time of the year, so of course it’s time to Spook & Destroy!
Be prepared for a fang-tastic time!

From October 10 to November 10, get your hands on loads of brand new cosmetics, some of which are event-exclusive, and dress up for this monstrous month. Put on an array of new monster disguises, bathe in a shower of mystery potions, or take a stroll through a personal pumpkin patch!
There’s also a fresh batch of haunting death messages being applied in game, so there’s an endless supply of treats to spend your points on while also fearing for your life!

Search and Destroy
You asked for it and we heard you! More specifically, you asked so much that the questions started coming into our dreams like commandments from an angry god.
So after much anticipation…

Event Kit: Death God
This invisible bringer of death perpetually hunts a marked target. Death gods drain their targets of life by right-clicking their death scythe near them, but targets who stay vigilant can run out of range or fight them off in order to avoid the reaping. Steal some souls with this kit for up to 1000 credits or use a kit trial from voting to give it a try. This kit is event exclusive, and is slated to expire on November 10. As time passes, the price will decrease!

Kit Updates

- Blast Protection and Projectile Protection removed from the chestplate and legs.

Vampire - Spawns with 10 hearts. Souls give 5 hearts.

Shortbow - Reduced to Power I. (75% bonus damage to 50%)
[Please note that this is an experimental balancing to see how it does. It will be rebalanced if this proves to crush the kit.]


It’s been a long time coming, but we’re happy to announce that several maps have left the testing phase.

Aztec, Boom Town, and Uncle T’s Family Factory have been rejected, while Coconut Mall, Hexed Hives, New Balance, and Venice have been accepted.

A new map has entered the testing phase:
Tashic Ruins, by @Mythless.

We also have three map remixes for the season, done by the incredible King.

Valley of Despair
China’s Hell
Flying Ships Aftermath

Expect to see some more horrifying sights later this month.

Special Event

Athios Halloween Party!
Athios will be having its very own Halloween party on the server on October 31st with a variety of fun and frightening twists to the Search and Destroy gamemode. Expect to see some sights from the past! Be prepared to fight for your lives and have frights of your lives during this monster mash!
Costumes are highly encouraged, just remember to keep everything appropriate.

As a final note, check out this thread to enter in a contest! Win a prize! The prize is VIP! Wow!

Athios will be updating to 1.16.2 August 22nd

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1.16.2 came...
and so has optifine!

This means I need to update to 1.16.2...
which means dropping 1.16 and 1.16.1 support. I'm sure many of you will be devastated.

Along with 1.16.2, there are a couple of bug fixes and patches that have become long overdue. Here's the full changelog:

- Updated to 1.16.2
- Paladin will only apply effects if you currently do not have them (ninja is no longer allergic to the speed beacon, regeneration will feel better).
- Medic won't send obsolete messages anymore
- Pyro's (and others') achievements have been formatted correctly.
- Frost will now correctly freeze the offhand of trigger and warper
- Spectators can no longer bother boats
- Venom's anti-heal properties no longer linger longer than they're supposed to.
- Absorption and regeneration will now be removed at end game poison
- Arbalist arrows will now come back if the arrow fell into the void or if it has not reached a target in 10 seconds (caused by shooting it into the border)
- Maps that are supposed to assign teams to random sides now do that correctly.
- You can no longer interact with most inventory blocks
- Landmines can now be broken and returned after a 40 second cooldown
- Paladin now has blast protection, projectile protection, and protection 1 on all armor
- Paladin beacon cooldown has been reduced from 20 seconds to 16 seconds
- Paladin achievements now register correctly

A note on discord
Many have noticed we have decided to restrict any streaming. This was an oversight from when I first created the discord and should've never been allowed. It is simply too much for staff to moderate, as the content being streamed is our responsibility to monitor, can change at any time, and in general opens a lot of tricky questions of how to manage it if it were to be an option. There is virtually no chance of streaming being allowed in the future.
Secondly, I wanted to stress that the #athios-content is strictly Athios related. If you have funny screenshots, art, videos, or streams that feature Athios you may post them in that channel. #community-content is not Athios related, but should not contain any Minecraft server related content.

The rules page has been updated.
Disturbing the peace Players who are found to be disturbing the peace, whether it is by being excessively rowdy or making other players uncomfortable, may be asked to tone it down. Not doing so may result in a mute! Keep in mind that this is not limited to just these two examples!

Toxic Behavior Athios does not approve of toxic behavior. Any overly negative attitudes, excessive complaining or arguing, or any other behavior that negatively impacts the server or community will not be welcome and will be met with a mute or removal from the server.

Thanks for playing on Athios. As always, more is planned for the future!

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